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CIA bomber in video with Hakeemullah Mehsud


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CIA suicide bomber appears with leader of Pakistani Taliban

By Bill Roggio, LWJ January 9, 2010 11:07 AM

The al Qaeda operative who killed seven US CIA operatives and guards, and a Jordanian intelligence official, was on a martyr's videotape with the leader of the Paksitani Taliban.

Humam Khalil Muhammed Abu Mulal al Balawi, a Jordanian Islamist who was thought to have been turned against al Qaeda, appeared on a videotape with Hakeemullah Mehsud, the leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Paksitan. On the tape, Balawi said he carried out the suicide attack to avenge the death of Baitullah Mehsud, Hakeemullah's predecessor who was killed in a US airstrike in South Waziristan on Aug. 5.

"We will never forget the blood of our emir Baitullah Mehsud," Balawi said. "We will always demand revenge for him inside America and outside. It is an obligation of the emigrants who were welcomed by the emir [Baitullah]." The video was played on Al Jazeera and was also uploaded to Youtube sites.

Balawi's appearance with Hakeemullah bolsters the claims made by the Paksitani Taliban, which said it was behind the attack. Qari Hussain Mehsud, a senior deputy to Hakeemullah and an expert in training and plotting suicide attacks, said last week that the Movement of the Taliban carried out the strike against the CIA base at Combat Outpost Chapman in Khost province, Afghanistan.

Mustafa abu Yazid, al Qaeda's leader in Afghanistan, also said Balawi, who is also known as Dr. Abu Dujanah al Khurasani, carried out the attack to avenge the deaths of Abdullah Said al Libi, the leader of the Laskar al Zil or Shadow Army, Saleh al Somali, al Qaeda's former external operations chief, and Baitullah.

"[This attack was carried out] to avenge our righteous martyrs, as he [Khurasani/Balawi] (may God have mercy on him) wrote in his will: 'To avenge the leader, Amir Baitullah Mehsud, the leaders Abu Saleh al Somali and Abdullah Said al Libi, and their brothers (may God have mercy on them)," Yazid said in a statement released on the Internet.

Qari Hussain's claim of responsibility for the attack at COP Chapman was dismissed by Western officials, however it now seems clear that the attack was a joint oepration between the Haqqani network, which is established in Khost, al Qaeda, which likely recruited Balawi, and the Pakistani Taliban, which provided the logistics and training for Balawi.

"This operation is the perfect example of how the Taliban and al Qaeda cooperate and conduct operations," a US intelligence official told The Long War Journal. "We're making a mistake by thinking such clear lines exist between the groups; they work much more closely that is commonly thought."

Balawi reprotedly lured the CIA operatives by promising to provide intelligence on the location of Ayman al Zawahir, according to reports. CIA officers from Kabul come to Khost to be present at the briefing.

Read more: CIA suicide bomber appears with leader of Pakistani Taliban - The Long War Journal
This means that we have to move in N.Waziristan sooner rather than later because most of the fighters have gone there from S.Waziristan and now they cooperating with alqaeda which i think is behind all the blasts that are happening in Pakistan right now.
"Well i guess this puts to rest the "CIA is funding TTP" theory."

Puts another notch in the proof of foreigners residing on Pakistani lands too.

"It is an obligation of the emigrants who were welcomed by the emir [Baitullah]."

Pakistanis must learn to accept their responsibility in all this tragedy and reverse their heinous policy of destabilizing Afghanistan to suit their narrow ends.

Then again, maybe not.

It doesn't, but yeah those who wish to believe that are most welcome.

Really? So the CIA in Afghanistan signed off a mission that was in effect a death sentence on most of its senior members. Yeah, that makes sense............
Then again, maybe not.

Really? So the CIA in Afghanistan signed off a mission that was in effect a death sentence on most of its senior members. Yeah, that makes sense............

Looking at it in another way its more like that the CIA is colluding with the millitants , some may still be working for them and on their payroll.

They guy in the video says that they offered him lots of money and he didnt take it, how do we know that there arent others whom the CIA is offering money and they havent taken it ?! This is just one such endevour of the CIA that has come to the lime light since it back fired , we dont know how many more are on their payroll

This does show that their are links between Taliban groups operating in Afghanistan and in Pakistan but it does not absolve the CIA from its involvment with the militants which it actively seeks out to pusue its own agendas which are wide ranging including putting pressure in Pakistan , creating chaos in our cities and raising the nuclear bogey every now and then.

I mean come on if any thing this shows that the CIA is activetly involved with the militants to pursue their own ends.

Published: January 9, 2010
AMMAN, Jordan — Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi, the Jordanian suicide bomber who killed eight people at a Central Intelligence Agency outpost in Afghanistan last month, was shown in a video broadcast on Saturday saying that the attack was carried out in revenge for the 2009 killing of the Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud.

