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The truth is, it is every nation's national interest including China to vaccinate all their own people first but yet China set its own nation vaccination goal and quota at only 50% as it has already manage the pandemiC and the remaining will be destined for the rest of the world.

President Xi has openly pledged China vaccines for global public good once they are available and so far she has committed to what she said. Evil CCP, eh?

Covax is just a free vaccination program by W.H.O. for the poor nations.

As a nation, China has done more than W.H.O.already.
China exported vaccines to 45 nations and donated to more than 70 others.
Prompting the jealous US and her allies to termed such generosity as vaccine diplomacy.
:coffee: :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
Virus got exported well from China in the first place. Free doesn't mean there are no conditions attached to it. Superpowers are smart, not charitable most of the times.
Virus got exported well from China in the first place. Free doesn't mean there are no conditions attached to it. Superpowers are smart, not charitable most of the times.

China CDC was the first to discover this new coronavirus diagnosed as a common flu in USA ans elsewhere. It demonstrate how efficient they are compared with the rest of thr world.

Looking at the recent Hong Kong Consulate General Office incidence where and how 2 US diplomats who were tested positive, invoked their diplomatic immunity as their means to break the host nation law,

These two went everywhere in Hong Kong and now Hong Kong health officials are trying to trace their trail.
They refused to cooperate and there is a hue and cry in Hong Kong, not reported in the West and USA. Vey soon China will introduce new law to prevent such incidences and abuses from foreign diplomatic missions.

Right now I suspected that was how US Consulate General spread the virus in Wuhan.
it could be intentional.
Free does not mean free of strings..
Can't help you in here.
A case of too much unwarranted hatred and negative energy stored within you.
I bet you don't the real reason either nor be able to justify it.

Your mind is running wild and you appear to tie a conspiracy theory attached to everything that concern China.
Yet many of you are simply blind to misdeeds from USA and the 4 eyes Anglo-Saxon nations.
Right or wrong.
If anyone were seriously interested and were to do a research on the pandemic, most of you making such allegations will be ashamed and shocked that most of the other affected nation first detected cases have nothing to do with Wuhan.
They have never travelled to Wuhan or been to China e. g. Japan confirmed first case came from Hawaii.
This is clearly a case of disinformation.

How about the USN Aircraft Carrier that was infected with the COVID-19.
They were already out on a tour way before the first case was discovered in Wuhan.
So how did the US sailors caught the infections and spread to the rest of the crew?

Why aren't the people talking about this man?
The Captain of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, Brett Crozier, who was dismissed by Navy for being a whistleblower.


China CDC was the first to discover this new coronavirus diagnosed as a common flu in USA ans elsewhere. It demonstrate how efficient they are compared with the rest of thr world.

Looking at the recent Hong Kong Consulate General Office incidence where and how 2 US diplomats who were tested positive, invoked their diplomatic immunity as their means to break the host nation law,

These two went everywhere in Hong Kong and now Hong Kong health officials are trying to trace their trail.
They refused to cooperate and there is a hue and cry in Hong Kong, not reported in the West and USA. Vey soon China will introduce new law to prevent such incidences and abuses from foreign diplomatic missions.

Right now I suspected that was how US Consulate General spread the virus in Wuhan.
it could be intentional.
Lots of possible conspiracies. Like the doctors who were silenced from speaking out initially. Either way, I hate the pandemic. I lost a lot of relatives because of it in Pakistan, including my grandfather last month.
Lots of possible conspiracies. Like the doctors who were silenced from speaking out initially. Either way, I hate the pandemic. I lost a lot of relatives because of it in Pakistan, including my grandfather last month.
The late Dr Lee WenLiang, an ophthalmologist by pRofession was in fact in a Wechat discussion with his colleagues and friend in his Wechat group when someone took a screenshot of the chat.

He saw it in the news in a medical bulletin in China CDC website but the police were not aware of it.
Dr Lee who was not a virologist thought initially it was SARS reoccurrence all over again. But there are vaccines for SARS.

He was warned not to circulate rumor because there is a fake news law in China.
After the clarification, he was neither harassed nor punished as alleged by US fakr news media.

It is just Western and US fake news that turned him into an accidental whistle-blower which he was never nor wanted.
He just wanted to live but the coronavirus took it away.

But nevertheless it had raised awareness among netizens in China.

In a way it was fortunate the Police warned him otherwise the people of Wuhan would have panicked and spread the COVID to all over China.
The late Dr Lee WenLiang, an ophthalmologist by pRofession was in fact in a Wechat discussion with his colleagues and friend in his Wechat group when someone took a screenshot of the chat.

