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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

That sure as hell didn't sounded Russian or even European

@vostok & @flamer84 check this out

USA has been sending mercenaries since the very beginning. Months ago, I have read an article where the journalist was telling that he met an American ex-soldier who returned from Ukraine warzone.

But USA cannot do much, while Turkey blocks straits. No attack against the allies, therefore no NATO operation is possible. Conclusion: Black Sea is Russian playground.
USA has been sending mercenaries since the very beginning. Months ago, I have read an article where the journalist was telling that he met an American ex-soldier who returned from Ukraine warzone.

But USA cannot do much, while Turkey blocks straits. No attack against the allies, therefore no NATO operation is possible. Conclusion: Black Sea is Russian playground.

United States is openly saying that its going to train Ukranian military and other NATO countries like Canada is working for the moderinizing of Ukranian military.

Ukranian military is not getting weapons but in case of Donetsk and Lughansk Separtists , they are getting heavy weapons and regular soldiers of Russian federation are fighting in Ukraine.

NATO calls on Russia to immediately stop support for east Ukraine militants - read on - uatoday.tv
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has 26 January released an 'extraordinary' statement on the situation in Ukraine.
"We call on Russia to stop its support for the separatists immediately, to stop destabilising Ukraine and to

Ukrainian military claims Russian general is directing militants in eastern Ukraine (Video) : UNIAN news

Turkey is already watching the situation very closely.
United States is openly saying that its going to train Ukranian military and other NATO countries like Canada is working for the moderinizing of Ukranian military.

Ukranian military is not getting weapons but in case of Donetsk and Lughansk Separtists , they are getting heavy weapons and regular soldiers of Russian federation are fighting in Ukraine.

NATO calls on Russia to immediately stop support for east Ukraine militants - read on - uatoday.tv
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has 26 January released an 'extraordinary' statement on the situation in Ukraine.
"We call on Russia to stop its support for the separatists immediately, to stop destabilising Ukraine and to

Ukrainian military claims Russian general is directing militants in eastern Ukraine (Video) : UNIAN news

Russian backed rebels are not ISIS. No matter what NATO gives to Ukraine, Russians will move towards till the Perekop (Orkapi).
NSDC: Ukrainian soldiers control Donetsk airport fire station, meteorological tower and runway - read on - uatoday.tv

The Ukrainian defenders at Donetsk airport control the wrecked facility's fire station, meteorological tower and runway, while the other areas of the airport are under the control of Russian-backed militants

Deputy Head of Information and Analytical Center of the National Security and Defense Council Volodymyr Polioviy said at a press conference in Kyiv on Monday, according to an UNIAN correspondent.

"Donetsk airport partially controlled by our soldiers," Polioviy said.

"The front line passes directly through Donetsk airport, while the old and new terminals are completely destroyed," he said.

"Our soldiers are maintaining their defenses near the fire station, the meteorological tower and runway. The rest of the Donetsk airport is under the control of the Russian-backed insurgents"

Russian backed rebels are not ISIS. No matter what NATO gives to Ukraine, Russians will move towards till the Perekop (Orkapi).

In Eastern Ukraine, regular Soldiers of Russian federation are fighting but Ukranian military will not give up and fight , They have already made strong defenses and mobilization wave have even started. Already Ukrainians are taking up arms training.

Ukranian air defenses are on full alert and this is the reason Russian Air force is not carrying out attacks as it was done in Georgia.

Russia expands military aircraft presence near Ukraine border - read on - uatoday.tv

Deputy Chief of Ukraine's NSDC information analytical center Volodymyr Polyoviy reported 26 January: "According to Ukrainian intelligence reports, Russian military jets have become more active near the border with Ukraine. For example, numerous transport aircrafts (heavy-lift military cargo plane Ilyushin Il-76) bearing an unknown cargo were seen landing at the military air field in the city of Rostov-on-Don (near the Ukrainian

Ukranian military is not getting weapons but in case of Donetsk and Lughansk Separtists , they are getting heavy weapons and regular soldiers of Russian federation are fighting in Ukraine.

Russia has not given a single bullet to NAF. Or else we'd be seeing NAF using Kornets.
Russia has not given a single bullet to NAF. Or else we'd be seeing NAF using Kornets.

Russian Federation have accepted that Russian nationals are fighting in Eastern Ukraine.

It is no secret that Russian citizens have occupied senior posts among the rebels, the most famous of them being Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, who reportedly held the rank of reserve colonel in Russia's Federal Security Service as late as last year.

There is strong evidence that rank-and-file Russian fighters have entered east Ukraine to join the rebels, but whether they are volunteers making common cause with ethnic Russians in Luhansk and Donetsk, or mercenaries, is a grey area.

Rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko has stated publicly that between 3.000 and 4,000 Russian "volunteers" have fought for the rebels since the start of the uprising in April.

