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Civil war in Ukraine: News & discussion

I am just seeing that people are dieing,suffering and huge PR is going on.

Conflicts cant be compare and suffering of the people cant be measured.

Syrians, Afghans, Yemanis, Libyans, Central Africans , Rohingyas,Palestinians and Ukrainians all are suffering. Sometimes sects, sometimes religion, sometimes color and sometimes historical events are being used but in reality these countries are made to suffer because of geopolitics and international politics.

Life is about suffering. Only Earth has life, because of God's demented experiment. No life, no suffering.
This is not because of God but because of misusing of technology.

Life is about suffering and death. Without death, there is no life. Only the strong and smart and quick survive. The weak die out. Every life ends in suffering and death. How many deaths have happened on Earth? Trillions of deaths since billions of years ago. Millions of deaths every day. God sees itself through the eyes of life. This is why God chooses only the most intelligent to survive.

If you don't like suffering and death, then you are disobying God. And you know what happens to people who disobey God.
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Confusing U(kraine) - Turn: Yanukovych Ousting Was Illegitimate - Poroshenko.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko appealed to the country’s constitutional court, asking the court to recognize the ousting of former President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as illegitimate.
"I ask the court to acknowledge that the law ‘on the removal of the presidential title from Viktor Yanukovych' as unconstitutional," Poroshenko said in a court statement published on the website of the Ukrainian constitutional court.
The current Ukrainian president said the law violates the constitution, according to which the President of Ukraine is protected by law and his title remains with him forever. He also added that by enacting the law in February of 2014, the parliament of Ukraine undermined the constitution.
Now, the amusing fact is that Poroshenko himself actively supported the Euromaidan protests between November 2013 and February 2014 in Kiev that resulted in the overthrow of Yanukovych.
As the current head of Ukraine, who became the president after the illegal coup, Poroshenko's statement seems strange at best. By admitting that the overthrow of Yanukovych was illegal and stressing that the President of Ukraine should be forever protected by the country's law, Poroshenko might be insinuating that his own presidency is put in jeopardy.
Otherwise, why would someone else who became the president after the coup all of a sudden defend the former leader of the country? Seems illogical.
Alexei Pushkov, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Lower House of Russia's parliament, commented on Poroshenko's bizarre revelation.
"Here we go, Poroshenko acknowledged the unconstitutional nature of Yanukovych's removal from power. The EU and PACE both denied it. Now it's recognized," Pushkov wrote on his Twitter account.
Last year, Yanukovych became the scapegoat of Ukrainian politics after his government was accused of all the misfortunes in the country. Now, more than a year after the former president was gone, his legacy is still around. Mikheil Saakashvili, the new governor of Ukraine's Odessa Region, said that in the best case scenario, Ukraine will need 20 more years to reach the economic level of Yanukovych's government in 2013.
Confusing U(kraine)-Turn: Yanukovych Ousting Was Illegitimate - Poroshenko / Sputnik International
Life is about suffering and death. Without death, there is no life. Only the strong and smart and quick survive. The weak die out. All life ends with suffering and death. How many deaths have happened on Earth? Trillions of deaths since billions of years ago. Millions of deaths every day. God sees itself through the eyes of life. This is why God chooses only the most intelligent to survive.

I think you never understood life ever. Technology should be for the betterment of the people and whatever suffering we are seeing its not because of God but because of those who are misusing the technology in the name of religion, race, denying jobs , denying basic needs then talking about a secure world.

In all the Holy Books , its written to not hurt and play with civilians and now technology is being used in such a way that its really impossible for a better world. Now people will think to not hurt others and even think that God will forgive them. Everything will come in front of all those who have misused technology.

Terrorists still violate ceasefire | Міністерство оборони України
According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ (ATO) HQ, the illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire for 83 times over the past 24 hours.

The tensest situation is near Donetsk. Militants shelled Krasnohorivka, Opytne, Pisky, Mariynka, and Avdiyvka with 120 mm mortars. They also attacked Opytne with 152 mm howitzers, Shyrokyne with 122 mm artillery systems.

In Luhansk oblast, the bandits shelled the Ukrainian troops positions near Zolote and Stanytsya Luhanska.

The militants performed the air reconnaissance.

This morning the Russian-terrorist groups have already attacked the Ukrainian govt positions for 15 times with 120 mm mortars, 122 and 152 mm howitzers primarily in Donetsk direction.


