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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

With all respect Hindu, these news are war propaganda, and I don't know how's your business spreading this crap here.

The polish government don't care about polish people (not citizen!) there, otherwise they'd tried to help them six/seven months ago, when the war had started. So, this is only PR. They'll do nothing in this case, literally...

Pro-russian rebels sturm ukie checkpoinkt, film from summer, but published yesterday:

I am not here to spread any crap or propaganda. Every Government do care about its citizens and if i am not wrong one Polish national was killed in Ukraine.

Assistance for Poles in Ukraine guaranteed - Thenews.pl :: News from Poland
“The most important issue for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is that all Poles who are in a critical zone, where there are acts of war - Donbas, Lugansk - have guaranteed protection,” Schetyna told the press in the Sejm lower parliamentary house.

“We will help all Poles who want to come to Poland: those whose lives and safety are at risk. We need to create a list of people who all interested individuals,” Schetyna said.

Dec. 4, 2014
Polish citizen beaten, shot by Donetsk militants dies in hospital - watch on - uatoday.tv

Civilian suffering in Ukrainian conflict according to UN figures.

The suffering of civilians from the months-long crisis in eastern Ukraine reveals the worsening humanitarian situation in the region as the number of those killed and wounded has reached to more than 15,000 in total as of December 16, according to U.N. figures. The number of people affected is reportedly 5.2 million, including 2 million children. No one knows the number of those missing.

Civilians have been heavily affected by the violence and the number of internally displaced people (IDP) will gradually increase if the war continues. The total number of IDPs in Ukraine has reached 542,080, the U.N. report said, and the number of displaced children has hit 130,274 as of December 16. According to August reports, only 102,600 Ukrainians were internally displaced, yet continuing displacement has led to more people living under deplorable humanitarian conditions. In addition to IDPs, a large number of people sought to go and stay in neighboring countries like Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova, with 597,956 affected Ukrainians in total.

The clashes between Ukrainian security forces and pro-Russian separatists have turned the east of the country into a battle zone where many Ukrainians have been forced to flee the war to other parts of the country or to cross into neighboring Russia. For those who have stayed, the humanitarian situation has gotten worse since the "anti-terrorist operation," launched by Kiev several months ago. Basic services and infrastructure have been heavily affected by the violence and houses and buildings have been destroyed during heavy clashes.

"As of November 29, 34 settlements in the Donetsk region remained without electricity. In the Luhansk region, the settlements of Yuvileine, Novosvitlivka and Stanytsia Luhanska reportedly did not have electricity for up to six months. Energy shortages may also affect the entire country during winter if the supply system is additionally stressed, for example the accident in the nuclear power station in Zaporizhzhia on November 28," the U.N. report said.

Eight enemy drones spying near Mariupol| Ukrinform
KYIV, December 26 /Ukrinform/. Drones were noted near Mariupol, spying from the air.

ATO Spokesman Leonid Mariukhin informed.

In particular, enemy drones were noted in the area of Charmalyk, Mykolayivka, Novoselivka and Talakivka.

Militants shell ATO positions 16 times last night| Ukrinform

KYIV, December 26 /Ukrinform/. Militants last night shelled Ukrainian military 16 times with small arms, grenade launchers, mortars, armored vehicles and artillery, anti-terrorist operation spokesman Leonid Matiukhin reported.

Stanytsia Luhanska, Chornukhyne, Nikishyne and outskirts of Sokolnyky were fired at with small arms and grenade launchers.

The settlements of Maryinka, Slavne, Shumy, Mayorsk, Chornukhyne and Pisky came under mortar fire. In the area of Sokolnyky anti-terrorist operation forces were shelled with an armored infantry fighting vehicle.

Militants used artillery twice a night, shelling the localities of Stepne and Shumy.


Occupiers continue regrouping armored vehicles in Donbas| Ukrinform

KYIV, December 26 /Ukrinform/. Russian-terrorist forces, against the backdrop of "peace talks," continue to fire at the positions of Ukrainian troops, although the number of attacks has significantly dropped.

According to the Information Resistance group, along with shelling occupiers continue to regroup their armored vehicles.

