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Chinese Weapon Exports

Sure, but why not transport a full power one but this one? This one is used in mountain area without good quality road for trucks.
Well we actually need Guns for mountain areas.
Large calibre Mortar is better choice for fire support in mountain area because of the trajectory of the bomb/ shell. Normal Artillery gun has flatter trajectory compare with mortar and may not able to drop shells in areas behind a mountain or a hill under certain condition like maximum elevation angle of gun barrel and distance of gun from target.

Mortar is also much lighter than artillery guns and is tranportable by medium helicopters to high mountain.
Large calibre Mortar is better choice for fire support in mountain area because of the trajectory of the bomb/ shell. Normal Artillery gun has flatter trajectory compare with mortar and may not able to drop shells in areas behind a mountain or a hill under certain condition like maximum elevation angle of gun barrel and distance of gun from target.

Mortar is also much lighter than artillery guns and is tranportable by medium helicopters to high mountain.
Mortar lack the range compare to arty.
"Made in China M777" ultra-light 155mm howitzer get 1st deal sold to foreign Army

Later we will see the foreign country name

Sorry, I can't post the news links.

Xinhuanet : 2016-07-01
Thai navy gains approval to buy three Chinese-built, Yuan-class submarines

BANGKOK, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Thai Deputy Premier Prawit Wongsuwan confirmed on Friday that Thailand will buy three Chinese-built submarines for a combined price of one billion U.S. dollars.

The Thai navy's proposal to procure the three Yuan-class S26T subs from China has been put on hold since last year by the deputy premier who is concurrently defense minister.

Now that Gen Prawit has given his nod, the navy will use its fiscal 2017 budget amounting to some 333 million U.S. dollars to buy the first Chinese sub next year with the two others to follow over the next few years.

The deputy premier said the navy will only pay for the Chinese subs on instalment basis which will span a ten-year's time from next year.

The Yuan-class S26T sub is a derivative, export version of the Yuan-class 039A sub deployed by the Chinese navy and is fitted with an air-independent propulsion as an auxiliary system to a regular diesel-electric power.

Bangkok post : 1 Jul 2016
Thai navy submits B36bn plan to buy subs

The navy has submitted a funding plan for its 36-billion-baht submarine procurement project to the cabinet for consideration with the tied-over budget for the subs to be spread over 11 years, a navy source says.

The source said the funding request to buy three Chinese submarines is now waiting to be put on the cabinet's agenda.

The source added that the navy is confident the purchase plan will win cabinet approval given that Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon earlier said he backed the navy's plan to have a submarine fleet to help with its missions.

Royal Thai Navy chief Na Areenij said the navy's funding request under the 2017 Budget Bill is in line with procedures.

If and when the cabinet approves the funding request, the purchase will begin immediately, Adm Na said.

The navy hopes to buy three Yuan-class submarines, costing 36 billion baht, from China even though the military regime had to put the purchase plan on hold for more than a year due to public disapproval.

In September last year, the Defence Ministry sent the submarine procurement project back to the navy to rework its funding plan, according to the source.

The project to buy three Chinese submarines was earlier put on the cabinet agenda.

But the ministry wanted the navy to extend the tied-over budget so the payments for the submarines would be spread over 11 years rather than seven years as was proposed.

Gen Prawit also instructed the navy to launch a public relations drive to "educate" people about the necessity to have the submarines for defence purposes.

Assistant navy chief Narongsak Nabangchang, who heads the procurement project, has published a white paper containing essential background information about the submarines.

The source said Thursday that if the cabinet approves the funding plan, the first submarine will be bought at a cost of 13 billion baht between fiscal years 2017-2021.

The second and third submarines will be purchased under the tied-over budget during the remainder of the 11-year period
, the source added.

"Considering the indications from Gen Prawit and the prime minister, we are confident that they support the purchase plan and recognise the necessity to buy the submarines, though the plan may have to wait for the right time before it is brought before the cabinet," the source said.

"The current government understands the importance of maritime security operations and, if the navy cannot buy the submarines during this government, there is no knowing whether it will be able to buy them when the next government come to power," the source said.

With the establishment of the Asean Economic Community, and Myanmar's Dawei deep-sea port and special economic zone development project, the navy's maritime security tasks will become more complicated and a new submarine fleet is needed to help support its missions, the source said.

The navy will stick to its plan to buy the three submarines from China as recommended last year by a navy committee set up to study details of the procurement project, the source said.
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Sorry, I can't post news links.

Xinhuanet : 2016-07-01
Thai navy gains approval to buy three Chinese-built, Yuan-class submarines

BANGKOK, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Thai Deputy Premier Prawit Wongsuwan confirmed on Friday that Thailand will buy three Chinese-built submarines for a combined price of one billion U.S. dollars.

