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Nov 11, 2008
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United States
With the declaration of confiscation of JI's religious orgs., bank, properties; RAWAMY GOVT. has become bare/open by now (Jamaat has no place in Bangladesh politics: PM - bdnews24.com) on its non-promulgated war on Majority of a Muslim country. Knowing that PAK army's left over is eliminated by now, RAWAMYS are getting aggressive day by day and the Hindu-commie-infested army's
mum ness is making them even bolder to do it with faster pace.

No one understood or paid attention during BNP's era, when RAWAMYS were revealing at preparing to fight another Muktijhuddo. But they were calculative and knew about the Geo-Proximity of their real master. And the absence of real armed opposition, they knew that it would be facile for them to overrun Muslim-Nationalists. But as the saying went like man possessed but God dispossessed, courage under fire wasn't expected and it seemed like JI/SHIBIRIES weren't gonna surely earn them a walk over. And it looked like further courage, stamina and patient would define the future of a small nation in cunning giant's belly.
@M_Saint @Al-zakir people started not taking jamaati strikes seriously. Can they sustain a war? it seems jamaat has been weakened massively with the shahbag movement. What do you guys thinks?
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@aazidane, I roamed all around Dhaka freely today (went out after 2). Traffic was far less than usual. Faced traffic jam near Farmgate and Elephant Road. Now going out again.

My honest opinion is there have been more effective strikes in this country. This one . . . . not so effective. I think Jamat could use active support of BNP on these strikes.
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Can someone explain the views and affiliations of the two opposing sides, and why they're doing this? thanks.
Ḥashshāshīn;3936358 said:
Can someone explain the views and affiliations of the two opposing sides, and why they're doing this? thanks.

One party(BAL) wants to ban and kill the elders of the other party. The other wants their leaders to be free. Thats about it. As the victim party's elder were(Maybe true, maybe false) actively involved in the genocide of 71, BAL are trying to get more support by hanging them now. BAL's reasons can be 1. They are trying to distract the people from their mass corruption they have been doing, 2. They feel that they will lose the next election and need more support, 3. They want to join hands with the other party by threatening them
civil war hasn't started yet.
No, it has started officially by now. All U have to read the lips of RAWAMYs at the helm. Infect the undeclared one has been going on for a while now. BTW, can U read Bangla by now? The most of the related links are in that language for obvious RAWAMY's reasons.
One party(BAL) wants to ban and kill the elders of the other party. The other wants their leaders to be free. Thats about it. As the victim party's elder were(Maybe true, maybe false) actively involved in the genocide of 71, BAL are trying to get more support by hanging them now. BAL's reasons can be 1. They are trying to distract the people from their mass corruption they have been doing, 2. They feel that they will lose the next election and need more support, 3. They want to join hands with the other party by threatening them

What a cynical account.

It is scary to think that it might be accurate.
No, it has started officially by now. All U have to read the lips of RAWAMYs at the helm. Infect the undeclared one has been going on for a while now. BTW, can U read Bangla by now? The most of the related links are in that language for obvious RAWAMY's reasons.

My bangla skills are up to class 5 level in American Internation School Dhaka, that equates to class 1 level in a bangla school :lol:. I could always read bangla, but it takes a long time for me to read, i can read newspapers but not on the computer screen as how they are typed. Complicated words, i have to spell :sick:
the only way to fix Bangladesh is with a bloody civil war, then the munafiqs will remember who allah is and what islam teaches
democracy will never work in Bangladesh
the only solution is a Islamic state
so that bangladesh can walk in the path of pakistan and afghanistan,and not somewhere along the lines of south korea or maybe some european countries???

The 4.6% guys (Jamatis) speaking of civil war as usual.

If things really get out of hand the government can arrest the current operational Jamat/Shibir leaders and lock them up for creating disruption, or just lock their centres.

The government has already closed down a Jamati website which they feel played a part in the death of that secularist blogger who was - to be quite frank - an Islam-hater.
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