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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

Canada has become one of Ukraine's staunchest partners since the Kremlin annexed Ukraine's Crimea region in March. Last November, Canada donated a planeload of the military gear including communication systems, medical kits, night vision goggles and military clothing, as part of an aid package worth several million dollars.

Canada is a weak country. Canada is the land of ice and snow. What equipments does Canada have?
Anti-fascists in Zaporozhye have burned the car of junta collaborator.
Militants shell Ukrainian positions, residential areas 18 times overnight : UNIAN news

Russian-backed militants in the Donbas conflict zone are continuing to attack Ukrainian positions and residential areas with heavy weapons, the press center of the Ukrainian government’s Anti-Terrorist Operation reported on Sunday.

"The situation in the zone of the antiterrorist operation is difficult. During the night, illegal armed groups violated the ceasefire 18 times," the press c enter said in a statement.

It said the militants attacks on Ukrainian military positions are mainly carried out using heavy weapons, including the artillery and multiple rocket launchers.

In particular, the militants fired rocket-propelled grenades at the villages of Novotoshkovskoe, Chernukhin, Oziryanovka and Nikishin. There were two attacks on the new terminal in Donetsk airport, and mortars were fired twice at the village of Shastya.

The villages of Trekhizbenka, Novomihaylovka, and Pisky were shelled, and the heat and electricity station in Shastya was damaged.

The village of Krymske twice came under fire from Grad multiple rocket launchers, two women and a child were killed by shelling in Kryakovka. Also attacked were the village of Teploe and the weather observation tower at Donetsk airport.

"The Ukrainian military are sticking to the ceasefire,” the press service said. “However, in the case of there being threats to their lives, each time they appropriately respond to the militants’ attacks, without harming the civilian population."

In the Donetsk region warriors howitzer artillery unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who perform tasks for the protection of Mariupol, successfully conducted training with combat shooting.

Using regular weapons - howitzer type 2A65 "MSTA-B" gunners parties antiterrorist operation destroyed conditional enemy in a certain area.




In addition to performing assigned tasks military engineers from other sectors ATO assist local people in the reconstruction of infrastructure and destroy explosive remnants of militants in the liberated territories of Donbass.

So, last month demining experts checked for explosive hazardous objects more than 250 kilometers of highways and 100 kilometers of power lines.




Canada Aid for Ukraine: Canadian ship brings non-lethal military supplies for Ukrainian soldiers
As a result of today's shelling junta killed two women and a girl in Kryakovka near Lugansk.
The results of today's war criminal attacks by the junta.
Donetsk People’s Republic says 2,251 people killed in fighting, estimates damaged infrastructure at 1.3 billion hryvnya

At least 2,251 people have been killed in fighting in the Donetsk region, a spokeswoman for the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) announced today.

“During the entire period of hostilities in the region 2,251 people have been killed, of which 35 were children under the age of 18,” said Daria Morozova, the DPR’s ‘Commissioner for Human Rights’. It was unclear if the number referred to combatants as well as civilians.

“We have recorded statistics for damaged infrastructure in the territory of the Republic. The total damage at the end of 2014 amounted to about 1.3 billion hryvnia," she added.

Speaking in an interview with the newly formed Donetsk News Agency, run by separatist authorities, she said that more than 50 medical facilities had been destroyed or damaged by the fighting, which began in April 2014 when Kremlin-backed insurgents seized government buildings in the east of Ukraine.

According to the DPR, 4,472 buildings, including 105 schools, are in need of repair or rebuilding after being hit by artillery, mortar or small arms fire. Key infrastructure, including bridges, power lines, gas, heating and water supply pipes, has also been damaged. The cities of Donetsk and Makeyevka have suffered the most, the DPR says.

In December the United Nations and Amnesty International criticized authorities in Kyiv for withdrawing government services from separatist-held territory and allowing Ukrainian volunteer militias to block humanitarian aid shipments to the DPR’s beleaguered inhabitants. The organizations fear the region is on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.

“As winter sets in, the already desperate situation in eastern Ukraine is being made even worse by the volunteer battalions preventing food aid and medicine from reaching those in need,” said Denis Krivosheev, Deputy Director of Europe and Central Asia for Amnesty International.

“It is no secret that the region is facing a humanitarian disaster with many already at risk of starvation.”

TASS: World - Ukrainian armed forces, Donetsk Republic hand over more than 900 prisoners

January 11, 19:33 UTC+3
The Ukrainian armed forces brought mostly civilians for the exchanges of prisoners, while the Donetsk Republic handed over only servicemen to the Ukrainian side

DONETSK, January 11. /TASS/. The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and the Ukrainian armed forces had carried out nine exchanges of captives since the beginning of fighting in Donbass, and the tenth could take place in the next two weeks, the republic’s human rights commissioner told the Donetsk news agency on Sunday.