Mr. Balawi, wearing green camouflage fatigues and carrying a weapon in his lap, appeared in a video on Al Jazeera satellite television denouncing his “enemies,” Jordan and America. Mr. Balawi’s father, Khalil, confirmed that the man in the video was his son.

“This is a letter to the enemies of the nation,” Mr. Balawi said in the video, referring to the Islamic nation, or ummah. “To the Jordanian intelligence and the American Central Intelligence Agency.”

He was shown sitting beside another man whom a Pakistani news report identified as Hakimullah Mehsud, the aggressive young militant who took the reins of the Pakistani Taliban after Baitullah Mehsud’s death and has spearheaded an intense string of terror attacks. The image supports Taliban claims that Mr. Balawi had, at least, support among the most senior militants in the country.

Mr. Balawi, a doctor who worked in a Palestinian refugee camp in Jordan, blew himself up on Dec. 30 at a C.I.A. base in Khost, in eastern Afghanistan. American officials have described him as a double agent who was taken onto the base in Afghanistan because the C.I.A. hoped he might be able to deliver top members of Al Qaeda’s network, according to Western government officials.

The video was the latest glimpse into the last days of a man that intelligence officials increasingly believe had worked in a calculated and patient way for at least a year to strike a major blow against American intelligence operations in the region.

Shortly after the video screened on Al Jazeera, Mr. Balawi’s father came to the door of his home in the Jordanian capital, Amman, and amid sighs and some tears, confirmed that it showed his son.

“My heart is tearing apart. Who is the one who destroyed the one that I brought up?” he said in a harshly critical tone. “Who is the one who turned him from a human doctor to someone who carries out such a thing?”

Still, he said, he was not astonished by what his son had done. “We are not surprised,” he said. “Fighting the arrogant and unjust American who kills civilians and innocent people makes the whole Islamic world hate America.”

He continued: “They say that Jesus gave his life to people. I say that Humam sacrificed his body and soul for the oppressed.”

One theme that has been consistent in the family’s comments since Mr. Balawi’s identity emerged was that he became a changed man after he was arrested a year ago by the Jordanian authorities during the Israeli offensive on Gaza, and was questioned over his jihadi Web site writings. Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict featured prominently in those internet writings, said a Jordanian analyst familiar with them.

The Jordanian authorities released Mr. Balawi after three days, and he disappeared shortly afterward to Pakistan, according to his wife and Jordanian officials. The Jordanian government maintains that it was in fact Mr. Balawi who later contacted them from Pakistan offering intelligence on Al Qaeda.

Growing visibly enraged while speaking to a reporter on Saturday, Khalil al-Balawi harshly criticized intelligence officials for his son’s change. “I blame the agencies that recruited him, and changed him,” he said. “They turned him from a human, a doctor to a person with a heart full of negative and hostile emotions toward others.”

Al Jazeera’s Web site said that the video was released to the news organization on Saturday, and that it showed Mr. Balawi “shooting a gun as he describes how the attack would target U.S. and Jordanian intelligence agents.” It was not clear exactly when the video was made.

“We will never forget the blood of our Emir Baitullah Mehsud, God’s mercy upon him,” Mr. Balawi said.

In addition to killing seven Americans at the outpost, Mr. Balawi’s attack also killed a Jordanian intelligence officer and distant relative of King Abdullah II named Capt. Sharif Ali bin Zeid. He is thought to have been Mr. Balawi’s Jordanian handler who was bringing Mr. Balawi to a meeting of American intelligence officials at the base, Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost, near the Pakistani border.

In October — two months after the drone strike that killed Mr. Mehsud — his Taliban fighters fled their sanctuary in the South Waziristan tribal area during a Pakistani military offensive into the region. But it was soon clear that the Mehsud fighters, rallying around Hakimullah Mehsud, had escaped to nearby tribal areas to fight another day, and over the past three months more than 600 people have been killed in attacks generally depicted as retribution for the offensive.

The surge in attacks — coming as President Obama ordered 30,000 more troops into neighboring Afghanistan — has also sharpened tensions between the Pakistani and American governments.

Pakistani officials have balked at American demands to drive out militants in the North Waziristan tribal area, including the Taliban faction led by the Afghan militant Sirajuddin Haqqani, which focuses on attacking troops in Afghanistan. The Americans view that operation as a critical part of the troop escalation in Afghanistan.

At the same time, the C.I.A. has increased drone attacks against suspected militants in North Waziristan. But Pakistani officials maintain that their military has the capacity only to attack Pakistani Taliban militants — Mr. Mehsud’s faction — who are focused on attacks against the country’s security forces and population centers.

Many analysts say that the militant factions in Pakistan are working together more closely now.

