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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

defected general blasts Poroshenko for slaughtering people, vows to hang Poroshenko

This Hindustani guy is a Lithuanian troll. Pay no attention to this fagot. :tongue:

I am Indian and just following the news . I am aware who are real faggots who are misusing the technology and violating international conventions. Dont mess with Indians, if one will go down then thousands will go down from the other side.

Escalation of situation in some regions in east of Ukraine observed | Міністерство оборони України
Tuesday, June 23. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the intensity of attacks is relatively high in the region. Over the past 24 hours, the terrorists have attacked the Ukrainian positions and local infrastructure for 85 times with multiple rocket launchers, tanks, 122 and 152 mm howitzers, 120 mm mortars.

The tensest situation was near Donetsk.

In Artemivsk direction, the illegal armed formations shelled Zolote, Popasna, Rozivka, Zaitseve and Troitske with 122 mm artillery systems and 120 mm mortars.

Bandits attacked the Ukrainian positions near Mariynka with mortars, grenade launchers and anti-aircraft mounts.

The enemy performed the air reconnaissance.

So come explain who are murderers and terrorists here?Those who are defending their life?Or those like your employers who are shelling everyday cities,towns and villages?Did you even watched the video I have posted ?It is from downed UAV property of your employers.Nowhere in the video there is sight of NAF positions.But it did not stop your employers to keep shelling and murdering people living there.

Who is defending whose life ? all out war is going on and daily shellings against the ceasefire agreements.

Ukraine soverignity is being violated and a functioning country was destroyed by corruption and fraud but it was not done by Indians. Why Indians are being blamed for the mistakes and misuse of technology by those countries who claim to be responsible.


The footage, broadcast by Ukraine’s Channel 5 on Jan. 25, 2014, shows a man identified by Lemenov as Oleh Hrytsak and looking similarly to photos of him seen by the Kyiv Post. Oleh Hrytsak wears a prosecutor’s uniform at a court hearing against 12 EuroMaidan protesters detained during clashes with police on Hrushevsky Street in Kyiv.

They were accused of rioting and assaulting Berkut riot police and put under house arrest. Channel 5 footage also shows a video of riot police officers brutally beating one of the activists.

Militants attack Ukrainian troops more than 20 times after midnight - read on - uatoday.tv
Russian-backed militants in the Donbas step up their attacks

The intensity of attacks by the Russian-backed militants has been growing in recent weeks, according to the press center of Ukraine's Anti-Terrorist Operation, with Russian-backed militants in the Donbas stepping up their attacks on Ukrainian army positions and civilian areas.

On Tuesday, after midnight, the militants violated the ceasefire more than 20 times on various parts of the front line, the press center said in a report.

According to the report, the militants were most active in the area of Artemivsk at night. They fired 122mm artillery systems and 120mm mortars ten times on the towns of Zolote and Popasna, and the villages of Rozivka, Zaitseve and Troitske.

"At dawn the militants fired banned mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-aircraft systems three times on the positions of the Ukrainian armed forces near the town of Maryinka," the press center said.
Mr. Geoffrey R. Paytt transfers medal for Ukrainian pilot | Міністерство оборони України
U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Mr. Geoffrey R.Paytt presented the Distinguished Flying Cross for Col. Mykhaylo Smilsky to the National Military Historical Museum of Ukraine.

The USA awarded Ukrainian Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union Col. M.Smilsky during the war but he failed to receive it personally.

“This award found its hero,” Mr. Petro Mekhed, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine, said. “The real deeds of soldiers are eternal.”

During the World War II Col. Mykhaylo Smilsky performed 181 flights, destroyed 13 enemy’s aircrafts, over 80 tanks, 250 vehicles with infantry and military cargos, 10 cannons, and 3 fuel and ammunitions warehouses.

“The USA awards pilots for bravery and courage with this medal,” Mr. Geoffrey R. Paytt stressed.

On the occasion of the official ceremony of the award transfer, the museum made a special mini-exposition.





Ukraine's president Yanukovych says he did not order shooting people.

Rebel alliance tribute vid.

Reuters / Monday, June 22, 2015
A local resident sits amidst debris at his damaged house, which according to locals was hit by recent shelling, in Donetsk, Ukraine, June 22, 2015. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

Reuters / Monday, June 22, 2015
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko attends a commemoration ceremony marking the Day of Mourning and Remembrance of World War Two victims at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kiev, Ukraine, June 22, 2015. REUTERS/Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Pool


Militants shell Ukrainian positions 64 times in past 24 hours| Ukrinform

KYIV, June 24 /Ukrinform/. The pro-Russian illegal armed groups launched 64 attacks on positions of Ukrainian forces and civilians over past 24 hours.

This is reported by the ATO press center.