Daria Morozova said 404 people were handed over to the Ukrainian side and 25 people more were released as a good will gesture. The Donetsk Republic received 500 people.

The Ukrainian armed forces brought mostly civilians for the exchanges of prisoners, while the Donetsk Republic handed over only servicemen to the Ukrainian side, she said. The civilians, including many women, did not belong to the militia. They were seized from their homes.

All the people released from Ukrainian captivity could rest and undertake rehabilitation, the commissioner said.

Released people said about mass abuses committed by the Ukrainian side. Ukrainian national guards insulted and tortured militia members and also civilians.

It was known that detained people were beaten up. But national guards also used electric shock to torture prisoners, “branded” captives and made injections with unknown substances. Many of those who were held in Ukrainian captivity have traumas and injures that will remain for lifetime, the human rights commissioner said.

Even those who were in captivity only for four days return with injured kidneys, broken ribs, brain concussion and swastikas burnt on the skin. Ukrainian fighters did not provide medical assistance even for heavily wounded people. National guards did everything to add sufferings for prisoners, former captives said.

In late December, the Donetsk Republic’s chief negotiator for the talks in Minsk, Vice-Speaker of the People’s Council Denis Pushilin, said the republic’s authorities had asked the OSCE and the International Red Cross Committee to conduct an inquiry into abuses committed against prisoners in Ukraine’s territory.

People who were in captivity in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian armed forces return haggard. “We see in what bad condition they are… Many have traces of tortures on their bodies,” Pushilin said after the exchange of captives carried out on December 26. “We have proposed the OSCE and the Red Cross that their specialists should participate in medical examination of people released from captivity. Then, based on received data, a large-scale inquiry should be conducted," Pushilin said, adding that letters with the proposal were already sent to international organizations, and the Donetsk republic’s authorities were waiting for a response.

Since the beginning of the armed conflict in Donbass, 2,251 people, including 35 children under 18, have been killed in the Donetsk region, Morozova said, citing the official data.

She also told the Donetsk news agency that more than 7,200 infrastructure installations had been damaged or destroyed.

The city of Donetsk has been hit most severely, where 4,073 infrastructure facilities have been destroyed.

Makeevka has suffered severe damage from Ukrainian armed forces’ shellings that hit 956 installations in the city.

The human rights commissioner said 4,472 apartment buildings and houses were destroyed in the region in 2014. Shellings also destroyed 445 electro-transmission line sections and stations, 136 heat facilities and 30 water supply, 1,469 gas supply and eleven sewage systems.

Social facilities were also seriously damaged - shells hit 50 hospitals and medical centres, 209 schools and other educational institutions and some cultural centres, Morozova said.
the little problem in this messege is that it was the russian terrorist that killed them
The little problem with your message is your friends from Right Sector/NaziGuard/Azov/Aidar did it.You are free to look and check what they did to the child -missing hand and legs.But this is not problem for you simply because dead is ethnic Russian.Good thing there are still decent army units who "by mistake" shell your friends while the fight with NAF units in recent days.And your friends are also so so stupid and cannot even get it-their days are numbered.New masters in Kiev have no use of them anymore - all of them will have same fate like their buddies from Ilovaisk(where majority of dead were so-called volunteers). But i`m sure your country will help them-will provide visas and citizenship of the likes of Yarosh&co.
the little problem in this messege is that it was the russian terrorist that killed them
Militants shell Ukrainian positions, residential areas 18 times overnight : UNIAN news

How do you know who did this? From the ukrainian newspaper? Very funny indeed.
The shelling of Donbas region is the action of ukr forces - they're trying to get there, not otherwise.

I don't know if you fallow this conflict but I assume you don't, otherwise you would know who is in defense now (but soon I belive this might change). You just get here this trivial message 'russian terrorist kill innocent people' instead.
Would you find from ukrainian newspapers who is responibile for suffer of this boy and his family below:

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How do you know who did this? From the ukrainian newspaper? Very funny indeed.
The shelling of Donbas region is the action of ukr forces - they're trying to get there, not otherwise.

I don't know if you fallow this conflict but I assume you aren't, otherwise you would know who is in defense now (but soon I belive this might change). You just get here this trivial message 'russian terrorist kill innocent people' instead.
Would you find from ukrainian newspapers who is responibile for suffer of this boy and his family below:

Shelling is being done from both sides but no one can deny this that war is going on there
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