The Thai navy's proposal to procure the three Yuan-class S26T subs from China has been put on hold since last year by the deputy premier who is concurrently defense minister.

Now that Gen Prawit has given his nod, the navy will use its fiscal 2017 budget amounting to some 333 million U.S. dollars to buy the first Chinese sub next year with the two others to follow over the next few years.

The deputy premier said the navy will only pay for the Chinese subs on instalment basis which will span a ten-year's time from next year.

The Yuan-class S26T sub is a derivative, export version of the Yuan-class 039A sub deployed by the Chinese navy and is fitted with an air-independent propulsion as an auxiliary system to a regular diesel-electric power.

Bangkok post : 1 Jul 2016

Thai navy submits B36bn plan to buy subs

The navy has submitted a funding plan for its 36-billion-baht submarine procurement project to the cabinet for consideration with the tied-over budget for the subs to be spread over 11 years, a navy source says.

The source said the funding request to buy three Chinese submarines is now waiting to be put on the cabinet's agenda.

The source added that the navy is confident the purchase plan will win cabinet approval given that Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon earlier said he backed the navy's plan to have a submarine fleet to help with its missions.

Royal Thai Navy chief Na Areenij said the navy's funding request under the 2017 Budget Bill is in line with procedures.

If and when the cabinet approves the funding request, the purchase will begin immediately, Adm Na said.

The navy hopes to buy three Yuan-class submarines, costing 36 billion baht, from China even though the military regime had to put the purchase plan on hold for more than a year due to public disapproval.

In September last year, the Defence Ministry sent the submarine procurement project back to the navy to rework its funding plan, according to the source.

The project to buy three Chinese submarines was earlier put on the cabinet agenda.

But the ministry wanted the navy to extend the tied-over budget so the payments for the submarines would be spread over 11 years rather than seven years as was proposed.

Gen Prawit also instructed the navy to launch a public relations drive to "educate" people about the necessity to have the submarines for defence purposes.

Assistant navy chief Narongsak Nabangchang, who heads the procurement project, has published a white paper containing essential background information about the submarines.

The source said Thursday that if the cabinet approves the funding plan, the first submarine will be bought at a cost of 13 billion baht between fiscal years 2017-2021.

The second and third submarines will be purchased under the tied-over budget during the remainder of the 11-year period
, the source added.

"Considering the indications from Gen Prawit and the prime minister, we are confident that they support the purchase plan and recognise the necessity to buy the submarines, though the plan may have to wait for the right time before it is brought before the cabinet," the source said.

"The current government understands the importance of maritime security operations and, if the navy cannot buy the submarines during this government, there is no knowing whether it will be able to buy them when the next government come to power," the source said.

With the establishment of the Asean Economic Community, and Myanmar's Dawei deep-sea port and special economic zone development project, the navy's maritime security tasks will become more complicated and a new submarine fleet is needed to help support its missions, the source said.

The navy will stick to its plan to buy the three submarines from China as recommended last year by a navy committee set up to study details of the procurement project, the source said.

8 for pakistan to 3 for thailand. Total 11. That is good.
China-made 3,000-ton frigate exported to North Africa
By Huang Jin (People's Daily Online) 15:31, July 14, 2016


China-made 3,000-ton frigate.(Photo provided to People's Daily Online)

A frigate designed and manufactured by China Shipbuilding Industry Group was officially delivered to the customer on July 12. So far, three ships from the project have all been successfully delivered.

The frigate was the third combat ship constructed for a North African country. The first two were delivered respectively on August 15, 2014 and January 26, 2016.

The frigate is 120 meters in length, with a full load displacement of about 3,000 tons. Compared to previous exported military ships, the new frigate has increased tonnage and more interior space. The shipbuilding company applied new standards during the research and development phase, and new installation techniques and equipment were also used during construction. The frigate is designed not only to meet the demands of coastal defense, but also to carry out long-range combat missions at sea.

The frigate has set several news records in tonnage, fire and combat capability for exported Chinese military ships. These advances reflect the maturation of China's shipbuilding industry, including electronic weapons system capabilities that have reached international levels. From all appearances, the successful construction of this latest frigate is only the beginning of China's expanded influence in military ship trade around the world.


China-made 3,000-ton frigate. (Photo provided to People's Daily Online)











  买方心理 奇货可居



  求生本能 安全为上



  战果卓著 性价比高



  与时俱进 战略升级




New export for CH-4. From the words, it seems like to be Iran
New export for CH-4. From the words, it seems like to be Iran

If it is the case, then this is huge. Not about the sales...that is minor. But about policy shift. Now if we can sell them a couple sqd of J10 that would be a great beginning. Maybe along with JF17... Iranian airforce is a huge market. We can't let it open to russians alone.
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