In particular, an armored column of four tanks and six armored combat vehicles moved towards the settlement of Triokhizbenka. Also in this area the enemy fired at the positions of Ukrainian troops with mortars.

The movement of arms and military equipment was recorded near the Bakhmutka highway in Luhansk region. A battery of 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled howitzers was seen moving in the area. Howitzers changed positions several times in the past 24 hours, but they did not open fire.


LPR terrorists, Cossacks fighting for power in Antratsyt and Krasny Luch| Ukrinform

KYIV, December 26 /Ukrinform/. Russian "Cossacks" and terrorists from the self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) are holding an armed struggle for power in Antratsyt and Krasny Luch in Ukraine's Luhansk region.

A press officer of the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksiy Mazepa, said this at the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center on Friday, an Ukrinform correspondent reported.

"Clashes between militants are continuing. Cases of an armed struggle for power between militants of the 'Great Don Army' and LPR terrorists are recorded in the settlements of Antratsyt and Krasny Luch," Mazepa said.

He added that Russian servicemen stationed in this area were not intervening in these clashes.
Last edited:

According to Belarus official agency
Contact group on Ukraine will not meet in Minsk on 26 December | Politics | Headlines
MINSK, 26 December (BelTA) – The meeting of the contact group on Ukraine that was supposed to take place in Minsk on 26 December, has been cancelled, Spokesman for the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Mironchik told BelTA.

“The contact group on Ukraine will not meet in Minsk today,” Dmitry Mironchik said.

Both sides have put points for the next talks.

There are four items on the agenda: the special status of the Donbass region, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, exchange of prisoners of war and the delivery of humanitarian aid.

DPR Nationalizes Ukrainian State-Owned Enterprises: Leader / Sputnik International
Former Ukrainian state-owned enterprises are "already de facto nationalized," leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko said. Where Ukraine is a partial owner, DPR will have control only over those shares, according to him.

Kiev to Pull Back Heavy Arms in 48 Hours After Complete Ceasefire: Official / Sputnik International
General Staff: Withdrawal of artillery possible after two days of ceasefire| Ukrinform
The withdrawal of artillery systems with a caliber of 100 mm and above to the lines fixed in the Minsk memorandum is possible only if militants observe a real ceasefire for two days.

POW exchange in south-east Ukraine possible no earlier than Dec 27 - Ukrainian Defense Ministry
Donetsk, Kiev to Swap Prisoners Friday: Donetsk Official / Sputnik International
DONETSK, December 26 (Sputnik) – The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) plans to swap prisoners with Kiev later on Friday, DPR ombudsman Darya Morozova told RIA Novosti.
“Today we will swap 225 our prisoners for 150 Ukrainian [prisoners],” Morozova said without elaborating on the details of the exchange.

Another Russian Aid Convoy to Set Off for East Ukraine in Early January / Sputnik International
OSCE vows to help deliver Ukrainian humanitarian aid to Donbas| Ukrinform

So its like the talks will be held again within a week or 10 days.

If Tatars in Crimea don't want to be Russian citizens fine, they can go to the US.

Why they should go to United States like earlier they were deported to Uzbek SSR ? Cant they live in their land ?

No one recognizes this sect. No real church in the world. And especially not the Ecumenical Patriarch.
Autocephalous Orthodox churches[edit]
Ranked in order of seniority, with the year of independence (autocephaly) given in the parenthesis.[1][2]

Four Ancient Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
  2. Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
  3. Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
  4. Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
Junior Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Russian Orthodox Church (1448, recognized in 1589)
  2. Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church (486)
  3. Bulgarian Orthodox Church (870)
  4. Serbian Orthodox Church (1219)
  5. Romanian Orthodox Church (1872, recognized in 1885)
Autocephalous Archbishoprics[edit]
  1. Church of Cyprus (431, recognized in 478)
  2. Church of Greece (1833, recognized in 1850)
  3. Albanian Orthodox Church (1922, recognized in 1937)
  4. Polish Orthodox Church (1924)
  5. Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church (1951,1988)
  6. Orthodox Church in America (1970, autocephaly not universally recognised[3])
The four ancient patriarchates are most senior, followed by the five junior patriarchates. Autocephalous archbishoprics follow the patriarchates in seniority, with the Church of Cyprus being the only ancient one (AD 431). In the diptychs of the Russian Orthodox Church and some of its daughter churches (e.g., the Orthodox Church in America), the ranking of four of the patriarchal churches is different. Following the Russian Church in rank is Georgian, followed by Serbian, Romanian, and then Bulgarian Church. The ranking of the archbishoprics is the same.