He saw it in the news in a medical bulletin in China CDC website but the police were not aware of it.
Dr Lee who was not a virologist thought initially it was SARS reoccurrence all over again. But there are vaccines for SARS.

He was warned not to circulate rumor because there is a fake news law in China.
After the clarification, he was neither harassed nor punished as alleged by US fakr news media.

It is just Western and US fake news that turned him into an accidental whistle-blower which he was never nor wanted.
He just wanted to live but the coronavirus took it away.

But nevertheless it had raised awareness among netizens in China.

In a way it was fortunate the Police warned him otherwise the people of Wuhan would have panicked and spread the COVID to all over China.
Oh boy.... once the phony China friendly mask displayed in Sinodefence forum is off. There is nothing but pure naked hatred of the Chinese people way worse than even Indians beneath that facade for all see.

It must be tough on you to hold your hate inside for so many years there. 👍

no I was and still am a passionate follower of Chinese military hardware and no one knows more about that me, you know my history from SDF

but giving the virus to the world and denying it and committing ethnic cleansing against people of the same religion as me caused me to reevaluate

And I unlike like other Pakistanis i do not have slave mentality and don’t sell and abandoned our religion for monetary gains
99% of Pakistanis love the Chinese he is a statistical anomaly, perhaps he has his reasons please ignore.

TTA attacking another TTA just to please his Chinese masters ? This is against TTA rules, who made you TTA clearly not a Pakistani

yes because you speak on behalf of all 225 million Pakistanis ? Just because you abandoned your religion doesn’t mean all Pakistanis are sell outs like you
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Xinjiang companies, individuals sue rumormonger Adrian Zenz for reputational, economic losses
Pseudo-scholar’s lies cause reputational, economic losses

By Zhang Han and Fan LingzhiPublished: Mar 09, 2021 09:33 PM

Debunking Adrian Zenz's lies on Xinjiang Infographic: Wu Tiantong/GT

Debunking Adrian Zenz's lies on Xinjiang Infographic: Wu Tiantong/GT

A number of companies and individuals in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have sued German national Adrian Zenz, who has been spreading "Xinjiang forced labor" rumors and caused reputational and economic losses for locals.

International law experts noted the lawsuit conforms to protective jurisdiction, and suggested local entities claim high compensation from Zenz or file criminal charges against the pseudo-scholar to deter other politically motivated libel.

Companies and individuals in Xinjiang have filed civil lawsuits at a local court in Xinjiang, demanding Zenz to apologize, restore their reputation and compensate for their losses as his fake reports caused some countries and companies to suspend cotton imports from Xinjiang, news outlet ts.cn reported Tuesday.

Zenz, born in 1974, is an infamous anti-China pseudo-scholar. He is member of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a far-right organization established by the US government in 1993. Zenz has gone almost overnight from an unknown researcher into a go-to pundit on Xinjiang in 2018, as the US steps up its disinformation campaign against China.

He Zhipeng, a standing council member of the Chinese Society of International Law, told the Global Times on Tuesday the lawsuit shows Chinese entities are now using legal tools to protect their foreign-related interests and have sufficient evidence to sue rumormongers.

The litigation method based on facts and law is in line with international practice, and more acceptable and easier to get support, said He, who is also head of the Law School of Jilin University in Changchun.

Amid voices suspecting whether Chinese entities can file a lawsuit against Zenz — a foreign national in foreign territories, He said the protective jurisdiction applies to such a situation.

Protective jurisdiction means a Chinese entity can prosecute a foreign entity in foreign territories according to Chinese laws if the latter violates the former's interests.

China seldom uses protective jurisdiction, but if some foreign forces continue to spread lies and hamper China's interests, they should face the consequences, and we have plenty of evidence to present in court, He said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian supported Chinese people who seek to protect their legal rights and the rule of law. "Zenz and the anti-China forces behind him will face justice," Zhao said at Tuesday's press conference.

Peng Qinxuan, an expert from the Wuhan University's Institute of International Law, suggested litigation against Zenz for jeopardizing national security under protective jurisdiction, as his deeds should be handled criminally.

Zenz is behind numerous "reports" on Xinjiang, which are full of sensational claims. The pseudo-scholar is also unsurprisingly among contributors of a Monday report published on the website of a Washington DC-based so-called think tank Newlines Institute for Strategy and Policy, claiming China's Xinjiang policies constitute "genocide."

The report again cited non-existent "evidence" that have been refuted repeatedly by Chinese authorities, Xinjiang residents and conscientious foreign diplomats and visitors.
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