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CIA Director Burns Made Unannounced Visit To Pakistan.

Just a side question..

can we reciprocate the treatment of Sir Rashid Qureshi to these US delegation members?.. I mean it is plain stupidity at the diplomatic level, but does the 'institutional memory' exist?

Also, the treatment our politicians get when they address some press conference? like a random BLA/BLF member rises and starts yelling..

I hope if any french delegation comes in future, our people should hold the picture of Zuleikha Al-Shayeb

SIr? Sir Rashid Qureshi? Sir?
yaar this bastard Garuv Aryia is twisting words of Raja Zafar .... this is the reason the filth has not share the context and only few lines ...

We are giving training Palestinian Cadets officially from decades in PMA Kakul even last year or year before the last year 2 cadets were pass out from PMA ....

thnx for posting this primary propaganda source.
Guarav is the type of person that even Indian army veterans do not like him. Imagine being this much sanghi and still be unable to get commission beyond major rank. Guarav maybe some bigshot in India but he remains a third rate street troll for us.
Doesn't matter what he says its just words, doesn't hurt anyone. But you all know what hurts? Terrorists that are given safe heavens in Ex-FATA region and are regrouping, fighting each other, killing kidnapped civilians, murdering aid workers etc. If giving these terrorists breathing space was the ultimate state policy so why do the opreation in the first place only to bow down to the talibans and give TTP a breathing space. This is the main threat to pakistan and not some Dumbfuck pmlN senator listing to his fat master. No matter how many people blame PTM for this but after all these are our areas and we should take responsibility for them like we take responsibility for karachi, lahor, islamabd etc. See the below thread.
Maj Gen Rashid Qureshi... ISPR spokesperson then

Why call him sir? He was a mere army officer, who got paid for his job. Also received 2 plots on retirement. Still getting hefty retirement. How is not larger than life. How many university chancellors after retirement are remembered? They should be called sir, not these xyzzy army officers.
Can anyone share the charter of peace deal? What are red lines for US to intervene again? Thanks
Why call him sir? He was a mere army officer, who got paid for his job. Also received 2 plots on retirement. Still getting hefty retirement. How is not larger than life. How many university chancellors after retirement are remembered? They should be called sir, not these xyzzy army officers.

any technician/officer greater than you can be called sir. I mean, he held an office, so with regard to his position, he deserved to be addressed respectfully..

Anyway my point was when he was made to remove his shoes at the US airport, he was an officer bearer. So does army remember that?
But what will Pakistan get in return for providing bases??

1) Removal of name from FATF list
2) Access to US markets
3) Forcing India to get back to Aug 5th 2019 decision on Kashmir
4) No role for India in Afghanistan
5) No objection on CPEC

These should be few Pakistani pre requisites for any further cooperation with US.
6) 3 different air platforms? Possibly?

If this time around Pakistan's establishment makes any backdoor deal with US for any bases, which in past resulted in blood shed of thousands of Pakistanis, it would be it for them. I hope they have learnt their lesson. It would be biggest treason with Pakistan and Pakistanis, no matter how much US makes the offer lucrative. Period.

Mind you guys, that it was not just blood shed. Economic loss, no investor trust, extremism in society and polarization and what not... Not again..
Which would hurt us in long run.

Institution will loose the trust of people completely. That would be it this time around. There has been already much damage done to the state and her people with no accountability on those policies. So there is no long run scenario here.
That's the only way farward U can do many things under the blanket

This review will be for last 7 seven demands that's it rest is done

As I said before, both Pakistan and USA will be able to find enough common grounds to continue with counterterror cooperation for mutual benefit.
As I said before, both Pakistan and USA will be able to find enough common grounds to continue with counterterror cooperation for mutual benefit.

Thanks but no thanks; US can work with India and ask them for bases for mutually beneficial relationship.
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