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Set it as my profile pic on FB...thanks.
Knowing that PAK army's left over is eliminated by now, RAWAMYS are getting aggressive day by day and the Hindu-commie-infested army's mum ness is making them even bolder to do it with faster pace.
The BA is a Hindu-commie-infested army?? :woot: This gem of yours makes you sound like a Jamaati imbecile with corroded brain cells.
The BA is a Hindu-commie-infested army?? :woot: This gem of yours makes you sound like a Jamaati imbecile with corroded brain cells.
Infect it is worse than Hindu infested one as Commies/Shahabaghi Atheist’s guru MUA, Mashududdin etc. had made it hybrid, sleazy mercenary force. Now listen to this, if UR lot were to practice Gandhism for centuries still then U could not acquire a fraction's of JI/SHIBIR's spirit.
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