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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Five Ukrainian servicemen killed over past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, February 7 /Ukrinform/. Five Ukrainian servicemen were killed in the ATO area over past 24 hours.

This has been announced by spokesman for the antiterrorist operation Volodymyr Poliovyi at a press briefing on Saturday.

"Five Ukrainian servicemen were killed, other 26 were injured over past 24 hours," he said.

The map reflecting the situation in Donbas as of 12.00 on February 7

Oksana Kovalenko, a refugee from Horlivka, comes home to a dormitory for displaced people in Artemivsk of Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 4.
© Anastasia Vlasova

A view to a room for a short-time stay for displaced people in a dormitory in Artemivsk of Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 4.
© Anastasia Vlasova

The dwellers of the dormitory for displaced people cook lunch at a common kitchen in Artemivsk of Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 4.
© Anastasia Vlasova

Pancakes lie on the table of a common kitchen in Artemivsk of Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 4.
© Anastasia Vlasova

Ilya, a refugee from Horlivka, runs into his room in a dormitory in Artemivsk of Donetsk Oblast on Feb. 4. Ilya has a light form of a cerebral palsy. His mother left for Russia, so he is staying with his mother's friend Svitlana Kovalenko.
© Anastasia Vlasova

A Ukrainian soldier is seen atop of a Ukrainian armored vehicle while resupplying their battalion at the gate of the town of Debaltseve, in the Donetsk Oblast, on Feb. 3, 2015.

Tanks of pro-Russian separatists ride towards the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on January 22, 2015. At least 41 people were killed in Ukraine's east on January 22, one of the deadliest days in the separatist war, with a bloody bus shelling in Donetsk

Media: Another unexplained explosion hits Odesa : UNIAN news

Another explosion hit Odesa early on Friday morning, the latest in a series of unexplained blasts in the southern Ukrainian port city in recent months.

Photo from timer.od.ua
The incident occurred at about 0335 on the city’s Marshal Zhukov Avenue, local newspaper Timer reported.

The explosion blasted a hole in the wall of a building and shattered windows in three ground floor apartments. Several cars that were parked near the explosion site were also damaged.


Photo from timer.od.ua
Based on the nature of the damage, the explosive device was placed under the gas pipe that runs along the wall of the building, according to reports.

No casualties were reported according to the preliminary information, Timer reported. It said police are investigating the incident.
UNDER FIRE: fire fight between Ukraine and LNR forces In Sahzharovka, 6KM from Debaltseve
11 Ukrainian heroes. R.I.P. - Міністерство оборони України

Friday, February 6. DNIPROPETROVSK — The funeral ceremony was held for 11 soldiers deceased for liberty, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine near the Opera and Ballet Theater.

One soldier was identified due to DNA test: Viktor Tsybenko, 47 years old; he was killed in last August near Illovaysk. Unfortunately, ten soldiers are unknown for the moment.

Totally, in Dnipropetrovsk, 136 unknown persons were buried. 20 persons were lately identified due to DNA test.

Rest in Piece.





A new blast in a series of bomb attacks rocks Odesa s downtown| Ukrinform

KYIV, February 6 /Ukrinform/. A powerful blast rocked Odesa, the largest southern Ukrainian port city, approximately 3:35 in the morning. It occurred in Marshal Zhukov Avenue near a bank branch.

The website of Odesa city reported the news.

According to spokesman of Odesa regional police Volodymyr Shabliyenko, preliminary data indicate that an explosive device was detonated which was left on a window sill in the equivalent of 200 gram of TNT.

No victims were reported. Two windows at the bank were shattered. The blast also shattered the windows of apartments in residential buildings and a parked car located within a radius of 20 meters.

Police, rescuers and medical personnel are working on the scene.

At least four explosion series occurred in Odesa in recent months. The perpetrators often attack offices of voluntary associations that support Ukrainian military in the Donbas conflict zone.

One Ukrainian servicemen killed, 25 injured in Donbas in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, February 6 /Ukrinform/. One Ukrainian serviceman has been killed and 25 have been injured in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas in the past 24 hours.

