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Church set ablaze in India's Mandla district

You miss the most important one of Joseph colony burning of more than 70 Christians.
Secular Indian logic:

Christians burn their own Church
Muslims always do something wrong
Sikhs always do something wrong

Rest can be blamed on ISI.
Only a terrorist aka Jihadi could believe that blasphemy law , a law that is their to protect a "khatre mey" religion having zero self confidence, is a infidel friendly legislation.

Only a Hindutva aka Saffron terrorist would believe that when people get drunk specially hindus they go on burning down other people religious places- a church in this case-

It was in this very news article, buy you cannot see it due to your Yindoo/India hatred.
your Christian Maseehi hatred is evident from justifying this church burning-
BHOPAL: A church was set ablaze by some unidentified people in Mandla district on Friday night after they broke open its gates.

Incident took place at Pakritola Ghutas village and heavy police force has been deployed in the village after the case was reported on Saturday morning.

"A case has been registered under relevant sections. Prima facie it seems to be work of some elements who committed the crime after getting inebriated. We have launched a hunt to nab the accused," Mandla SP Gaurav Rajput told TOI.

"Police personnel have been deployed in the village to avoid any flare up," Rajput said.

Sources said religious books, furniture, musical instruments etc and all things kept in the church were gutted.

Four empty bottles of alcohol were also found near a hand-pump in front of the church, added sources.

"There are around 50 families of the community in the village and around 200-250 people gather for Friday prayers but there has never been any dispute till now. In charge priest also ruled out any dispute or enmity with anyone," Bicchia police station in charge, Ramesh Shakya told TOI.

"There is no law and order situation in the village, but precautionary measures are being taken," he said.

Church set ablaze in Mandla district - The Times of India
@Contrarian another hate crime in india…. thats 2 in a day
you are damn fool for believing that- only shows your low caliber when it comes to arguments-

Read this-

and now tell me again- what is the Christian priest actually saying-

How about you look at india and solve all her problems- the rapes- the communal violence- even before coming on PDF commenting on Pakistani issues?- Fair?-

how about doing both ?? yyou can always start a petetion online at awaaz or something to keep those indians away from pakistani defence forum by law. till then we shall do both. i have faith in my country that we shall solve the rape problems too. mean while if you could just not include school children in an attacking and rioting mob targeting minorities. at least not report it on papers.
Sawan Masih has been sentenced to death, but what about those found guilty of inciting and committing violence and arson?

It [is] a travesty of justice that more than 3,000 people who burned the Christian neighbourhood in Lahore were free, while one man who was tried for a disputed charge was sentenced to death.

He said Pakistan's administration, police, military and courts want to contribute to their religion by somehow punishing the non-Muslims.
Pakistan: How the Blasphemy Law Really Works
what happened in golden temple ?
Operation Blue Star happened dumbo-

Anti-Christian violence in Karnataka - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you dont need any blasphemy laws you hindus just need to get drunk and go on a rampage- thats how easy it is-

Thing is this is a crime in India. This type of stuff is allowed by the state in Pakistan.
India is full of hindu criminals then-
Anti-Christian violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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That a way to make them not go to church- no church no worshipers- no Christians-
Hindutvas will rule the land- :lol:
Is that the reason for peshawar church bombing in which 150 people were killed and another 150 were grievously injured? If you call this incident as attack...what would you call peshawar incident?

Secular Indian logic:

Christians burn their own Church
Muslims always do something wrong
Sikhs always do something wrong

Rest can be blamed on ISI.
Replace it with RAW,MOSSAD and CIA, you'll get pakistani logic. :lol:
Is that the reason for peshawar church bombing in which 150 people were killed and another 150 were grievously injured? If you call this incident as attack...what would you call peshawar incident?
that attack has TTP written all over it- Yeah TTP the terrorists- TTP thats kill Pakistanis indiscriminately-
How about in India when you burn rape christians and their churches- whose behind it?- its you hindutva hindus behind it every time- what does that show?-
Secular Indian logic:

Christians burn their own Church
Muslims always do something wrong
Sikhs always do something wrong

Rest can be blamed on ISI.

Let us not make general statements, There are good and bad in every society and let us not take one example of choice and draw a picture on the entire population..... There are bad apples in Hindu's like in every other religion or every other society....
that attack has TTP written all over it- Yeah TTP the terrorists- TTP thats kill Pakistanis indiscriminately-
How about in India when you burn rape christians and their churches- whose behind it?- its you hindutva hindus behind it every time- what does that show?-
If it shows what you think it is showing, India would have been far worse than pakistan. :lol: And dont try to paint an incident where a drunkard is involved with religious intolerance. Minorities in India are more happy when compared to their counterparts in pakistan. A slew of asylum requests from pakistani minorities to India speaks volumes about this fact. Has there been any case where minorities from India wanting pakistani asylum? Take your head out of sand and sip the coffee. :lol:
That a way to make them not go to church- no church no worshipers- no Christians-
Hindutvas will rule the land- :lol:

I rather like churches. I have no issues with the existing churches in India. They lend to the landscape an amazing charm. Now, I do not know about this particular church in question, which denomination it belonged to. But if it was of those evangelicals, then I do not care much if it burns down cause you should see those are not exactly churches but just some godown kind of buildings or even a shack.

It is not that I do not want Christians in India, but that I would like their population to be stable. Hope you get the difference.
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