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Chinese vessel entered Indian waters without permission : Indian Navy

Remember that itself is an Indian news paper worth just piece of toilet paper.
I am not certain I like this comparison. I certainly wouldn't wipe my *** with newspaper. :D Actually, in pre-reform time in China, people actually used newspaper to wipe their asses. Newspaper can serve two purposes during that "stressful" time. First, it can be used to wrap tobacco to smoke (to overcome the smell). Second, to wipe the ***. ;)
india should just give up and join as a chinese province already. 70 years of embarrassment is not enough for you?
So the Chinese have violated Bharat again?

First it was Pak Sport and now looks like IronBrother has acquired the taste @Windjammer @Sine Nomine @StormBreaker
The interesting thing here is, despite having a huge navy, IN can’t keep whole area in coverage until their light house suddenly points out a nearing Hunter close to port. Huge area and fleet, no proper Search and scanning lol
Navy chief Karambir Singh says Chinese vessel entered Indian waters without permission
Hindustan Times, New Delhi : Dec 03, 2019 19:42 IST
The Chinese vessel, Shi Yan 1, was found carrying out some activities near Port Blair in September when it was asked to go away.

Navy chief Admiral Karambir Singh on Tuesday said that a Chinese research vessel was recently driven away from Indian waters near the Andaman and Nicobar Islands as it did not have permission to operate there.

“Our stand is that if you have to do anything in our exclusive economic zone (EEZ), you have to notify us and take permission,” Singh said at his annual press conference ahead of Navy Day on December 4.

According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a country’s EEZ extends to 200 nautical miles from its coast and it has sovereign rights for exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing the natural resources in this sea zone.

Watch | ‘Monitoring Chinese presence in Indian Ocean’: Navy chief Karambir Singh

The Chinese vessel, Shi Yan 1, was found carrying out some activities near Port Blair in September when it was asked to go away.

Singh said the navy was keeping track of Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean region. “They have been given areas for deep sea mining. Chinese oceanographic research vessels are there in the Indian Ocean region. At any given time, seven to eight Chinese vessels are there in the region, including the ones involved in anti-piracy role,” Singh said.

India will be hosting the multi-nation Milan exercise off the east coast next year for which 41 countries have been invited. China, however, has not been invited.

Singh said India had invited only like-minded countries. “We haven’t even done a passage exercise with the Chinese navy. With the other countries, we have better interoperability,” the navy chief explained.

The exercise was earlier staged off Port Blair but has been moved to Vizag as “the east coast has better bandwidth,” he said.

Singh also highlighted that the navy needed more funds for pursuing its modernisation programme as its share of the defence budget had declined from 18% to 13% during the last five years. He said the navy had projected the requirement of additional money to the government.

Asked to comment on the swift modernisation of the Chinese navy, he said China was moving at the pace it was capable of and the Indian Navy was taking steps at the pace it was capable of.

This international law has to be changed why the hell they have 200 nautical miles around Andaman and nicobar when they themselves are nowhere near that mark in area.
remember its indian who are saying that they expelled the ship .
most probably ship completes its mission and went bk to its port then indian came and make up a self praising story .
thats what they did in doklam :) .
CCP runs just the military in PRC right? Ahh, the naivety.
Sure add some name-calling too.
Good luck.

Aah here comes the bollywood style mental gymnastics by same people who swear by "spy pigeons" and "love jihad"

Trust me if the Chinese wanted to infiltrate they wouldnt do it under the guise of a research ship, stop being trying to twist it into something its not.
I am sure they were seeking the mysterious "superpower by 2020" to find new market
India said they were suspecting the Chinese vessel was conducting spying activity. Should any spy notify the target and take permission?
NO. spy should never be caught in the first place, so China failed.
... Singh said the navy was keeping track of Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean region. “They have been given areas for deep sea mining. Chinese oceanographic research vessels are there in the Indian Ocean region. At any given time, seven to eight Chinese vessels are there in the region, including the ones involved in anti-piracy role,” Singh said. ...

I wonder if China will build an island in the Indian Ocean as well in the coming years and turn it into a massive naval base.
It is an acoustic research vessel. It is probably useless to stay there when the engine noise from Indian ship overwhelms what it wants to detect.

You suppose the Chinese wanted to another dash and call that it 10-dashes Chinese territorial zone based on a new ancient map? ;)
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