Autonomous Orthodox churches[edit]
under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
under the Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
under the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
under the Russian Orthodox Church
under the Serbian Orthodox Church
under the Romanian Orthodox Church
*Autonomy not universally recognised.

The Orthodox churches without autonomy[edit]
under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Churches in resistance[edit]
Due to what these churches perceive as the errors of modernism and ecumenism in mainstream Orthodoxy, they refrain from concelebration of the Divine Liturgy with them while maintaining that they remain fully within the canonical boundaries of the Church: i.e., professing Orthodox belief, retaining legitimate episcopal succession, and existing in communities with historical continuity. With the exception of the Orthodox Church of Greece (Holy Synod in Resistance), they will commune the faithful from all the canonical jurisdictions and are recognized by and in communion with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.

Due in part to the re-establishment of official ties between the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate, the Orthodox Church of Greece (Holy Synod in Resistance) has broken ecclesial communion with ROCOR, but the converse has not happened. Where the Old Calendar Romanian and Bulgarian churches stand on the matter is as yet unclear.

Churches that have voluntarily "walled themselves off"[edit]
These Churches do not practice Communion with any other Orthodox jurisdictions nor do they tend to recognize each other. Yet, like the "Churches in Resistance" above they remain fully within the canonical boundaries of the Church: i.e., professing Orthodox belief, retaining what they believe to be legitimate episcopal succession, and existing in communities with historical continuity. Nevertheless, their relationship with all other Orthodox Churches remains unclear, as 'Orthodox' Churches normally recognize and are recognized by others.

Churches that are unrecognized[edit]
The following Churches recognize all other mainstream Orthodox Churches, but are not recognized by any of them due to various disputes:

Orthodox Church organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Patriarch Filaret, the head of the Kyiv Patriarchate, in his residence on Sept.26 in Kyiv. (Anastasia Vlasova)

Filaret has been at the epicenter of Ukrainian church politics since 1966, when he became the metropolitan of Kyiv as part of the Russian Orthodox Church. He fell out with the Moscow Patriarchate in 1992 and became the patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine in 1995.

The Kyiv Patriarchate, which has 2,781 parishes, split from the Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has 11,358 parishes, in 1992, after Moscow refused to recognize the Ukrainian church’s independence.

He cited the historic examples of Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia, saying that their independence from the Ottoman Empire gave them a right to have autocephalous churches.

Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian branch is against unification into a single independent church and wants the Kyiv Patriarchate to merge with the Moscow Patriarchate instead, Filaret said.

“Moscow doesn’t want this unification and is doing everything possible to make sure it doesn’t happen,” he added.

Filaret said nothing had changed in the position of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian branch regarding unification since Metropolitan Onufry, seen by many as pro-Russian, became its head in August.

“We don’t see any patriotic feelings in him,” Filaret said, adding that Onufry had been against an association deal with the European Union and refused to aid the Ukrainian army.

Another major participant of these talks is the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Filaret said that in 1992 he met with Bartholomew, the patriarch of Constantinople, who said the Ukrainian church had a right to autocephaly. But Bartholomew said the two major Ukrainian Orthodox churches should first unite before their independence is recognized, Filaret added.

“The Kyiv Patriarchate supports the people and the Ukrainian army, and the Moscow Patriarchate can’t do this because it is dependent on Moscow,” he said. “That is why the people are angry about this and are transferring their allegiance to the Kyiv Patriarchate.”


Here its more about the Church supporting state and if i remember Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said in 2009 that Russia needs Nuclear Weapons and here its like Kyiv Patriarch Filaret is talking about Ukrainian Church supports Ukranian army and its people .

Russia needs nuclear weapons - Patriarch Kirill / Sputnik International

Speaking in the Volga Region town of Sarov, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said that while the Church was in favor of "a world without weapons," Russia required nuclear arms to ensure that it was able to "remain a sovereign state."

