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Church Attack Was According to the Shariah: TTP

Dude, I also study "big data", way way way bigger than you can even begin to imagine. All my life I have had the privilege to sit in all major "jirgas", as a little baby in my grand father's lap, during the Soviet-Afghan war and later next to my father during the 90's, then now as the head of the family. So trust me, I have more experience about who's festering what!

Give them schools, colleges etc etc (Agreed)
Export a social structure. (You must be high on something)

Hype the problem that I have is that I'm not convinced of policy born out of opinions. I'm someone who goes by the data and as a person who handles data you would agree that many times it astounds you.

Secondly, Hype, I am thinking in the long term solution. The reason the talibs have infested us is because we have allowed the cracks to develop.

Thirdly, I agree with your assertion about the internal probable support the Talibs enjoy but here's the thing it's not just from the governmental insitutions but the people too: there are people who said to me that the Shariah should be implimented, the Talibs are doing the right thing the wrong way. We need to mature as a people.

Fourthly, mate, I've worked for social research so my views changed a lot based on that, I've interacted with a lot of people from Waziristan and Bajur. They said the same thing over and over again: development. Why should they have to travel to Lahore for a good education? You allow development, people will change.

Fiftly, I study culture, and I agree that it is hard to change it but not impossible, the cultural units or "memes" (yes that was used first in Psych) are carried forward and reproduced as long as they allow for the survival/appeasement of the immediate environment change that the culture will change: that's the reason why culture is never static unless it effectively controls it's level of isolation.
Nahin meri jan, we were never their tools, we were the tools of change that led to your independence and safety since inception of Pakistan.

With due respect, Hype, your people are proud, I respect that, you guys have all the right to be. However, your people were still under the British, your great-great-grand dad still served the British system, so did your people. To them you were a tool, as were we, they used you as they deemed fit. It is incorrect to have pride on that as a nation but correct as an individual. We should look at things in a macrocosm as well, Hype.
You seem to have misunderstood, Hype.

Give them school = Yes.

Allow a social structure to establish = Yes

No one's controlling you.

Dude, I also study "big data", way way way bigger than you can even begin to imagine. All my life I have had the privilege to sit in all major "jirgas", as a little baby in my grand father's lap, during the Soviet-Afghan war and later next to my father during the 90's, then now as the head of the family. So trust me, I have more experience about who's festering what!

Give them schools, colleges etc etc (Agreed)
Export a social structure. (You must be high on something)

Meri jan, we were under them for 90 years, so were you, by their design. The great game played into their calculations.

Nahin meri jan, we were never their tools, we were the tools of change that led to your independence and safety since inception of Pakistan.
Nahin meri jan, we were never their tools, we were the tools of change that led to your independence and safety since inception of Pakistan.

Your Independence ka kiyaaa matlaaab haiii ? :pissed:

Tereiii ko khud Independence nahin milliii ! :angry:

Quaid-e-Azam akkhaiir Pathan theiii yaaa Butt - Bol...mein nei kahaa bol ? :P

Phir Independence kisss nei kisseiii diii ? :azn:
Ok, wasted more than 2 hours here. Have to get back to life. Beautiful weather, beach 20 meters away. What the hell am I doing here? :cheesy:

Ciao! :wave:
What the TTP are saying is a disgrace. Their bombings of our citizens regardless of religion, color, creed is not Islam. It is simply genocide. Then can the christians take out a small verse from the bible and use it to bomb mosques in Christian countries.

On one side we are the people of the one book and on the other side you bomb them for politcal gains. It is all a game, smokes and mirrors to confuse the government and the people.

Well lets have a clear policy.

The disgraceful ulema should be disbanded and bring in men and women who will serve Islam not their positions and incomes.
The TTP to lay down arms.
To tell the two-faced americans to provide the necessary equipment and money to undertake a hearts and minds campiagn in the FATA.
Use the forces to send to these imposters to hell with a simple line from the laws that form the basis of our religion, the ten commandments - thous shalt not kill.
How about the TTP obeying the laws for a change rather than make them up.
Well where are the people who were saying that TTP has disowned this attack and ordered Jundullah to leave FATA. Whyatever happened to that haan????
Well where are the people who were saying that TTP has disowned this attack and ordered Jundullah to leave FATA. Whyatever happened to that haan????