Acting Spokesperson for the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Vladyslav Selezniov said this at a briefing in Kyiv on Friday, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"During the shelling and clashes Ukraine has lost one soldier, another 25 were injured," he said.

Selezniov added that all wounded soldiers were transported to medical facilities.

Currently, 456 Ukrainian military, including 12 seriously wounded are in hospitals and medical facilities, he said.
Novorussian mobilization plans

Everybody has heard that Zakharchenko announced that he would mobilize 100'000 men on a volunteer basis (at least initially). Some believe that the idea here is purely to "match" the junta's plans. I don't think so. Let me explain why.
One of the biggest problems for the Novorussians has always been the inability to protect their flanks and put enough men in each town or location they hold. They have been very careful with this and this is why their forces did not end up trapped in "cauldrons" though the risk was real in Gorlovka and near Mariupol. The Novorussians plan to create three additional motor-rifle brigades which will allow them to not only enter, but hold much larger chunks of territory. These forces will not be ready anytime soon, but by late spring early summer the Novorussians might have enough forces to *safely* blockade Mariupol and secure the rest of the line of contact. These need not be highly trained crack assault forces, just normally trained motor-rifle battalions with additional fire support. And, remember, to hold a line you do not need a solider in a foxhole every couple of feet. You just need to hold a few key positions, have artillery support ready and a defensive reserve group.
So my belief is that what Zakharchenko was saying to the junta is this: "if you continue like this, we will soon be coming for you".
Obama asked Germany to go for battle and arming the Keiv fighters. But Germany said straight no! LOL! How weak has US become?
Militia just claimed Chernukhino under their control.

Russia's 13th Humanitarian Convoy Delivers Aid to Donetsk, Luhansk.
MOSCOW, (Sputnik) – Russia's humanitarian aid convoy arrived in Ukraine's southeastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, Emergencies Ministry said Sunday.
"A total of 100 trucks delivered more than 1,100 tons of humanitarian aid to Donetsk," Oleg Voronov, deputy chief of the crisis management center with the Russian Emergencies Ministry, said.
Earlier in the day, Voronov said that 70 trucks delivered 700 tons of food products, construction materials, and other supplies required for the population's sustenance to Luhansk.
After being unloaded, the trucks will head back to Russia's southern region of Rostov.
The 14th convoy to Donbas will be sent on February 15, according to the ministry.
Ukrainian southeastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk have been facing a severe humanitarian crisis since Kiev started a military operation against local independence supporters in April 2014.
Since August 2014, Russia has sent 12 convoys with over 16,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the region.
Russia's 13th Humanitarian Convoy Delivers Aid to Donetsk, Luhansk / Sputnik International
A pro-Russian rebel picks up a Ukrainian flag on February 7, 2015 in the eastern Ukrainian town of Vuglegirsk in the Donetsk region. Kiev on on February 7 accused pro-Russian Ukrainian separatists of massing forces for fresh offensives, with seven civilians and five soldiers killed in the latest fighting in the east. AFP PHOTO/ ANDREY BORODULIN

A man looks at his house after shelling destroyed several homes in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk on February 3, 2015.

Military spokesperson: shelling in Donbas continues on Feb. 8
Over the past 24 hours 37 eastern towns and villages were shelled 111 times by Russian troops, spokesman of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas, Andriy Lysenko, said on Feb. 8. In addition, Russian military launched two aerial surveillance drones from the territory of annexed Crimea peninsula, that illegally flew 600 meters into Kherson Oblast.

Meanwhile, the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France aim to meet in Minsk on Feb.11 to continue work on resolving the crisis in Ukraine after holding a conference call on Feb. 8, a German government spokesman said in a statement, according to Reuters report.

According to Lysenko, two informants who supplied pro-Russian rebels with military information, were arrested. They provided army of so-called Donetsk People's Republic with details of defence equipment movement and helped to engage targets as spotters. The arrested individuals jointly with Russian-backed militants were behind the shelling of thermal power plant in Shchastya, Luhansk Oblast.


