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Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval

Good thing we are looking to our defence at last. Instead we were cowering from the Indians in past. We should make a bold statement with our troop positioning that explains we will not tolerate a repeat of Siachen. In fact it was Siachen war which resulted in the Kargil episode. Indian aggression should be stopped on the border.
I thought the best muslim army in the world never needed any training? Allah gave them the fighting skills when they were born!
We never in existence cowered from them we always fired back. It was always purely defensive.

I do agree though that patience is weakness if violations continue. Not responding would set bad precedent

I meant politically. Look at the Samjhauta express case. Not one person is demanding justice for the Pakistanis killed by Hindu fanatics. They blamed LET for it and look at who it was in the end.

Another thing is the nuclear deal between India and US. The exact same deal was denied to us. Another report came in where daddy US offered better quality F16's to India than it did to us. Its clear that politically we have been cowering against India. Not a single word was said that the Kargil debacle was in response to the Siachen attack. India began the war.
I meant politically. Look at the Samjhauta express case. Not one person is demanding justice for the Pakistanis killed by Hindu fanatics. They blamed LET for it and look at who it was in the end.

Another thing is the nuclear deal between India and US. The exact same deal was denied to us. Another report came in where daddy US offered better quality F16's to India than it did to us. Its clear that politically we have been cowering against India. Not a single word was said that the Kargil debacle was in response to the Siachen attack. India began the war.

because doing so makes one a hate mongerer, according to the die-hard liberal jerk-offs in this country who think standing up makes us jingoistic etc.

its a truly pathetic state of affairs and a matter of shame

as for the nuke deal - who cares.....with US accords comes intrusive safeguards and pesky inspectors who snoop around even where they shouldnt be...our nuclear program is civilian but also military-run (PAEC, SPD, etc.) Last thing we need is yanks at our facilities in exchange for enriched material we could get from China if we really wanted to

on F-16s, US was desperate but they lost out on the deal (MMRCA) - so its moot point
It's not the question of wont or cant. These things keep happening on the LoC. That is because there is no clear boundary defined. Your forces enter this side of the border and ours will as well. If you have a friend deployed near the border, ask him. It's not a new thing. One of the [In]famous one being our forces entering your side and beheading your solders and writing a provocative message on the walls with the dead soldier's blood.

Pakistan did not do that, no soldier of Pak Army did that....please dont peddle the lies of your media. No soldiers of ours would have done such a thing, it's not in the culture of our military to be barbarians.

It was likely Kashmiri mujahideen forces who engaged them or came across the bodies.....
That is mostly because of the GoI's decision of deploying army and granting them AFSPA.

even if what you are saying is true (which frankly i think its not even a half truth, with due respect) -- seems like a pretty gung-ho and artificial arrangement then no?
It is abundantly clear from some Indians' comments in this thread that these clowns are scared to death of China。

If a China in 1962 gave India a bloody nose with a few lightly armed and poorly equipped regiments in a remote corner of the country,today's China can give India a bloody head with a few infantry battalions。:D
your government care. How humiliated for india to sit idle without doing nothing after mumbai event? this is reality

Not true. India did do something in response. India made the superpower video with lots of white servants to show how cultured and beautiful India is.
Not true. India did do something in response. India made the superpower video with lots of white servants to show how cultured and beautiful India is.

That was a movie clipping from a local language. You thought it was mainstream media????


What should i call you?
That was a movie clipping from a local language. You thought it was mainstream media????


What should i call you?

He is the former Faithfullguy in his new avatar ...... best is to ignore him .
He is the former Faithfullguy in his new avatar ...... best is to ignore him .

I really need to meet this faithful guy. He sound like a cool guy. Too bad that I never see him on here.
I really need to meet this faithful guy. He sound like a cool guy. Too bad that I never see him on here.

Don't worry ...... he is almost exactly like you ..... always posting BS .
This is not gonna be possible, India media always fabricate story to stir up the conflict.
Most likely it was a unit with strong Hazara representation.




The indians got carried away, and started crying about the great PLA, like they always do.
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