Russia uses Ukraine as a testing range for advanced arms, and Ukraine has got only obsolete weapons to defend itself, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said at a meeting with a delegation of U.S. senators led by John McCain on Saturday.

Russian non-Invasion Causing Concern in European Capitals
Tensions across the Baltic States and Poland have reached fever pitch in recent days as it has become increasingly clear that the Russians have no plans whatsoever to attack any of these countries. For the last year, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia have been giving increasingly urgent warnings of Russian invasion and have been attempting to convince the rest of the world that it must act decisively in order to stop President Vladimir Putin carrying out his plan to recreate the Soviet Union, this time from Vladivostok to Johannesburg.

However, despite issuing repeated warnings of imminent peril, the Russians are still showing no signs of turning up and even seem to be saying that they’ve got better things to do with their time. Only last week, Mr Putin claimed in an interview with the Italian newspaper, Il Corriere della Sera, that the idea of attacking a NATO country was only in the “nightmare of an insane person”.

The refusal to invade has become a source of much consternation in Warsaw, Riga, and Tallinn, but it comes as a particularly bitter blow to the Lithuanian President, Dalia Grybauskaitė, who has been increasingly vocal about the threat and who has put the country on panic mode for some time. Earlier this year, in preparation for the imminent invasion, the government in Vilnius put out a 100-page public information pamphlet — How to act in extreme situations or instances of war — which advised citizens how to survive a Russian invasion, and which contains sections on “the organization of civil resistance” and “how to act under battlefield conditions.”

A spokesman for the Defence Minister Juozas Olekas, who unveiled the booklet in January, was clearly upset by the Russian response:

“We went to all that trouble of producing a booklet on what to do when they invade, and then they don’t even have the common decency to come and invade us,” he said. “It’s just typical of Russians. You just can’t trust them with anything.”

He went on to say that the country was now advising its citizens on what to do in case of a Russian non-invasion, and a second pamphlet — How to act in normal situations or instances of peace — is already being prepared in case the Russians carry out their threat not to come. The new booklet is said to advise Lithuanians on how to cope with the idea that their country might not be all that important to Russia after all, and it contains a number of other things people can get worked up about Russia in order to detract from the country’s own internal issues.

In Warsaw, where hostility to Russia has been growing due to an ongoing Government awareness programme, a spokesman for the Polish Government, who wished to remain nameless, said the following:

“Russia has invaded Ukraine on no less than 47 occasions during the past 12 months or so. We don’t know why they keep invading, and then retreating and then reinvading again, but we know they have because we’ve been keeping a close eye on Twitter and Facebook, and because Arseniy Yatsenyuk says so. Of course we naturally assumed that sooner or later this would mean they’d come for us — at least that’s what we’ve been telling our people for the last year — and so the idea that they might stay at home after all is bad news indeed. If they continue not to come, the people might actually start to think it was all a silly hoax to detract their attention away from Poland’s own issues, and that could be disastrous for us as a nation.”

The fear that Russia might stay at home is echoed in Washington, with a spokeswoman for the State Department sounding genuinely perplexed:

“We’re sure that the Russians want to recreate the Soviet Union. That’s what our President said the other day and we have no reason to disbelieve him. The first port of call before they get to Johannesburg must surely be the Baltic States and then Poland. So why won’t they invade? It’s a mystery to us, but we’re continuing to work with our vassals … sorry I meant to say allies, to scare people into understanding the threat, and I think it’s important to note that even non-invasion can be considered a part of their ongoing aggression”

Last week there were hopes that the invasion might be about to happen, when two British RAF Typhoons stationed in Estonia were scrambled to intercept and shadow two Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea. However, the hopes were dashed when it was pointed out by experts, who looked at a map, that Russia is next to the Baltic Sea and a jolly sight closer to it than Britain is.

Russian non-Invasion Causing Concern in European Capitals |
Tensest situation is in Donetsk direction | Міністерство оборони України
Monday, June 22.
DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the illegal armed formations have attacked the Ukrainian positions and communities for 85 times. Militants use heavy weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements.

The tensest situation is in Donetsk direction.

Terrorists shelled Crymske, Zolote with grenade launchers and Bohuslavke with mortars.

The enemy’s snipers targeted the Ukrainian troops in Mariynka.

Militants shelled Nyjne with Grad multiple rocket launchers.