"The Kremlin mercenaries widely use 120mm mortars, prohibited by the Minsk agreements. Those mortars were used to launch at least 25 attacks along the demarcation line. In addition, numerous cases of use of 122mm and 152 mm artillery systems by militants were recorded," the press center informs.

The tensest situation remains in Donetsk region, in particular near Marinka, Pisky, and Opytne.

Militants continued shelling of Stanytsia Luhanska, Sokolnyky, Shchastia localities in Luhansk region.

The activity of the Russian-terrorist troops slightly fell after midnight.


23.06.2015 | 15:19
"Over the last day, we have lost one Ukrainian soldier, and another twelve were injured as a result of military clashes," Lysenko said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, Russian-backed militants in the Donbas attacked Ukrainian army positions and civilian areas 85 times on June 22.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on Tuesday said it has obtained more irrefutable evidence of Russian weapons and armor being supplied by Moscow to fighters of the Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples’ Republics militant organizations.


Photo from Security Service of Ukraine
During clashes with militants near the village of Oktiabr in Donetsk region, the SBU seized a small MPO-A "Bumblebee" flamethrower produced in 2008, which until has been used only by the Russian army , the press office of the SBU reported.

In addition, near the village Stanitsa-Lugansk in an area where ATO forces were being shelled by the militants, the SBU found and seized two containers for RShG-2 rocket-propelled grenades, made in 2006 and 2011, which are also used only by the Russian armed forces," according to the press office.

The SBU also found body armor produced by ZAO Scientific-Production Enterprise "Class" (Moscow), which is used by the Russian armed forces.


Ukrainian servicemen shout from SPG-9 antitank grenade launcher during the combat with the pro-Russian separatists near Avdeevka, Donetsk region, on June 18, 2015. Russian President Vladimir Putin said his country was open to the world and would cooperate with the West despite persistent tensions over the Ukraine crisis. AFP PHOTO/ ALEKSEY

Poroshenko's deputy chief of staff says 9,000 Russian troops are in Ukraine
''According to the Ukrainian intelligence data which was confirmed by the intelligence services of other countries, there are up to 9,000 Russian troops in the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions," Taranov said on Channel 5 on Tuesday evening.

In his words, these 9,000 are part of a total of 50,000 which are deployed along the Ukrainian-Russian border.

Taranov recalled the detention of the Russian Defense Ministry's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) servicemen Alexander Alexandrov and Yevgeny Yerofeyev. They are charged with terrorism, but have said they do not accept this charge

''Yerofeyev and Alexandrov believed and continue to believe that they are servicemen of the Armed Forces of Russia, who were sent on a special mission in the territory of the temporarily occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions,'' Taranov said.

He these servicemen carried out an act of terrorism

''I want to emphasize that sergeant Alexandrov had only one cartridge left in his machinegun. And one of them killed our soldier,' Taranov said.
Militants keep shelling Ukrainian positions | Міністерство оборони України
Thursday, June 25. DONBAS — The press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) reports, on June 24, the bandits activated their actions in the region.

Since the midnight, the militants have shelled the Ukrainian positions over 30 times.

The situation escalated near Mariupol. The Ukrainian positions near Shyrokyne and Talakivka were shelled with 152 mm howitzers, near Berdyanske with 122 mm artillery systems. Moreover, the bandits attacked Shyrokyne with small arms, grenade launchers and portable Grad-P multiple rocket launchers.

The illegal armed formations attacked Pisky and Opytne with 120 mm mortars and incendiary mines.

Leninske and Kirove, Shchastya and Stanytsya Luhanska were shelled with mortars.


Thursday, June 25. DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, on June 24, a recon group received the information about eventual actions of diversionists of the illegal armed formations of the so-called LPR. The militants planned to carry out a terrorist act.

The servicemen searched, found and destroyed an explosive object. It was near Aliance recreation camp.
Torture, rape and murder accusations swirl around Luhansk volunteer unit

PRYVILLYA, Ukraine - A masked camouflaged soldier of Ukraine’s volunteer Tornado company leads the reporter down a narrow stairway to a dark basement at the unit’s base in the city of Pryvillya in Luhansk Oblast.

“Frankly speaking, I don’t see any torture chambers here,” he jokes, referring to accusations that Tornado members, ostensibly subordinate to the Interior Ministry, tortured prisoners.

He then shows boxes with food supplied by volunteers and says storing them is the basement’s main purpose.The group says that Ruslan Onyshchenko, their unit commander, and 11 other Tornado soldiers, were detained by Ukrainian authorities last week. Authorities said only eight were arrested. They face charges of kidnapping, torture and rape.

Authorities argue that the arrests are part of their efforts to introduce law and order among volunteer units. Critics of the government portray this as part of a broader crackdown on the volunteer movement, which is seen as a challenge to President Petro Poroshenko’s power.

