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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

The world is full of amazing "coincidences"! In the summer, a week before the shooting down of Boeing, the militia was preparing for a full-scale offensive operations - have been accumulated forces, composed tactical plans, procured ammunition. However, the "mysterious" drop of Boeing canceled the offensive.
Now, after the "mysterious" fire and the deaths of civilians in Mariupol, liberation of the city again delayed.
Truly, the world is wonderful and full of "unexplained" events.

I think by stopping the offensive in Mariupol, the militia is encouraging more Ukie massacres like that one.

I guess Babaj (Aleksander Możajew), well known Cossack near Debalcevo.

Sad to hear that youngsters as 16 years old join the armed forces to defend the territorial integrity.

What do Ukrainian politicians think By Sacrificing the future of the nation?

Some of them ready to go...

Somthing else about new ukr mobilization: from Tarnopil district (West Ukrainie) about 50% didn't show up after the call for mobilization and about 40% gone abroad - ukr sources...
Troops of North Operations Command repel rebels’ assault near Crymske - Міністерство оборони України
Wednesday, January 28. DONBAS — According to the press center of the North Operations Command, in the last 24 hours, the Ukrainian servicemen destroyed in the ATO region: 1 tank, 1 SAU and 1 SAO 2S9 (terrorists’ materiel).

The rebels made the attempt to assault a position of troops of the North Operations Command near Crymske. The servicemen repelled the attack.

After the fight the rebels demanded ceasefire to evacuate bodies and wounded personnel.

In the last 24 hours, there have been completed 41 attacks against ATO positions in the appropriate sector. The tensest situation is near Stanytsa Luganska, Schastya, Nyjne, Crymske, Triohizbenka, Makarov, Vilkhova. The illegal armed formations have used Grad for three times, and completed shelling and mortar attacks for 33 times, as well as small arms attacks.

Cadets of Hetman Petro Sahaydachnyi Land Forces Academy take combat training

Wednesday, January 28. LVIV — Cadets of Hetman Petro Sahaydachnyi Land Forces Academy completed field firing: armament of T-64BV tank and 2S3 ‘Akatsya’ systems.

They hit the targets imitating the enemy’s materiel. Having completed each task they imitated concealed march-back by using Toucha smoke grenade launcher.

Much attention was paid to operational cooperation of crews. The cadets played the role of commanding officers.





600 Ukrainians captured by terrorists, talks are tense - ATO spokesman| Ukrinform
KYIV, January 28 /Ukrinform/. About six hundred people remain in captivity of terrorists, and the talks on their release are tense, ATO spokesman Andriy Lysenko said at the briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"The authorities have not abandoned attempts to release our soldiers and civilians, captured by the gunmen. The appropriate measures are taken every day," Lysenko said.

He noted that the talks on release of prisoners are tense. "We want to free all of them, but not everything depends on us," the spokesman said.
Russian-backed militants kill one nurse after firing on Svitlodarsk hospital - watch on - uatoday.tv

Hospital was treating Ukrainian soldiers wounded on the front lines

Russian-backed militants opened fire on a hospital in the Donetsk region on Tuesday, killing one nurse and forcing staff to evacuate all patients to a nearby city.

Security officials in Svitlodarsk, where the attack occurred, say a few shells hit the surgical wing of the hospital, severely damaging parts of the building.

Many Ukrainian soldiers that have been wounded on the frontlines were being treated at the facility when the militants began firing on it. Svitlodarsk is located 20 kilometers away from Debaltseve, a city that, over the past four days, has taken heavy fire from Russian-backed militants.


NAF hottie soldier


Azov battalion fighter killed, 6 injured in Donetsk region - official

One Azov battalion fighter was killed and six were injured near the village of Hranitne (Donetsk region) on Wednesday morning, said Anton Heraschenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Interior Minister.

"An Azov battalion fighter was killed this morning as a result of an artillery and mortar exchange near the village of Hranitne not far from Mariupol. Six fighters have been injured," he wrote on his Facebook page.

The artillerymen from the Azov battalion inflicted "serious damage" to the enemy who had been shelling the village of Hranitne, Heraschenko said..

"Overall, the situation near Mariupol remains stable. The enemy won't break through," the minister's advisor said.


January 28, 2015 20:23

DPR Defense Ministry: joint control center moved from Debaltseve to Soledar - Interfax

DPR Defense Ministry: joint control center moved from Debaltseve to Soledar
DONETSK. Jan 28 (Interfax) - The Defense Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) reports the redeployment of a joint control and coordination center from Debaltseve to a neighboring community.

"The whereabouts of the center have changed, it was moved to Soledar. We decided to move everyone there but work continues. Ceasefire efforts are not stopping," chief of the ministry's political department Eduard Basurin has said to journalists.

He said that Soledar is regarded as a venue for further work.
New production from Poland, from guy CrusadeNR who has done a great complilation about polish history. Now he's decided to make an another production, this time, about Ruthenian Uprising:

Greetings from Poland
New production from Poland, from guy CrusadeNR who has done a great complilation about polish history. Now he's decided to make an another production, this time, about Ruthenian Uprising:

Greetings from Poland
Excellent video, thank you. Banderovite Nazis - the common enemies of New Russia and Poland.

In Mariupol militants battalion "Azov" organized the rape of female prisoners of the penal colony. Information about this previously published repeatedly in the press, but now it has added new evidence of sexual slavery and execution for disobedience.

Several of the women prisoners had already been shot for refractoriness and resistance, the colony has oficially blamed their deaths on "try to escape". This is reported in the social network Vkontakte with reference to information from local journalists.

"In Mariupol battalion "Azov" took into sexual slavery women prisoners. More than once It has been reported about the ongoing rape of local women by soldiers of naziguard. But punitive battalion "Azov" had decided to use them in an organized manner. The command "Azov" agreed with the authorities of the 107th women's penal colony of Mariupol on the nightly "lease number" of prisoners. Every night the battalion members take from the colony a couple of dozen young women and girls and bring to the base where all the regiment bullied all night. In the morning, barely alive women return to prison. Several women had already tortured to death or killed for resisting. Prison officials blamed the deaths on "escape attempt". This information is confirmed by several sources, including nazvanijami, bragging about it to their friends, and employees of the colony, who sympathize with the unfortunate prisoners, but can't help", - stated in the message.
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