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CIA And Pentagon Itching For Pakistan War



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Jun 3, 2011
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CIA And Pentagon Itching For Pakistan War
By Ahmed Quraishi at 2:40 AM

Someone is working overtime in Washington to scuttle President Obama's and the American people's wish to end the war in Afghanistan.

The more America gets closer to that goal, CIA and US military in Afghanistan do something stupid to raise tensions with Pakistan. The drones have been doing that job for some time now. But recently CIA operatives have joined hands with likeminded rogue elements inside NDS [the National Directorate of Security, the Afghan spy service] to train, arm and send hundreds of terrorists across international borders into Pakistan to kill Pakistani civilians and soldiers. When Pakistan protests, US and NATO officers have a ready answer: It's the Taliban, what can we say.

The purpose of these antics is nothing but to harass Pakistani citizens and military and just avenge Pakistan's refusal to submit to CIA demands.

There is another reason for CIA's rude awakening in Pakistan.

Pakistanis have misled the agency hotshots for some time into believing that dealing with Pakistanis is like dealing with the defeated and conquered Iraqis and the Northern Alliance puppets in Afghanistan.

Why Pakistanis did this? I don't honestly know. Maybe for US aid, or maybe to cooperate with the Americans in the hope that this time the United States will not prove to be a two-timing untrustworthy ally.

But when CIA went too far in treating Pakistan as a conquered territory, someone in Islamabad had to give Langley a wake-up-and-smell-the-coffee call.

The bottom line is that now CIA is trying hard to cause a military standoff between the United States and Pakistan in the hope of derailing Mr. Obama's plans for a drawdown.

The CIA and US commanders in Afghanistan are doing everything they can to provoke Pakistani military into armed retaliation.

I am not sure what messages Pakistani military commanders are sending to the peeved Americans. But those messages are certainly not good because Admiral Mike Mullen was so angry the other day he accused ISI of murdering a Pakistani journalist.

Imagine this: a US Chairman Joint Chiefs turning into a homicide detective for a day!

If I had the liberty of sending a message to the honchos at Bagram base, it would be this:

The Soviets were smarter.

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Guys I have seen good articles from this guy and what he has to say here makes sense
Agree with title!!

Mumbai terror attack bears all markings of LeT: US media

WASHINGTON/BOSTON: Stating that the Mumbai serial blasts "renew questions" about Pakistan's crackdown on militants, the US media has pointed out that the latest attacks in India's financial hub had all the markings of LeT which also carried out the 2008 terror strikes there.

While Indian investigators begin to sift through the wreckage of three terrorist bombings in Mumbai, suspicions have immediately turned to Pakistan-connected militant groups, 'ProPublica' said.

( Mumbai terror attacks: The blast site in Dadar | Mumbai blasts: The day after )

"Whatever the investigation uncovers -- and it's still very early -- one thing is clear: Those groups still operate despite international pressure on Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks of nearly three years ago," said the report headlined 'Mumbai Attacks Renew Questions About Pakistan's Crackdown on Militants.'

It said that yesterday's "coordinated rush-hour explosions" were smaller and less sophisticated than the "meticulously planned strike on Mumbai in November 2008."

The latest attack "involved bombs planted in strategic locations, a recurring tactic used by Indian affiliates of Lashkar in recent years."

In the report, ProPublica's investigative journalist Sebastian Rotella said that during the past week, Pakistani leaders have criticised the Obama administration for ... withholding 800 million dollars in military aid."

The latest Mumbai attacks "could also turn out to be part of that shadow-conflict. The ISI uses militant groups as a weapon to strengthen its position in the dangerous triangle of Pakistani relations with the United States and India," the report said.

The Chicago Tribune said the latest Mumbai assault "appears to have been carried out by associates of two Chicago terrorists (David Headley and Tahawwur Rana) convicted last month.

"While no group has claimed responsibility, and the Indian government has not blamed anyone, Wednesday's attack has all the markings of Lashkar-e-Taiba, radical Pakistani terrorists who employed a pair of Chicago men as scouts and planners," it said.

The report said the "coordinated explosions" in the jewellery and financial districts of Mumbai are "precisely the kinds of attacks that David Coleman Headley helped to plot for Pakistani terrorists. This latest assault was shorter, smaller and more precise, but no less unnerving."