On the ground firing range "Great Lan", which in the Mykolaiv region, as part of a brigade tactical exercises with units of the Land Forces trained snipers highly mobile airborne troops.For the implementation of practical lessons observed Chief of General Staff - Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Viktor Muzhenko, First Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Colonel-General Gennady Vorobyov, management team species operational commands defined units, sniper Airborne divisions, Navy, JI Armed Forces of Ukraine.








Militants shell Ukrainian military 85 times in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 22 /Ukrinform/. Russian armed gangs shelled Ukrainian positions and peaceful settlements 85 times over past 24 hours, the ATO press centre reports.

The Donetsk direction remains the epicenter of tension. Fifty-two attacks on our positions and civilian population were recorded there.

After midnight, the pro-Russian mercenaries shelled Krymske village and Zolote town, Luhansk region, using various grenade launchers.

In the morning, militants fired twenty Grad MLRS rockets on village of Nyzhnie, Luhansk region.

About ten cases of the use of weapons against the ATO forces have been already recorded this morning.

Life in Ukraine's rebel-held Donetsk
Tensest situation is in Donetsk direction | Міністерство оборони України
Monday, June 22.
DONBAS — According to the press centre of the ‘anti-terror’ operation (ATO) HQ, the illegal armed formations have attacked the Ukrainian positions and communities for 85 times. Militants use heavy weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements.

The tensest situation is in Donetsk direction.

Terrorists shelled Crymske, Zolote with grenade launchers and Bohuslavke with mortars.

The enemy’s snipers targeted the Ukrainian troops in Mariynka.

Militants shelled Nyjne with Grad multiple rocket launchers.

As always you are posting lies.Look who is shelling who

I will even help you process information-your employers are busy with one of their favored activities in DNR/LNR- shelling civilian infracstucture .
I will even help you process information-your employers are busy with one of their favored activities in DNR/LNR- shelling civilian infracstucture .

Is this lie ?

Two Ukrainian servicemen killed in ATO area in past 24 hours| Ukrinform
KYIV, June 22 /Ukrinform/. Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, another three were wounded in the area of the anti-terrorist operation in Donbas as a result of hostilities.

Spokesman for the Presidential Administration on the anti-terrorist operation, Colonel Andriy Lysenko said this at a briefing, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

"Two Ukrainian servicemen were killed, another three were wounded as a result of military clashes over past 24 hours," Lysenko said.

BREAKING NEWS. Today, Major General Alexander Kolomiyets of the Ukrainian army defected to the rebel alliance to fight president Clark. :nana: This is to date the biggest defection from the Ukrainian army.

Former Advisor to Ukraine’s Defense Minister Defects to Donbass / Sputnik International

Oleksandr Kolomiets
© RT channel

A former major general who served in Ukraine’s military during Viktor Yanukovych’s disgraced presidency has joined Russian-separatist forces in occupied Donetsk, according to a recorded news conference published by Vesti.ru media outlet on June 22.

OleksandrKolomiets said he moved his family from Kyiv to Donetsk “in order to protect them,” UNIAN news agency reported.

Ukraine’s Defense Ministry released a statement confirming that Kolomiets headed the information analysis department of the Army General Staff until August 2012.

“He was dismissed because of incompetence and numerous unauthorized trips to Moscow, Russia,” the Defense Ministry said in a June 22 statement on its website. “In addition, at the request of employees of military counterintelligence, Oleksandr Kolomiets was denied access to state secrets.”

A Defense Ministry spokesman told the Kyiv Post that after his dismissal, Kolomiets was a civilian and his occupation was unknown. Kolomiets also had been the military commissar of Donetsk Oblast for 19 years, the Defense Ministry added.

Last week the Security Service of Ukraine announced that two of its foreign intelligence officers had joined Russian-separatist forces in Luhansk Oblast. They were brothers Oleksiy and Yuriy Miroshnichenko. Former state security head Valentyn Nalyvaichenko told journalists last week that criminal proceedings were started for treason.


Horlivka, a Donetsk Oblast city controlled by Russians, has lost about 90,000 people from its pre-war population of 272,000 residents, is suffering from an aid blockade by the Ukrainian government and inadequate supplies from the Russian one.
© Stefan Huijboom
Is this lie ?
So come explain who are murderers and terrorists here?Those who are defending their life?Or those like your employers who are shelling everyday cities,towns and villages?Did you even watched the video I have posted ?It is from downed UAV property of your employers.Nowhere in the video there is sight of NAF positions.But it did not stop your employers to keep shelling and murdering people living there.
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