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Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval

Really dude, how can you not know that Chinese assault rifles do not function according to the normal laws of physics.

To operate Chinese small arms one must master a shadowy form of the Chinese practice of Qigong. It involves pointing the rifle away from the target and leaving your finger off the trigger, and using your mind and spirit to transport the kinetic projectiles from the muzzles of Chinese weapons to their intended target.

Very serious and complicated stuff this - can't do it without a Chinese trainer present ...
OMG,i didnt know it was such high level sh*t.Maaan i got to up my game a bit it seems. :D
Times group in India is a joke.....They wont miss a chance to sensationalise any news comes their way.............

Well, their joke begets jokes.. and entertaining those jokes is funny in its own right.
Do you think india doesn't want to do something after what happened in Mumbai? If you watch news carfully in that time, you will notice China conduct many large scale military exercises then along the india border.

India has to surpress their urge to launch any stupid move and swallow the reality with bitter tears.
My friend if it happens to be two front war . China will be at its weakest point . It has more threats than India does. If the plan is to attack one nation which is actually at war with another this will be followed by others as well. Problem is tha Chinese already have huge cache of very old soviet era weapons most of them will expire in few years (I read some where that Chinese weapons are out dated as they don't retire them when their life is done . . It's the Chinese game plan to show it's numbers . China many be arms producers but when it comes to out dated weapon and outdated technology China will the no 1 contender .

So its not child's play to attack other nation tha too India. Hands down to the support we enjoy at global arena. China knew it and it wants world war to happen . Chinese have lots of weapons to be used or they will become irrelevant . India stands on its way . In Asia and world . Even Russians will ditch Chinese at time of conflict with India due to Russian political support and people opinion on India and China . If God forbid if war happens on two front say hi to our new friends in Asia .
good laughs
Why laughs? LoC is not some honeymon location where BSF and Rangers are making love right! Do you really feel these kashmiri terrorists have the capabilities to behead BSF soldiers? Are they capable to pull of operations of such magnitude? Why would India deploy it's special forces on the border during those attacks? Do you think India can face International pressure for authorizing cross border raids by special forces without any valid reason?
A question for the Indians here - does the Indian media (or government/military, assuming that they are the ones feeding this nonsense to the media) not have anything better to do than concoct inflammatory stories to propagate hatred towards Pakistan amongst Indians?

For all the whining and complaining in the West about the Pakistani media brainwashing Pakistanis, I see far more absurd and frequent examples of this fear and hate-mongering on the Indian side than I do on the Pakistan side.
so what training is not allowed ? india ka dimagh to kharab nhi ho gya ?
Of course it's not allowed ! Can India give trying to Taiwan ? Near their water boundaries with China ? That too without any knowledge ? This why we see lots of open source on joint training exercise . Or else it will send panic alerts to the concerned nation
The imagination of journalists, the propaganda department of the Indian military, intelligence (or lack of given the absurdity of the claims), government ... take your pick.

What I would like to know is why seemingly sensible Indians like yourself buy into this nonsense so comprehensively. Your posts at times are thought provoking and raise legitimate questions, and then you turn around and try and justify unsubstantiated rubbish like this.
Thank you for your kind words. These are my genuine concerns and not even one week passes on the LoC without an incident. Journos mayadd a bit of masala...but there must be atleast 10% truth to what they say. And kashmir insurgency is the longest one as far as I know. So, there must be some truth to what the media reports. Atleast the causality figures on both sides says so.
Do you really feel these kashmiri terrorists have the capabilities to behead BSF soldiers? Are they capable to pull of operations of such magnitude?
Yes and yes - insurgents of all kinds have shown that they have the capabilities to do far worse given the assaults on Pakistani military and para-military check-posts in FATA and the complex assaults on military bases.

If you are going to argue that a mere ambush across the rugged terrain of the LoC MUST have been supported by the Pakistani military, then the far more complex and numerous TTP assaults in Pakistan on heavily secured military and government locations could certainly have not been possible without the support of the Indian military and intelligence establishment.

You can't have it both ways.
Your conclusions make no sense. Modi coming to power in India is somehow detrimental to the Americans? A right wing Capitalist, heavy weapons purchasing party that is leaning to the US was against their plan/does not suit their plans?

There is no Plan A, or Plan B or Plan C..
What you have stated has little proof and hence stands as theory F with theory L and theory Q must have theory C following it.
Are you saying American never influenced political situation in Pakistan and india ? If you have good journo friend ask him about the foreign funds provided to main political parties. Go through wiki leaks cable then you will know the power of American intelligence and their influence . And am very well know there are few proof for my claims . But it's all basic sense the reciprocating steps will be taken by any concerned nation . Now this is logic .
Of course it's not allowed ! Can India give trying to Taiwan ? Near their water boundaries with China ? That too without any knowledge ? This why we see lots of open source on joint training exercise . Or else it will send panic alerts to the concerned nation
in which law? indian panel court ?:P every country is free to do whatever inside . india can't stop it :crazy:
Pakistan is proof positive of how intelligence guys with delusions of grandeur can lead to disaster. I'm not sure if Doval is cut from the same cloth, but he does seem to be playing a disproportionately large role in determining the trajectory of Indian foreign policy.

The political class needs to understand that an intelligence man's incentives don't necessarily align perfectly with national interest. Doval seems to want to raise the pitch until he gets the go ahead to initiate military actions just short of war- something he likes to call 'offensive defence'. Someone needs to tell Modi that this might not be the greatest idea.
calm down guys,it could be possible the chinese are there to check why the chinese equipment they supply dsnt work well.
Yes and yes - insurgents of all kinds have shown that they have the capabilities to do far worse given the assaults on Pakistani military and para-military check-posts in FATA and the complex assaults on military bases.

If you are going to argue that a mere ambush across the rugged terrain of the LoC MUST have been supported by the Pakistani military, then the far more complex and numerous TTP assaults in Pakistan on heavily secured military and government locations could certainly have not been possible without the support of the Indian military and intelligence establishment.

You can't have it both ways.
TTP is behemoth when compared to their kashmiri counterparts. And ALL major players have their presence in Af-Pak region. Most heavily funded intel agencies play BIG BIG role in that part. So, we cant really compare both the situations.
Why laughs? LoC is not some honeymon location where BSF and Rangers are making love right! Do you really feel these kashmiri terrorists have the capabilities to behead BSF soldiers?

some local militant groups in occupied Kashmir did do that...not saying its right thing to do, but it did happen didnt it

and no - obviously they are not making love......theyre doing their jobs.

Are they capable to pull of operations of such magnitude? Why would India deploy it's special forces on the border during those attacks? Do you think India can face International pressure for authorizing cross border raids by special forces without any valid reason?

india wont b/c it cant, and i wouldnt suggest it try any such thing....pressure or no pressure
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