A cache with explosives and separatist propaganda that was found on a train that transported cast iron from the city of Alchevsk in separatist territory on June 16, according to Tornado.
© Tornado



A train that, according to Tornado, transported cast iron from the city of Alchevsk in separatist territory on June 16.
© Tornado

Torture, rape and murder accusations swirl around Luhansk volunteer unit

PRYVILLYA, Ukraine - A masked camouflaged soldier of Ukraine’s volunteer Tornado company leads the reporter down a narrow stairway to a dark basement at the unit’s base in the city of Pryvillya in Luhansk Oblast.

“Frankly speaking, I don’t see any torture chambers here,” he jokes, referring to accusations that Tornado members, ostensibly subordinate to the Interior Ministry, tortured prisoners.

He then shows boxes with food supplied by volunteers and says storing them is the basement’s main purpose.The group says that Ruslan Onyshchenko, their unit commander, and 11 other Tornado soldiers, were detained by Ukrainian authorities last week. Authorities said only eight were arrested. They face charges of kidnapping, torture and rape.

Authorities argue that the arrests are part of their efforts to introduce law and order among volunteer units. Critics of the government portray this as part of a broader crackdown on the volunteer movement, which is seen as a challenge to President Petro Poroshenko’s power.

A cache with explosives and separatist propaganda that was found on a train that transported cast iron from the city of Alchevsk in separatist territory on June 16, according to Tornado.
© Tornado



A train that, according to Tornado, transported cast iron from the city of Alchevsk in separatist territory on June 16.
© Tornado

you do realize that, given a chance, those Azov nazis would make lubricant of your bone marrow and polish their boots with it, right ? :)
you do realize that, given a chance, those Azov nazis would make lubricant of your bone marrow and polish their boots with it, right ? :)

Who are these Azov Nazis by the way ? Ukrainian Soldiers isnt it ?

Be it Russians, Polish, Ukrainian, Germany, French, Lithuanian etc all these people live in India . Do you think that anyone can kill any Indian citizen and Indian Government and nation will be silent ?

All are coming to India under Make in India and if they wont give respect then they wont get respect anywhere from Indians. India even have technology.
Who are these Azov Nazis by the way ? Ukrainian Soldiers isnt it ?
no, these are fringe ultras given heavy weapons to commit genocide in Donbass, all their national guard is full of these criminals, why are you cheer-leading for them ?

Be it Russians, Polish, Ukrainian, Germany, French, Lithuanian etc all these people live in India . Do you think that anyone can kill any Indian citizen and Indian Government and nation will be silent ?
wut ? :undecided:

All are coming to India under Make in India and if they wont give respect then they wont get respect anywhere from Indians. India even have technology.
Press reports ATO Staff: the situation in the zone of the antiterrorist operation is complex, but controlled Ukrainian soldiers.For the past day Russian-terrorist forces opened fire 86 times on positions of Ukrainian troops. 50 - in the region of Donetsk.Under dense fire Kremlin mercenaries remain Sands, questionnaire and Marinka.

They constantly fired with 82 and 120 mm mortars, armored infantry and small arms and grenade launchers, are also hostile snipers.In Luhansk was hot at Happiness, Novotoshkivky, villages Luhansk. There were beaten with militants banned mortars and other weapons.Shyrokynomu evening by gunmen actively hatyly the prohibited agreements Minsk 152-mm howitzers and mortars caliber 120mm and staged armed provocations with the use of small arms.

After midnight, heavy enemy artillery in the area of Mariupol hit granite.Since the early days of pro-hybrid gang fired more than 10 times our position.


Friday, June 26. UKRAINE — The Latvian armed forces delegation led by Lt. Gen. Raimonds Graube, Commander of Latvian National Armed Forces, visited Ukraine.

The guests viewed combat firearms training of a mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The units’ maneuvers were close to combat conditions.

“It was not an imitation of actions, we inspected the readiness of the brigade for combat operations,” Col. Gen. Viktor Muzhenko stressed and added: “During combat operations in the east of Ukraine, we gained the valuable experience and we’re ready to share it with colleagues.”

“My visit is a demonstration of Latvian support for the Ukrainian people in your fighting against the Russian aggression,” Lt. Gen. Raimonds Graube stressed. “The experience gained by the Ukrainian army during the combat operations in the east of Ukraine is unrivalled and will be used in the Latvian Armed Forces,” he underlined.

The Latvian delegation also toured SE Kyiv Armour Tank Plant and visited the Training Scientific Centre of the International Peacekeeping of the National Defence University of Ukraine.

In the National Defence University of Ukraine the delegations discussed the state and the prospects of development of military cooperation between the Armed Forces of both countries, defined priorities and forms of cooperation, as well as exchanged experience in reforms and development of the Armed Forces.








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