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By nature, Bangladeshis do not want Rule of Allah as in the Arabs, that is why they are a small party and get less seats in the parliament.

A fair trial is appreciated for the killing, but the AL is not doing that. Sure.

They were anti-liberation in 71, not now. Sure.

Yes Jammat is anti-Indian for India's hegemony and they are politically aware, I think if India works with all party, including Jammat, not with AL only, no one (including Jammat) will have problem with a India.

If Jammat still be anti-Indian even if India becomes friendly, I am sure Jammat will be ignored, and be identified as a impediment to the progress of BD.

India has never been a threat and in fact helped you gain Independence along with your fellow countrymen. Saying Jammatt is not a threat is BS coz they were in power numerous time I think before. thier influence in key positions is alarming. Did you forget the incident of the attempted army coup?
Majority of the Arab states does not follow rule of Allah but it does not make them less muslim. In terms of devotion to Islam Bangladeshi muslims are no less then Arabs.

Still a big amount of them are anti Bangladeshi element in Jamaat. If we go by the comment of some Jamaati member here in PDF it becomes quite clear which also includes you who was trying to glorify Pakistani era then present day Bangladesh.

True. Jamaat also works as a lapdog of USA .... I guess you read the recent prothom-alo news on the wikileaks documents on Jamaat.

Jamaat is or was ignored always in Bangladeshi politicts. They have very less credibility and tats why they get less vote. But the money from middle east is only helping them remain afloat in Bangladeshi politics.

Yes I am pro-pk, but what I said was based on reference, did not I? and yes my anti-AL sentiment is showing me as less patriot. I am helpless in this case.

Why India does not work with Jammat if USA can? Why India can not be BD friendly.

Do not agree with the last part of middle east money.
Have i said anything about Jamat? Mullah protest is directed against what they call ' Shahbagi atheist' ! According to them slandering Prophet Muhammad pbuh is bigger crime than War crime- go figure

That was the Jamaati propaganda and I included that. How you term the whole Shahbagh movement as atheist movement??? when it has been supported fully by the you generation of Bangladeshis and people of Bangladeshi origin from all around the world had shown solidarity with it. If any blogger there is anti islamic that is a different case but it does not make Shahbagh movement an atheist movement or their demand to hang the Jamaati war criminals invalid.

If there are any law to deal with anti Islamic blogging the hujurs should follow that else just demanding punishment of the anti islamic blogger will just go in vain.

Whatever the matter the Jamaati war criminals are going to be punished and hanged. Insallah.
Why not? Most of it is true. They run by Middle eastern donations.

Jammat could get donation from Middle East, but actually its activists vote them for their ideology, hence, mainly run by its suppoters. It means Jammat run by its followers/activists, but could get donation/sympathy from ME.

And unlike BNP/AL activists, as far I know Jammati activists donate to Jammat party, while BNP/AL walas take money from their parties, totally opposite. So what if Jammat gets money from ME, it does not go to its activists, I guess.
Yes. Jamat has a supporter bank! they donate money to Jamat every month. It runs by its supporters! Every supporter/activists has a book for the record most probably!! I am not a Jamat supporter so i don't know exactly!
Jammat could get donation from Middle East, but actually its activists vote them for their ideology, hence, mainly run by its suppoters. It means Jammat run by its followers/activists, but could get donation/sympathy from ME.

And unlike BNP/AL activists, as far I know Jammati activists donate to Jammat party, while BNP/AL walas take money from their parties, totally opposite. So what if Jammat gets money from ME, it does not go to its activists, I guess.

Yes sympathy is the right word, they give an awesome lecture on Bangladesh's economical situation to get it infact. :lol: And no, party won't exist without money, true story.

Nope, i haven't heard or seen any such things (My Fufu's side of family are hardcore Jamatis and actively works for them) although Jamat does utilize the money in a good way, that i would give to them.
"I think it's going to be a bloody victory for Jamaat in the end. Many Jamaatis are going to die along with many of those rawami terrorists but surley, Jamaatis are going to win. I had my doubts a few days back but after the mask of those thugs at Shahbag came off I have no doubts whatsoever, about the impending victory of Jamaat."