Both are administrative centers but seperatists is not under control of the whole province. majority of province in under control of Ukranian military if we check the map. here you are talking about Donet basin .
24 December 2014
government-controlled Mariupol (113km south of Donetsk).
government-controlled Volnovakha (47km south-west of Donetsk)
government-controlled Debaltseve (55km North East of Donetsk) at the JCCC Headquarters (HQ)
government-controlled Druzhkivka (70km north of Donetsk)
government-controlled Artemove (40km North of Donetsk),
government-controlled Starobilsk (90km north of Luhansk)
outskirts of Vrubivka (74km north-ewast of Luhansk), Ukrainian soldiers stopped the SMM at a checkpoint.

oint Centre for Control and Co-ordination (JCCC)

high numbers of dumper trucks transporting coal from the Luhansk region to the Russian Federation.

OSCE observers say coal is being taken from Ukraine into Russia - watch on - uatoday.tv

Dec. 26, 2014

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe observer mission in Ukraine says that a ‘high number' of trucks have been seen carrying coal from insurgent-held parts of Luhansk into Russia. The OSCE also said that over 700 soldiers have crossed the Ukraine-Russia border since the 17th of December.

This comes on the heels of Ukraine stopping production in over 66 coal mines in the insurgent-held east according to the European coal association, Euracoal.
Why they should go to United States like earlier they were deported to Uzbek SSR ? Cant they live in their land ?

Only if they accept Russian citizenship and don't cause trouble in Crimea. :p: Crimean Tatar is already an official language in Crimea which it wasn't under Ukrainian rule. They should be grateful.
According to Belarus official agency
Contact group on Ukraine will not meet in Minsk on 26 December | Politics | Headlines
MINSK, 26 December (BelTA) – The meeting of the contact group on Ukraine that was supposed to take place in Minsk on 26 December, has been cancelled, Spokesman for the Belarusian Foreign Ministry Dmitry Mironchik told BelTA.

“The contact group on Ukraine will not meet in Minsk today,” Dmitry Mironchik said.

Both sides have put points for the next talks.

There are four items on the agenda: the special status of the Donbass region, the withdrawal of heavy weapons, exchange of prisoners of war and the delivery of humanitarian aid.

DPR Nationalizes Ukrainian State-Owned Enterprises: Leader / Sputnik International
Former Ukrainian state-owned enterprises are "already de facto nationalized," leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Zakharchenko said. Where Ukraine is a partial owner, DPR will have control only over those shares, according to him.

Kiev to Pull Back Heavy Arms in 48 Hours After Complete Ceasefire: Official / Sputnik International
General Staff: Withdrawal of artillery possible after two days of ceasefire| Ukrinform
The withdrawal of artillery systems with a caliber of 100 mm and above to the lines fixed in the Minsk memorandum is possible only if militants observe a real ceasefire for two days.

POW exchange in south-east Ukraine possible no earlier than Dec 27 - Ukrainian Defense Ministry
Donetsk, Kiev to Swap Prisoners Friday: Donetsk Official / Sputnik International
DONETSK, December 26 (Sputnik) – The self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) plans to swap prisoners with Kiev later on Friday, DPR ombudsman Darya Morozova told RIA Novosti.
“Today we will swap 225 our prisoners for 150 Ukrainian [prisoners],” Morozova said without elaborating on the details of the exchange.

Another Russian Aid Convoy to Set Off for East Ukraine in Early January / Sputnik International
OSCE vows to help deliver Ukrainian humanitarian aid to Donbas| Ukrinform

So its like the talks will be held again within a week or 10 days.

Why they should go to United States like earlier they were deported to Uzbek SSR ? Cant they live in their land ?

Patriarch Filaret, the head of the Kyiv Patriarchate, in his residence on Sept.26 in Kyiv. (Anastasia Vlasova)

Filaret has been at the epicenter of Ukrainian church politics since 1966, when he became the metropolitan of Kyiv as part of the Russian Orthodox Church. He fell out with the Moscow Patriarchate in 1992 and became the patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine in 1995.