A report in the online edition of the Los Angeles Times said that in the aftermath of the Mumbai explosions, "... some suspicions focused on Pakistan-based militant groups."

At least 17 people were killed in the terror attacks in Mumbai's Dadar market area, Jhaveri Bazaar and Opera House neighbourhood.

Mumbai terror attack bears all markings of LeT: US media - The Economic Times
GOI is going through all the posiblities, it is US who is directly pointing though.

#India has strong lobby in usa, and its investment destiny, so and so... however, GOI even if convinced would hardly be in a position to do anything... anyways it was probably a group inside India that doesnot want peace between the two countries...
I consider these attacks as a drama staged to get leverage in Afghanistan considering U.S departure scenario. :drag:

I am really sick of these think tanks. :hitwall:
Aren't we getting enough leverage over there????

Can't it be taken as

Pak has backed up this attack to
--> black mail US for aid by threatening them to withdraw troops from NW to eastern borders,,,,, as Pak already knows that GOI may push troops on western border after this coward attack!!!!

Which one is more concerned????? Even GOI has not point PAK involvement till now. They are going through every probability.
Pak has backed up this attack to
--> black mail US for aid by threatening them to withdraw troops from NW to eastern borders,,,,, as Pak already knows that GOI may push troops on western border after this coward attack!!!!

Doesn't Indian Army operates under cold start doctrine?
That should be enough to black mail as you said.
Doesn't Indian Army operates under cold start doctrine?
That should be enough to black mail as you said.

Is there anything new here so that GOP need to blackmail them????? I think it was first announced in 2004(Indian Cold Start Doctrine).
Agree with title!!

Mumbai terror attack bears all markings of LeT: US media

WASHINGTON/BOSTON: Stating that the Mumbai serial blasts "renew questions" about Pakistan's crackdown on militants, the US media has pointed out that the latest attacks in India's financial hub had all the markings of LeT which also carried out the 2008 terror strikes there.

While Indian investigators begin to sift through the wreckage of three terrorist bombings in Mumbai, suspicions have immediately turned to Pakistan-connected militant groups, 'ProPublica' said.

( Mumbai terror attacks: The blast site in Dadar | Mumbai blasts: The day after )

"Whatever the investigation uncovers -- and it's still very early -- one thing is clear: Those groups still operate despite international pressure on Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks of nearly three years ago," said the report headlined 'Mumbai Attacks Renew Questions About Pakistan's Crackdown on Militants.'

It said that yesterday's "coordinated rush-hour explosions" were smaller and less sophisticated than the "meticulously planned strike on Mumbai in November 2008."

The latest attack "involved bombs planted in strategic locations, a recurring tactic used by Indian affiliates of Lashkar in recent years."

In the report, ProPublica's investigative journalist Sebastian Rotella said that during the past week, Pakistani leaders have criticised the Obama administration for ... withholding 800 million dollars in military aid."

The latest Mumbai attacks "could also turn out to be part of that shadow-conflict. The ISI uses militant groups as a weapon to strengthen its position in the dangerous triangle of Pakistani relations with the United States and India," the report said.

The Chicago Tribune said the latest Mumbai assault "appears to have been carried out by associates of two Chicago terrorists (David Headley and Tahawwur Rana) convicted last month.

"While no group has claimed responsibility, and the Indian government has not blamed anyone, Wednesday's attack has all the markings of Lashkar-e-Taiba, radical Pakistani terrorists who employed a pair of Chicago men as scouts and planners," it said.

The report said the "coordinated explosions" in the jewellery and financial districts of Mumbai are "precisely the kinds of attacks that David Coleman Headley helped to plot for Pakistani terrorists. This latest assault was shorter, smaller and more precise, but no less unnerving."

A report in the online edition of the Los Angeles Times said that in the aftermath of the Mumbai explosions, "... some suspicions focused on Pakistan-based militant groups."

At least 17 people were killed in the terror attacks in Mumbai's Dadar market area, Jhaveri Bazaar and Opera House neighbourhood.

Mumbai terror attack bears all markings of LeT: US media - The Economic Times

you must have realized by now, how US govt is anti pakistani
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