Ukraine rebel Yevgeny fights on in Donetsk airport ruins | Zee News
Last Updated: Sunday, February 8, 2015 - 17:06

Donetsk: As soon as Yevgeny left hospital after being wounded in the battle for Ukrainian rebel stronghold Donetsk airport, he made his way back to the terminal`s apocalyptic surroundings and returned to fighting.

"I was wounded last month, during an assault to take the airport from Ukrainian forces," said pro-Russian separatist Yevgeny, 45, who has been fighting here for eight months.

"It was shrapnel from a tank shell. I came back here five days ago," said Yevgeny, a farmer before the war.

"I had four hectares of land, just next to the airport, in Spartak village," he said.

His village can be seen in the distance from a heavy machine gun position within the destroyed terminal.

Ukrainian forces are around a kilometre (just over half a mile) from the airport, separated by a no-man`s land littered with destroyed tanks and planes.

Donetsk airport is a ruin, gutted buildings, burnt vehicles and aircraft, twisted metal and concrete that bear no resemblance to the pristine modern buildings that were here nine months ago.The airport was the scene of constant fighting since the end of May and rebels finally took control of the site on January 23, but the shelling continues.

"We pushed the Ukrainians back just one kilometre," said Roman, 44, who commands a rebel unit at the airport.

"That doesn`t change anything for their artillery. They`re still in neighbouring villages. There`s no lull, the fighting continues as before."

Constant artillery and tank fire could be heard around the airport on Saturday.

Next to Yevgeny, two Orthodox Christian icons and a small prayer book are fastened to the wall, near a disassembled Kalashnikov ready to be cleaned and oiled.

"The Ukrainians sometimes try to send groups of 40-50 men towards our positions, under cover of tank fire," said a local commander who gave his name as "Grom" (Russian for thunder), explaining his unit`s sporadic outgoing machine gun fire.

Smoke rises in the distance from where Ukrainian shells hit Spartak village.

"They`re trying to hit our forces who are gathering intelligence over there," said Grom, 34, a former bodyguard who is now part of the Vostok battalion.

Around a kilometre from the airport, two separatist tanks fire a few rounds from behind a building before rapidly changing position.

In this neighbourhood of one- and two-storey buildings, the nine-storey building is the only place to get a good view of the area.

The top floor is leaning badly, apparently about to collapse on the battle-scarred building.

All around lie branches torn from trees by shrapnel, rubble, torn power lines, empty ammunition cases and destroyed houses.

Nearby, a red-brick building with a cross on the front bears the sign "Good news": an empty Protestant church that has also not escaped the conflict.


OSCE SMM sees military camp with tanks on militants-controlled territory

The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) has registered a military camp with tanks and tents on the part of Donetsk region, which is under control of the militants now.

"On the eastern outskirts of Donetsk city ('DPR'-controlled), the SMM saw one unmarked military tank (T-72) heading west towards Donetsk city. In 'DPR'-controlled territory the SMM saw a military camp with 14 tanks (T-72) and 7 BMP 1 infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) all unmarked, as well as seven medium-sized unmarked tents," reads a report from the mission posted on its website.

The SMM also observed two unmarked military tanks (T-72) at a checkpoint to the west of Petrivske (70km east-south-east of Donetsk). This territory also controlled by the 'DPR' fighters.

OSCE Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk
A member of a rebel unit of the self-proclaimed separatist Donetsk People's Republic walks past a house destroyed by shelling in the village of Olenivka, south of Donetsk, February 7, 2015.

Credit: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov

Burnt military machinery in Uglegorsk. Background: a DPR bus column heading to Debaltsevo for evacuation of local residents from the combat zone. (RIA Novosti)

A militiaman of the People's Republic of Lugansk inspects a burnt-out Ukrainian tank in Novosvetlovka. (RIA Novosti / Valeriy Melnikov)
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