The Kyiv Patriarchate, which has 2,781 parishes, split from the Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has 11,358 parishes, in 1992, after Moscow refused to recognize the Ukrainian church’s independence.

He cited the historic examples of Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia, saying that their independence from the Ottoman Empire gave them a right to have autocephalous churches.

Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian branch is against unification into a single independent church and wants the Kyiv Patriarchate to merge with the Moscow Patriarchate instead, Filaret said.

“Moscow doesn’t want this unification and is doing everything possible to make sure it doesn’t happen,” he added.

Filaret said nothing had changed in the position of the Moscow Patriarchate’s Ukrainian branch regarding unification since Metropolitan Onufry, seen by many as pro-Russian, became its head in August.

“We don’t see any patriotic feelings in him,” Filaret said, adding that Onufry had been against an association deal with the European Union and refused to aid the Ukrainian army.

Another major participant of these talks is the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Filaret said that in 1992 he met with Bartholomew, the patriarch of Constantinople, who said the Ukrainian church had a right to autocephaly. But Bartholomew said the two major Ukrainian Orthodox churches should first unite before their independence is recognized, Filaret added.

“The Kyiv Patriarchate supports the people and the Ukrainian army, and the Moscow Patriarchate can’t do this because it is dependent on Moscow,” he said. “That is why the people are angry about this and are transferring their allegiance to the Kyiv Patriarchate.”


Here its more about the Church supporting state and if i remember Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said in 2009 that Russia needs Nuclear Weapons and here its like Kyiv Patriarch Filaret is talking about Ukrainian Church supports Ukranian army and its people .

Russia needs nuclear weapons - Patriarch Kirill / Sputnik International

Speaking in the Volga Region town of Sarov, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia said that while the Church was in favor of "a world without weapons," Russia required nuclear arms to ensure that it was able to "remain a sovereign state."

OSCE observers say coal is being taken from Ukraine into Russia - watch on - uatoday.tv

Dec. 26, 2014

The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe observer mission in Ukraine says that a ‘high number' of trucks have been seen carrying coal from insurgent-held parts of Luhansk into Russia. The OSCE also said that over 700 soldiers have crossed the Ukraine-Russia border since the 17th of December.

This comes on the heels of Ukraine stopping production in over 66 coal mines in the insurgent-held east according to the European coal association, Euracoal.
He is not partriarh, he is a dangerous heretic and an impostor. He denies his followers grace of Christ, deceiving them that he isa priest. And he is not a priest, because he was long ago excommunicated.
Again - list of true and false Ortodox Churches.
True Orthodox Churches:
Four Ancient Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
  2. Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
  3. Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
  4. Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
Junior Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Russian Orthodox Church (1448, recognized in 1589)
  2. Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church (486)
  3. Bulgarian Orthodox Church (870)
  4. Serbian Orthodox Church (1219)
  5. Romanian Orthodox Church (1872, recognized in 1885)
Autocephalous Archbishoprics[edit]
  1. Church of Cyprus (431, recognized in 478)
  2. Church of Greece (1833, recognized in 1850)
  3. Albanian Orthodox Church (1922, recognized in 1937)
  4. Polish Orthodox Church (1924)
  5. Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church (1951,1988)
  6. Orthodox Church in America (1970, autocephaly not universally recognised[3])
False churches:
Churches that are unrecognized[edit]
The following Churches recognize all other mainstream Orthodox Churches, but are not recognized by any of them due to various disputes:

Orthodox Church organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Meanwhile in Donetsk - free people preparing to New Year and Christmas.
Only if they accept Russian citizenship and don't cause trouble in Crimea. :p: Crimean Tatar is already an official language in Crimea which it wasn't under Ukrainian rule. They should be grateful.

But when you said about sending them to United States its like again repeating of Uzbek SSR deportation.
He is not partriarh, he is a dangerous heretic and an impostor. He denies his followers grace of Christ, deceiving them that he isa priest. And he is not a priest, because he was long ago excommunicated.

But I have read that he is accepted as patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine by the majority of Ukrainians. And he has even condemned the events which took place in Crimea and have said strong words against President Putin.