Absolutely, where are they? where is the PTI - how come no one in the country from NS to Army not stand up and condemn these actions. The TTP is a real life monster, a horror and we need to put the stake through it's heart.
Don't be so "nadan", you know exactly what I meant. You are not Zarvan that I'd need force feed the logic as well.

Yara, I think I always confuse your handle with BATMAN. I hate this. Make him change his handle..... :blink:

thts theory in practical?
but i really want to see a great pushtun moderete & educated CM , doing handle with KpK?
i am 1000000% sure, you would be better then those who are just in or were there before?
My thoughts exactly.

If you lose the narrative, can you win on the negotiating table? Or on the battlefield?

The hour is upon us and we are found wanting. The epic battle for the soul of Pakistan is raging around us, on us and in us — and victory is nowhere in sight. Surrender looms ominously overhead. Jinnah’s Pakistan lies scattered amid the wreckage of charred buses, bombed churches and mutilated bodies.

The stench of defeat is unmistakable.

Even false bravado has evaporated. It seems we cannot fight with our guns; we cannot fight with our words; and now, we cannot even fight with our thoughts. The heart has given up. And so has the mind.

Indeed, if there is a fight still left in us, it is a fight of adjectives. As lambs fight with bleats, we fight with one another — not with the enemy — hurling deadly adjectives like grenades. We spit venom, call names, point fingers and besmirch names and reputations. Once exhausted, we pat ourselves on the back for a fight well fought and prepare for the next round.

Meantime, the enemy sharpens his blade and washes it with blood. Our blood.

What do you do when the narrative is lost? What do you do with leaders whose tongues falter when naming the enemy? What do you do when they don’t know and don’t care?

So yes, let us name the names. Imran Khan doesn’t know. Nawaz Sharif doesn’t care.

Am I being judgemental? Yes, absolutely. Allow me this liberty to say it as it is and not wrap hardened reality in soft velvet covers. In this land of confusion, these two gentlemen — undisputed leaders of the two largest parties — will go down in history for presiding over the final annihilation of Jinnah’s Pakistan.

Their names will live in infamy for having surrendered the soul of Pakistan to throat slitters and baby-killers. Decades from now, this beloved land of ours may be an unrecognisable nation, forcefully mutated into a grotesque caricature of the dreams our forefathers dreamt. And when Pakistanis of the future peek back into history, they will see today, now, as the moment when the battle was lost. Two names then will rise from the pages of history to mock the dream that was once Pakistan: two names that will define how Pakistan was finally and ultimately lost.

Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan.

Defining moments are defined by a well-defined narrative, which in turn defines a definitive leader. The moment makes the man. Britain faced defeat and destruction at the hands of Nazi Germany. The darkest hour was upon it. Enter Winston Churchill:

“We shall fight on the seas and oceans … We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

Churchill transformed his country’s darkest hour into its finest moment.

Am I then advocating total war against the TTP? Not exactly. War is the last resort and we all hope it doesn’t come to that. But before war, before negotiations and before dialogue, comes clarity of thought, executed through the power of narrative.

Nawaz Sharif has no narrative. None whatsoever. Bullet trains, motorways and flyovers do not define the soul of a nation. If he believes this existential war against terrorists can be fought with bricks and mortar, he is already a man vanquished by the enormity of the moment.

Imran Khan has lost the plot. His ego, his naiveté and stubborn refusal to face reality has unfortunately redefined his persona. Khan the reformer has now become Khan the apologist. Perhaps even an ally. What a waste of a perfectly good man.

Together these two men hold high the fluttering white flag of craven surrender. Together their quivering, dithering, grovelling and vacillating leadership has brought us to our knees. Together they will watch as the enemy cuts this nation’s head.

And then takes its soul.

Bury us deep – The Express Tribune
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