"There are also many in the current Russian military that prefer to spend their leave among us, brothers who are fighting for their freedom, rather than on a beach," he said on 28 August.
Russian Federation have accepted that Russian nationals are fighting in Eastern Ukraine.

It is no secret that Russian citizens have occupied senior posts among the rebels, the most famous of them being Igor "Strelkov" Girkin, who reportedly held the rank of reserve colonel in Russia's Federal Security Service as late as last year.

There is strong evidence that rank-and-file Russian fighters have entered east Ukraine to join the rebels, but whether they are volunteers making common cause with ethnic Russians in Luhansk and Donetsk, or mercenaries, is a grey area.

Rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko has stated publicly that between 3.000 and 4,000 Russian "volunteers" have fought for the rebels since the start of the uprising in April.

"There are also many in the current Russian military that prefer to spend their leave among us, brothers who are fighting for their freedom, rather than on a beach," he said on 28 August.

Okay but Russia does not give weapons to NAF unless the US gives weapons to UAF.
Film about war crimes of Kiev's Junta (eng subs)
https:// www. you tube. com/ watch?v=sTbRfkSOYi0#t=152
We can not post videos with dead bodies, so remove the spaces on the link to watch
Okay but Russia does not give weapons to NAF unless the US gives weapons to UAF.

USA even now hasnt transfer any advance weapons to Ukraine. Just counter mortar radar system and from Canada winter uniforms and boots and from Lithuania some quantity of ammunitions.

Ukraine do have weapons industrail structure and i wont be amused if some Western companies will be investing in Ukraine weapons and rocket industry.
USA even now hasnt transfer any advance weapons to Ukraine. Just counter mortar radar system and from Canada winter uniforms and boots and from Lithuania some quantity of ammunitions.

Ukraine do have weapons industrail structure and i wont be amused if some Western companies will be investing in Ukraine weapons and rocket industry.

USA has no intention to defend Eastern European countries. Like Chechnya and Georgia, Ukraine too will be used and discarded.

USA collects mercenaries from everywhere and sends them to keep conflict ongoing. During Chechnyan war, USA even tried to recruit Turkish military personnel. No military personnel but Turkish citizens with Caucasian ethnicity had gone.
USA has no intention to defend Eastern European countries. Like Chechnya and Georgia, Ukraine too will be used and discarded.

USA collects mercenaries from everywhere and sends them to keep conflict ongoing. During Chechnyan war, USA even tried to recruit Turkish military personnel. No military personnel but Turkish citizens with Caucasian ethnicity had gone.

Here its about the whole NATO alliance. United states military seems to be concentrating in Arctic, Asia pacific after EU NATO membercountries increased thier military budgets but i do think that United State military policy makers are watching things closely in Eastern Europe. Russian Federation air defenses are going to be based in Belarus and already Russian Federation tanks are operating in Eastern Ukraine. United states will bring in some tanks in Eastern Europe and already British tanks are there in Poland.

Case of Chechnya was different and i think it was mainly oil and gas issues.
Here its about the whole NATO alliance. United states military seems to be concentrating in Arctic, Asia pacific after EU NATO membercountries increased thier military budgets but i do think that United State military policy makers are watching things closely in Eastern Europe. Russian Federation air defenses are going to be based in Belarus and already Russian Federation tanks are operating in Eastern Ukraine. United states will bring in some tanks in Eastern Europe and already British tanks are there in Poland.

Case of Chechnya was different and i think it was mainly oil and gas issues.

No, Ukraine is not a part of NATO. And Countries like Turkey and Germany cannot risk their relations with Russia over US-led coup.

Ukrainians were naive to believe to make a change through Maidan revolt. They lost Crimea; and eastern part of the country is melting away day by day. Where is USA, NATO or EU? They stole Ukranian gold. They left Ukrainians at the mercy of Putin.

EU is collapsing btw. I think our government would not play their bet on a dying horse.
No, Ukraine is not a part of NATO. And Countries like Turkey and Germany cannot risk their relations with Russia over US-led coup.

Ukrainians were naive to believe to make a change through Maidan revolt. They lost Crimea; and eastern part of the country is melting away day by day. Where is USA, NATO or EU? They stole Ukranian gold. They left Ukrainians at the mercy of Putin.

EU is collapsing btw. I think our government would not play their bet on a dying horse.

Ukraine neighboring countries are NATO members states and events in Ukraine have increased alert level in all the NATO countries.

Russian Federation is offering oil and gas deals to Turkey but Turkey will be stick to the NATO alliance and the recent election results in Greece will make Russian Federation to think more and Russian federation is not in any position to help out Greece financially.

Ukrainians were thinking more about the corruption during the Maidan crisis and it was due to Kharkiv accords that Ukraine has lost Crimea as Russian forces were allowed to be stationed there. Pro Russian Ukranian President is now staying in Russian federation and this shows about the policy adopted by the Russian planners.

USA, NATO and even EU were not involving because Ukraine was part of CIS and only after that Neighboring NATO countries started to help Ukraine.
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