Filaret said that Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew I, who has repeatedly declared his readiness to help Ukraine's three Orthodox churches to unite, is now being pressured by Moscow. "We do not know whether he [Bartholomew I] will withstand this pressure or agree to autonomy of the Ukrainian Church," Filaret noted. According to Filaret, establishing two autonomous Orthodox churches in Ukraine would be tantamount to the situation in which the country "does not have its own national church that defends the interests of the state." And he added: "This would be a prelude to a division of Ukraine itself."

The choice of Filaret and the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians was not accidental. But it turned out to be much more difficult for him, because he had something to lose. As the Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia and the Exarch of Ukraine, Filaret was nominally the second most influential figure in the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) after the Patriarch of Moscow. By taking this resolute step, he burned the bridges behind him. He unequivocally adopted a position to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and seek independence for a local Ukrainian church.

They are free to go where they wish to go.

Is this the stand of Russian Federation or Russian Federation is working to give resident permits to all the citizens of Crimea ?

April 08 2014
“All those who arrived (in Crimea) are in the legal field. Russian nationals will be registered at the place of their residence or stay… and foreigners will be subject to migration registration,” the FMS passport department’s head Fyodor Karpovets told a news conference at the CrimeaInform news agency.

“All problems of Crimean residents who permanently live here or have lived here in the recent years will be settled,” Karpovets said. “There is no need to make an unsolvable problem out of that now.”

He recalled that the transitional period for Crimeans to receive Russian citizenship has been set and will last until January 1, 2015.

“All issues that will emerge during that transitional period will be settled. Even if we have to submit some proposals to adjust legislation,” the official said, adding that those who wanted could ask their questions to FMS bodies.

Ukrainian nationals who do not want to receive Russian citizenship may permanently live in Crimea, a former Ukrainian region that recently joined Russia, if they have a residence permit, a senior official at Russia’s Federal Migration Service said.

We cannot divide people by nationality or citizenship. If a person is allowed to live on Russia’s territory with a residence permit, he may live here permanently by extending [the permit’s validity] and undergoing relevant procedures,” the FMS passport department’s head Fyodor Karpovets told a news conference at the CrimeaInform news agency.

“The overall waiting period totals a year, and then the applicant receives a residence permit while retaining his status of a foreign national and an opportunity to get Russian citizenship at any moment,” the official said.
TASS: Russia - Foreigners may enter Crimea unhindered - Russian Migration Service
But I have read that he is accepted as patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine by the majority of Ukrainians. And he has even condemned the events which took place in Crimea and have said strong words against President Putin.

Filaret said that Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew I, who has repeatedly declared his readiness to help Ukraine's three Orthodox churches to unite, is now being pressured by Moscow. "We do not know whether he [Bartholomew I] will withstand this pressure or agree to autonomy of the Ukrainian Church," Filaret noted. According to Filaret, establishing two autonomous Orthodox churches in Ukraine would be tantamount to the situation in which the country "does not have its own national church that defends the interests of the state." And he added: "This would be a prelude to a division of Ukraine itself."

The choice of Filaret and the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians was not accidental. But it turned out to be much more difficult for him, because he had something to lose. As the Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia and the Exarch of Ukraine, Filaret was nominally the second most influential figure in the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) after the Patriarch of Moscow. By taking this resolute step, he burned the bridges behind him. He unequivocally adopted a position to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and seek independence for a local Ukrainian church.

Is this the stand of Russian Federation or Russian Federation is working to give resident permits to all the citizens of Crimea ?

April 08 2014
“All those who arrived (in Crimea) are in the legal field. Russian nationals will be registered at the place of their residence or stay… and foreigners will be subject to migration registration,” the FMS passport department’s head Fyodor Karpovets told a news conference at the CrimeaInform news agency.

“All problems of Crimean residents who permanently live here or have lived here in the recent years will be settled,” Karpovets said. “There is no need to make an unsolvable problem out of that now.”

He recalled that the transitional period for Crimeans to receive Russian citizenship has been set and will last until January 1, 2015.

“All issues that will emerge during that transitional period will be settled. Even if we have to submit some proposals to adjust legislation,” the official said, adding that those who wanted could ask their questions to FMS bodies.

