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Christene Fair and Pravin Sawhny Exposed IAF completely

1:27:08 she lies. She says she is "neutral" at this stage, yet at the beginning of her diatribe (which is btw a spanking of India for being useless but still anti-Pakistan) she clearly states she wants India to control the narrative and the balance of power in the subcontinent. She is contradicting herself. She actually isn't that sharp, just very bitter that Pakistan won and that India can't beat them in a month of Mondays.
Calling her 'Gorgeous' is like literally murdering the word "Gorgeous" with an axe! :lol:

Let's be honest about the fact that in A-Stan, the US and NATO are not fighting Taliban. They are fighting the Pakistan Military. Hence what you said above perfectly fits the hatred they have for Pakistan.


For that very reason I have written so many times---pakistani generals should have looked at the christian military invading afghanistan---that was an opportunity for the US to be closer to pakistan's assets---.

But no---some pakistani generals were talking about making another vietnam for US military---the fools forgot that 4.5 million viets were killed in that slaughter---.

Simple solution would have been to send a strike force and had executed OBL in Kandhar---.

But no vision---.

Christine Fair makes good points. There are many questions still unanswered about the Balakot strike. Sawhney is a rabble rouser - I saw a video of his where he claimed India has never managed to capture any land in West Pakistan. It's just not true - Chachro in Sindh was with India from 71-72 and only returned after Shimla Agreement. The Baltistani town of Turtuk was captured and remains with India till date. If a military historian doesn't know documented facts, you gotta wonder what he is talking about.


Your information is correct---both indian and pakistani militaries captured portions of each others land during the 71 war that were returned after Simla agreement---.

That is no secret---.

Any pakistani who has read and gone to school would know about it---.

For that very reason I have written so many times---pakistani generals should have looked at the christian military invading afghanistan---that was an opportunity for the US to be closer to pakistan's assets---.

But no---some pakistani generals were talking about making another vietnam for US military---the fools forgot that 4.5 million viets were killed in that slaughter---.

Simple solution would have been to send a strike force and had executed OBL in Kandhar---.

But no vision---.


Your information is correct---both indian and pakistani militaries captured portions of each others land during the 71 war that were returned after Simla agreement---.

That is no secret---.

Any pakistani who has read and gone to school would know about it---.
That GE engine is a mig tumansky R-25 engine.

These clowns had the audacity to even claim wreckage of their own Mig as an f-16.

Here is the so called “G.E”:

View attachment 593983 View attachment 593984

And here is their own “analyst” takin a piss on their own parade:

Apart from the R-25, the payload of the mig-21 was recovered intact with the wreckage.

The R series missiles recovered from the fallen Mig:

View attachment 593985

Guess IAF shot down the F-16, with a thermobaric fart missile, which also somehow made the F-16 vanish or become a Mig. Thats vedicshit tech 101.
Those wreckage pics are certainly an R-25... but I remember the Indians claiming another set of pics as GE..which is not the ones you show here.
What do you want to know young man---?

The bolded part.
Your statement could be understood in two ways.

1) Chiristan army was near us and we should have tried to end the whole fiasco sooner rather than later because of national security issues

2) Chiristan army was near us and we should have waged a war of attrition and bleed them out/teach them a lesson.


I am inclining towards 1)
The bolded part.
Your statement could be understood in two ways.

1) Chiristan army was near us and we should have tried to end the whole fiasco sooner rather than later because of national security issues

2) Chiristan army was near us and we should have waged a war of attrition and bleed them out/teach them a lesson.


I am inclining towards 1)


Absolutely NOT---. A christian army was coming to invade a muslim nation---.

Every option should have been tried to stop that christian army from coming to the arena---.

That is the biggest sin in the eyes of Allah that pakistan willingly allowed a christian nation to invade a muslim nation of afghanistan.

Pakistan's military had the power to stop it by going into afg and killing OBL in a timely manner---.

Absolutely NOT---. A christian army was coming to invade a muslim nation---.

Every option should have been tried to stop that christian army from coming to the arena---.

That is the biggest sin in the eyes of Allah that pakistan willingly allowed a christian nation to invade a muslim nation of afghanistan.

Pakistan's military had the power to stop it by going into afg and killing OBL in a timely manner---.

Kill OBL and ask all Al-Qaeda jihadis to bomb Pakistan ?

I don't know if you know did but Gen Hameed Gul was on record stating that they told Americans that Taliban are willing to produce OBL for trial. Americans refused and came all guns blazing in.

Also , OBL had taken refuge under the wings of Taliban. Not Pakistan.
Those wreckage pics are certainly an R-25... but I remember the Indians claiming another set of pics as GE..which is not the ones you show here.







Those wreckage pics are certainly an R-25... but I remember the Indians claiming another set of pics as GE..which is not the ones you show here.
Do tell if this is a GE engine:



Those wreckage pics are certainly an R-25... but I remember the Indians claiming another set of pics as GE..which is not the ones you show here.

Those wreckage pics are certainly an R-25... but I remember the Indians claiming another set of pics as GE..which is not the ones you show here.
Those pics were also released by Pakistan. Ironic isnt it?
Kill OBL and ask all Al-Qaeda jihadis to bomb Pakistan ?

I don't know if you know did but Gen Hameed Gul was on record stating that they told Americans that Taliban are willing to produce OBL for trial. Americans refused and came all guns blazing in.

Also , OBL had taken refuge under the wings of Taliban. Not Pakistan.


If you still cannot understand what I stated---then I will leave it at that---.
y'all just need to hug and call it a day. Indian and Pakistani folks seem to get along just fine here- invite each other over etc.. :-)
Is it just me or this Christian unfair is getting uglier by the day ?
B... h is badly butts hurt and she literally abused her indian b..hs they embarrassed her badly lol she told them what they dont to know.. that dear indians your *** was ript apart on 27 feb. She said she is scholar...b...h..i dont know if she knows what is scholar jobs .. she hats pakistan it is enough prof she is not scholar... i seriously doubt on her self reclaim scholar title when she blames 230 millions people .pakistani Kashmiri speak putwari tell these idiots
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Christine Fair like an angry foul mouthed aunty spanked the American, Indian and Pakistani backsides one at a time for being naughty and not telling the truth, ouch that must have hurt the Indians. Wow that woman has some spunk, not sure what to make of her, whether she is a part time witch or a disgruntled Israeli spy egging India and Pakistan to nuclear war, she sure has some venom to spew.

She spent 22 years in Pakistan and we should find out what went wrong with our hospitality why she hates us so much that she wants the Indians to bomb us. Her disappointment sounds like the Israeli voice berating their poodle for not accomplishing what they desired.

It seems she was prepared to take on the whole Indian army and establishment and give them a good bitch slapping, poor Sikh officer at the end was truly frightened of her tantrum as there was a chance that she may have jumped across and slapped him silly.

Next time they invite her the Indians should check her hormones before letting her in.

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