Many people might think from posts like that, that Jamat and Mullahs are together, just made it clear. although i am with Jamat this time, cheers. Hail jamat :lol:

@ Jamaat-e-Islami is a well organised force there is no doubt in it. There is always an allegation that they sided with Pakistan or in other words they fought for united Pakistan along with Pakistani Forces. In the process they also committed crime along with Pakistani Forces. Ironically all the Pakistani accused persons were pardoned and freed both by the Indian as well as Bangladeshi Govt. Even this was reflected in the Simla Pact signed between Pakistan and India.

@ In 1973, the Govt of Bangaldesh enacted a Law called "Special Tribunal Act" to try these War Criminals. This was made to try the Pakistani military officers not their collaborators. Soon a "Collaborator Act", was enacted to try the collaborators. I think, around 37,000 people were arrested and trial was started. But due to lack of evidence it was difficult to convict them. At last Sk Mujib gave them General Amnesty(probably due to the pressure of Middle East) and almost all were freed. But still some 11/12 thousand direct political leaders and other civil servents remained in jail. After the assassination of Sk Mujib, once Zia came to power he repealed the Collaborator's Act. Whether " Special Tribunal Act" was repealed or not I have no idea.
Battle between imandar and beiman is on. I just heard shahbaghi gathering is disolving because they hearing the roar of mujahedeen in distance. Aage aage dekho toder ki bhabe size kora hoi. Beimaner ghusti.
i prefer malaysia

NO Malaysia, Turkey is needed. Bangladeshis are Bangladeshis.

BNP is fine when the ideology based politics is concerned as BNP does not divide the nation, But it must need to be corruption less and competent. And AL's ideology divides the nation, it is very very harmful.

In fact, I am for a ideology free politics. Ideology divides.

Also we need to work on the relationship between the leader and people after election. In election, people transfer the power to the leader, and after election all the power belong to the leader only, and no power gets belong to the people, that is the main problem. Some power should be in hand of people so that they can make the leaders accountable, and if necessary they can change the leader anytime, but all are these possible in a party less, ideology less democratic system. IMO.
@ Jamaat-e-Islami is a well organised force there is no doubt in it. There is always an allegation that they sided with Pakistan or in other words they fought for united Pakistan along with Pakistani Forces. In the process they also committed crime along with Pakistani Forces. Ironically all the Pakistani accused persons were pardoned and freed both by the Indian as well as Bangladeshi Govt. Even this was reflected in the Simla Pact signed between Pakistan and India.

@ In 1973, the Govt of Bangaldesh enacted a Law called "Special Tribunal Act" to try these War Criminals. This was made to try the Pakistani military officers not their collaborators. Soon a "Collaborator Act", was enacted to try the collaborators. I think, around 37,000 people were arrested and trial was started. But due to lack of evidence it was difficult to convict them. At last Sk Mujib gave them General Amnesty(probably due to the pressure of Middle East) and almost all were freed. But still some 11/12 thousand direct political leaders and other civil servents remained in jail. After the assassination of Sk Mujib, once Zia came to power he repealed the Collaborator's Act. Whether " Special Tribunal Act" was repealed or not I have no idea.

That is what that government did for political reasons. The victims want justice and justice will be served.
India has never been a threat and in fact helped you gain Independence along with your fellow countrymen. Saying Jammatt is not a threat is BS coz they were in power numerous time I think before. thier influence in key positions is alarming. Did you forget the incident of the attempted army coup?

@ My dear friend who told you that Jamaat attempted army coup ? It was completely false and fabricated. Only few young officers were dissatisfied with the activities of the govt so they had been trying to communicate each other. But they were being tracked and caught. It was never a Jamati coup ! It was a vivid imagination being created by Indian intelligence upon Bnagladeshi Govt.

@ We have done enough military coup but most of them being instigated by India. Even the killing of President Zia was also planned and executed by India. Now, you will ask prove ? There are many things which cannot be proved-------
Then how can you say that the coup was fabricated? :)

@ You see, Bangladesh had witnessed almost 22/25 military coups. Most of these coups were failed and never came in the press. The people came to know afterwards. Many people were killed prima facie, many were hanged after short trial and many were given jail but never some high achelon made any press conference.

@ And my dear Indian friend is too much warried of some Jamati military coup ! Look man we are well aquanted with these military coups in our country. If these is something gross mistake is going so it would be inevitable, no one can stop it.
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