Ukrainian nationals who do not want to receive Russian citizenship may permanently live in Crimea, a former Ukrainian region that recently joined Russia, if they have a residence permit, a senior official at Russia’s Federal Migration Service said.

We cannot divide people by nationality or citizenship. If a person is allowed to live on Russia’s territory with a residence permit, he may live here permanently by extending [the permit’s validity] and undergoing relevant procedures,” the FMS passport department’s head Fyodor Karpovets told a news conference at the CrimeaInform news agency.

“The overall waiting period totals a year, and then the applicant receives a residence permit while retaining his status of a foreign national and an opportunity to get Russian citizenship at any moment,” the official said.
TASS: Russia - Foreigners may enter Crimea unhindered - Russian Migration Service
False Patriarch met with some religious leaders, but that does not mean that his sect was recognized as true church, and he as the patriarch. On duty, the Ecumenical Patriarch has to communicate with many people - and with heretics, and Catholics and sectarians and others.
False patriarch managed to entice some of the flock. However, over 60% of the faithful still go to real, the canonical Orthodox Church. False patriarch plays on the national feelings, many of his followers do not even know that the false Patriarch excommunicated, he has no right to preach and carry religious services.
Another fight in junta parliament. As they say :"Ukraine is Europe". But they behave worse than the African natives.
False Patriarch met with some religious leaders, but that does not mean that his sect was recognized as true church, and he as the patriarch. On duty, the Ecumenical Patriarch has to communicate with many people - and with heretics, and Catholics and sectarians and others.
False patriarch managed to entice some of the flock. However, over 60% of the faithful still go to real, the canonical Orthodox Church. False patriarch plays on the national feelings, many of his followers do not even know that the false Patriarch excommunicated, he has no right to preach and carry religious services.

In 2008 , Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople came to Kyiv said that he had come to Ukraine to pray for the establishment of a Single Ukrainian Church but before Patriarch Filaret , Patriarch Volodymyr (Romaniuk)
was the Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus till 1995. Here its like Church and the Nationalism and on this base only there are different Orthodox Churches like Armenian, Greek, Russian, Coptic, Syrian, Ethiopian .
In 2008 , Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople came to Kyiv said that he had come to Ukraine to pray for the establishment of a Single Ukrainian Church but before Patriarch Filaret , Patriarch Volodymyr (Romaniuk)
was the Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus till 1995. Here its like Church and the Nationalism and on this base only there are different Orthodox Churches like Armenian, Greek, Russian, Coptic, Syrian, Ethiopian .
Such a hard work has Ecumenical Patriarch. He has to meet with the heretics and schismatics. So called "Patriarch of Kiev" is actually not even a priest, since he was excommunicated.
None of sectarian does not call himself a sectarian. But "Kiev Patriarchate" - it's just a sect. However Filaret can repent and then he, probably, will return ecclesiastical office and right to carry rituals in the real church. Once upon a time he was a real priest and Metropolitan of Kiev.
He was anathematized. He is not Christian even.
Such a hard work has Ecumenical Patriarch. He has to meet with the heretics and schismatics. So called "Patriarch of Kiev" is actually not even a priest, since he was excommunicated.
None of sectarian does not call himself a sectarian. But "Kiev Patriarchate" - it's just a sect. However Filaret can repent and then he, probably, will return ecclesiastical office and right to carry rituals in the real church. Once upon a time he was a real priest and Metropolitan of Kiev.
He was anathematized. He is not Christian even.

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate" and one out of the 14 churches within the communion of Orthodox Christianity.

In 1990 at the age of 92 Patriarch Mstyslav was elected in absentia as the first Patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine of the UAOC. He was enthroned as Patriarch Mstyslav I, on November 6, 1990 in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

In June 1992, a unification Sobor was held which united the UAOC with one part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), then led by Metropolitan Filaret (Denysenko). Patriarch Mstyslav personally signed and affixed his seal to the merger documents, which formed the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate under his leadership

After his death, the UOC-KP elected Volodomyr (Romaniuk) as Patriarch, while a portion of the UAOC which had broken from the UAOC after the 1992 union elected Patriarch Dymytriy (Yarema) as a head of a newly formed UAOC.