Talat Masood, a retired Pakistani general, said that in addition to involvement by Mr. Mehsud’s network, the attack on the C.I.A. station in Khost most likely also had some involvement of Al Qaeda and other Taliban factions. Al Qaeda and Afghan Taliban groups have also claimed responsibility for the attack.

“I would say the Taliban and Al Qaeda were both parties, because they get support from each other,” Mr. Masood said, adding that there is a “deep nexus” between the groups.

Pakistani officials may seize on the video to help bolster their arguments that the greatest threat is posed not by the Haqqani networks but by Pakistani Taliban fighters under Mr. Mehsud’s direction. Yet one Pakistani official feared that the video could also be employed as an argument to expand the C.I.A.’s program of drone strikes.

“Is this going to be used to prove a point?” the official said.

Richard A. Oppel Jr. and Salman Masood contributed reporting from Islamabad, Pakistan, and Reem Makhoul and Rania al-Kadri from Amman.

Source : Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi Calls C.I.A. Attack Revenge - NYTimes.com
"Well i guess this puts to rest the "CIA is funding TTP" theory."

Puts another notch in the proof of foreigners residing on Pakistani lands too.

"It is an obligation of the emigrants who were welcomed by the emir [Baitullah]."

Pakistanis must learn to accept their responsibility in all this tragedy and reverse their heinous policy of destabilizing Afghanistan to suit their narrow ends.


haha our responsibility ? dude u created these guys rememba ? pretty words but lack self reflection :cheers:
Al Qaeda to avenge Taliban chief's death 'inside US': CIA bomber
Sat, Jan 9 07:51 PM

Cairo, Jan 9 (DPA) The death of a Pakistani Taliban chief would be avenged both 'inside and outside the US', according to the Al Qaeda bomber who killed seven officers of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a Dec 30 attack in Afghanistan.

In an alleged video message aired Saturday on the Doha-based al-Jazeera news channel, Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi said: 'We will never forget the blood of our Emir Baitullah Mehsud.

'To retaliate for his death in and outside the US will remain an obligation on all exiles who were harboured by Baitullah Mehsud,' he added.

Baitullah Mehsud, the highest ranking leader of Al Qaeda ally the Taliban in Pakistan, was killed in August in a US missile attack in South Waziristan, a Pakistani area bordering Afghanistan.

The attack against a US intelligence base in Afghanistan left seven US CIA officers and a Jordanian intelligence officer dead. Al-Balawi was a 'double agent' recruited by Jordanian intelligence services to act as an informant on the activities of the international terrorist network Al Qaeda.

'This is a message to the enemies of the Umma (Islamic nation), to the Jordanian intelligence and the CIA,' al-Balawi said in the video.

The attacker's father, Khalil al-Balawi, confirmed on a report by the British broadcaster BBC in Jordan that the person speaking in the video was definitely his son.

The US IntelCenter, which specializes in analyzing Islamist websites, reported that the new Taliban chief in Pakistan, Hakimullah Mehsud, can be seen next to al-Balawi in the video.

Khalil al-Balawi held the 'American oppression of Muslims in the world' responsible for the radicalization of his son. The attacker's wife speaking to US broadcaster CNN stated that she was proud of her husband deed.

The attacker, a 36-year-old Jordanian doctor, arrested more than a year ago by Jordanian intelligence, was believed to have been reformed and sent off to Afghanistan and Pakistan to infiltrate Al Qaeda.

Western officials said he contacted his Jordanian handler and said he needed to meet urgently with the CIA team at the base in Khost province in eastern Afghanistan, where he detonated an explosive-laden vest.
Any body know where Hakeemullah Mehsud was released after Guantanamo, in Afghanistan or Pakistan by CIA ?
The guy who was released from Guantanamo Bay was Abdullah Mehsud and after his return he did terrorist attacks in Pakistan and when the Pakistan securty forces finaly caught up with him , he blew himself up like a coward and made himself haram in the life here after. May he rot in hell for eternity.

Knowing what we know now, after this back fired 'double agent' of the CIA, how can we be sure that Abduallh Mehsud was not offered a similar 'deal' by the CIA and that he wasnt doing their bidding ?

Verifyable fact is that Abduallh Mehsud was relased from Guantanamo Bay and he then did terrorist attacks in Pakistan.

Why was this particular *** release from Guantanamo and under what pre-conditions ? I guess it'll be some 50 more years when papers are declassified that the confirmation will come that infact these buggeres were sent out by the CIA to 'force their options' on Pakistan
heinous policy of destabilizing Afghanistan to suit their narrow ends.

Cant let it go untill the Indians are there . Belive me i love and support the US presence in Afghanistan but its the Indian factor which really undermines the efforts of both Pakistani and US coalition Forces ....!!!

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