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CIA Director Burns Made Unannounced Visit To Pakistan.

Also what's wrong with providing bases to US for surveillance. This will ensure that terror organizations like TTP and ISIS are crushed in Afghanistan.

At the same time US bases in Pakistan ( Balochistan) will ensure no more terror attacks in Balochistan by India, as they ll be given a shut up call, as US military would be directly present.

We can also have some sort of understanding where Pakistan can do the real time monitoring of border areas via US hardware and keep them in the loop.

Its all about negotiations. Diplomacy is an art. Most people who are apposing it dont even know why they are opposing it.


Let them express themselves. I am sure Pakistan will decide whatever serves its national interests.
I may have lot of issues with administration of IK but one thing I believe is that establishment can't fire from civilian shoulder regarding this until he is PM. Rest time will tell.

Let us wait and see whose shoulder is used, if it is needed.
Simple no..You guys realy want to sell your mums again for money. Shame on your negotiation thoughts.they will never be yiur friends. They hate you unthinkable level

Do you think they will listen you. You are atomic power and behave like atomic power. People like you the reason pakistan dont get respect what this country desever.

Sir I agree and I repeatedly reiterated in several other threads that Pakistan is under "tremendous Pressure" to reconsider its stance w.r.t Afghanistan and Taliban and some "non-state" actors including China and Russia are watching this time to see IF Pakistan have learned ANY lessons from the past 20 years or so...I hope we maintain honor and show courage with back bone suited to the only Muslim Atomic Power...

If Bajwa.Ltd makes the call to give bases, it would be a great opportunity for Imran Khan to get rid of him.

There are not many occasions where the populist call is the right call. This is one those rare occasions !
Also what's wrong with providing bases to US for surveillance. This will ensure that terror organizations like TTP and ISIS are crushed in Afghanistan.

At the same time US bases in Pakistan ( Balochistan) will ensure no more terror attacks in Balochistan by India, as they ll be given a shut up call, as US military would be directly present.

2 decades of US + NATO in afghanistan with all of their military might.. more than enough time to deal with both of the assumptions that you've made.

Instead there was VOA's propaganda, PTM, TTP, India still operating from afg. and couple it with bloodshed of thousands of Pakistanis, extremism, billions lost and all the menace it brought to Pakistan.

So how about no?
Pakistan should not give bases to US, it will het us in trouble. First the taliban wont trust us and may arm, train and shelter TTP. It will also annoy china as the US will be in striking distance of CPEC route. I know our brown sahabs in bureaucracy are itching to give US bases and get peanuts in return because they are western chamchas but i hope there are genuine loyal Pakistanis that dont let it happen.
This government is another replica of Mushraf times...I thought Imran khan will not agree but it seems negotiations going on to for use of pakistani bases by American military once again as reported by Network times ...this will be the most famous u turn by IK which is hard to believe
Pakistan has limited capicity what so ever to tackle militants and rafuges if Civil war errupt in Afghanistan without US engagement and help if US stay engage by anymeans Is a good news
How long before the US kills innocents in Afghanistan, then the Taliban will declare Pakistan a Kafir nation for allowing bases and the TTP will rise again and blitz through Waziristan, Bajaur, Swat. BLA will take loads of territory too. Then you'll have the Islamic parties like TLP arming themselves against the "kafir" Pak army. Civil war 2.0.
Pakistan has limited capicity what so ever to tackle militants and rafuges if Civil war errupt in Afghanistan without US engagement and help if US stay engage by anymeans Is a good news
Total idiotic approach from you . You can fight anyone if your people stand behind you.you can not fight war if your people are not with you. Second the country who fought with sovith and india handel many wars. Capacity 230 millions and with 300 nuks. You total misunderstood PAK capacity. You know how much is france Germany and uk population combine. Answer is less then Pakistan . If PAK give bases then PAK as to face iran TAliban. and cia from inside with raw and TAliban and iran outside.. Pak will face same problems what they had faced from 2005 to 2016. China will be angry and they will not trust pakistan. So don't shit around. Idiot. If PAK give bases then i know what will come next for pakistan. This is open truth. USA going to face many issues in near future they will not have enough time to think about pakistan refusal in coming years. But if you give bases then you will have continued problem for next 20 years and do more call from usa. You will give them space to breath in Asia where the next century is waiting for rise.
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The Americans aren't getting diddly-squat. The Americans are desperate and understandably so. They are leaving opiumland to focus on China. Even a superpower has its limitations. It's either one or the other. The thing is, the Americans are a declining power in a multipolar world order.

Now here is what is going to happen. Pakistan and China are going to increasingly invest and nurture Afghanistan. Remove Indian remnants and take full control of proceedings. Give it a year at most after US removal.
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I believe a workable deal will be figure out for both parties and I also believe very soon we will hear V good news about EDA and new stuff

With keeping the "historical facts" and fallout in mind the following is the current equation...

Pakistani Interest + (- Farangi Interest) = Regional Stability

Let me solve it:



Regional Stability = 0

And who in their sane mind want that...
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there will be no bases for Americans as pakistan is already out of their camp situations have changed rest is just media gossips to keep spreading rumors and keep the level of uncertainty high. otherwise on govt level already this issues has been addressed and policy is clear
U didn't answer my question which country I mentioned sold theior mother for money? US using Aloc Gloc since 20yrs. there is no zero sum game in forgein relationships it always stay in grey area.

I agree with U that will test of our diplomacy how we manage things and win win for everyone as I said before NYT article there will be US UCAVs under Pakistani flag and I am certain both parties will find an agreement about issue both need each other
Doctor afia..
One simple question we have 7 atomic powers in the world. Is there any of 6 apart from pak give bases to other country. Answer no
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