Here only 2 Ukrainian churches were established in 1992–1993 (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate) UOC-KP elected Volodomyr (Romaniuk) as Patriarch and after the death of Patriarch Volodomyr (Romaniuk) this Church is succeeded by Succeeded by Patriarch Filaret .

and the other Church 1990–1993 (Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) elected Patriarch Dymtriy ( Yarema) and after the death of Patriarch Dymtriy ( Yarema) that Church become even Metropolitan of Kyiv & all Ukraine and this Church is now succeeded by Valeriy Andriyovich Kudriakov

This was the most important event in Christianity

11/30/14: Joint Declaration signed by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis


Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate" and one out of the 14 churches within the communion of Orthodox Christianity.

In 1990 at the age of 92 Patriarch Mstyslav was elected in absentia as the first Patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine of the UAOC. He was enthroned as Patriarch Mstyslav I, on November 6, 1990 in St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

In June 1992, a unification Sobor was held which united the UAOC with one part of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), then led by Metropolitan Filaret (Denysenko). Patriarch Mstyslav personally signed and affixed his seal to the merger documents, which formed the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate under his leadership

After his death, the UOC-KP elected Volodomyr (Romaniuk) as Patriarch, while a portion of the UAOC which had broken from the UAOC after the 1992 union elected Patriarch Dymytriy (Yarema) as a head of a newly formed UAOC.

Here only 2 Ukrainian churches were established in 1992–1993 (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate) UOC-KP elected Volodomyr (Romaniuk) as Patriarch and after the death of Patriarch Volodomyr (Romaniuk) this Church is succeeded by Succeeded by Patriarch Filaret .

and the other Church 1990–1993 (Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church) elected Patriarch Dymtriy ( Yarema) and after the death of Patriarch Dymtriy ( Yarema) that Church become even Metropolitan of Kyiv & all Ukraine and this Church is now succeeded by Valeriy Andriyovich Kudriakov

This was the most important event in Christianity

11/30/14: Joint Declaration signed by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Pope Francis


You can call him whatever you like. But in the face of Orthodox Christians he is - just anathemized former priest, fallen into heresy and schism. He is not a priest from the canonical point of view. They Anathematized him in 1997. And he can meet with anyone in this Universe - it will not make his sect canonical church.
You can consult the list of these Orthodox churches. There is no no "Kiev Patriarchate". Look again.
Here it is. Real Orthodox Churches.
Autocephalous Orthodox churches[edit]
Ranked in order of seniority, with the year of independence (autocephaly) given in the parenthesis.[1][2]

Four Ancient Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
  2. Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria
  3. Greek Orthodox Church of Antioch
  4. Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem
Junior Patriarchates[edit]
  1. Russian Orthodox Church (1448, recognized in 1589)
  2. Georgian Orthodox and Apostolic Church (486)
  3. Bulgarian Orthodox Church (870)
  4. Serbian Orthodox Church (1219)
  5. Romanian Orthodox Church (1872, recognized in 1885)
Autocephalous Archbishoprics[edit]
  1. Church of Cyprus (431, recognized in 478)
  2. Church of Greece (1833, recognized in 1850)
  3. Albanian Orthodox Church (1922, recognized in 1937)
  4. Polish Orthodox Church (1924)
  5. Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church (1951,1988)
  6. Orthodox Church in America (1970, autocephaly not universally recognised[3])
And here is false ones
Churches that are unrecognized[edit]
The following Churches recognize all other mainstream Orthodox Churches, but are not recognized by any of them due to various disputes:

And here is about anathema of Filaret
February 21, 1997 at the Hierarchical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church [18] in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow was excommunicated and anathematized
21 февраля1997 года на Архиерейском Соборе Русской Православной Церкви[18] в Свято-Даниловом монастыре в Москве был отлучён от Церкви и предан анафеме
So this man is not even Christian, not to mention to be priest or "patriarch".
I don't think that Ukraine wants that. Ukraine will try to get back Donbas and even Crimea.

Not even NATO countries combined could ever dream of getting back Crimea, let alone tiny Ukraine. It's of crucial strategic importance for Russia. No chance whatsoever for Ukraine.
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