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Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval

NEW DELHI: Chinese troops have been spotted imparting arms training to Pakistan Army on Pakistani forward locations on the border opposite the Rajouri sector in Jammu & Kashmir, the Border Security Force (BSF) has told the National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval in a secret report. BSF has also warned that Pakistan Army is taking charge of key Pakistani border posts from the Pakistani Rangers, beefing up manpower and posting snipers to target Indian troops.

This comes as a major concern for India after the heightened tension on the border that led to repeated firing from both sides in October. The BSF has informed the NSA that in one such firing incident on October 6, five Pakistani soldiers were killed after strong retaliatory firing from the Indian side. The input of Chinese presence on Pakistani Forward locations, albeit only for Weapon handling Training, is bound to raise tensions between India and China as well, a Intelligence official said.

The BSF report, sent to the NSA, Intelligence Bureau Chief and the Home Secretary, says it has been learnt that Chinese troops have been seen in some of the Pakistani Forward locations of the 3rd and 4th Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir Brigades opposite India's Rajouri sector and they are imparting weapon handling training to Pakistani troops.

BSF has said that the situation on the International Border in Jammu remains tense but Pakistani civilians who had shifted from the border areas due to cross-border firing have returned to their villages. In the second week of October, units of Pakistani Army have also moved to Pakistani forward locations opposite the Rajouri Sector to beef up manpower strength of troops on the border, the BSF has said.

The BSF has also warned that intercepted conversations across the border reveal that Pakistani Rangers and Pakistani Army will be deploying commandoes and snipers on some of their border posts on both the International Border and the Line of Control to carry out targeted attacks on forces on the Indian side.

The Centre has been warned that there is a large presence of terrorists on forward locations in the Sialkot area waiting to infiltrate into India ahead of the assembly elections in the state. BSF has warned that terrorists of Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahedeen have stepped up their activities in South Kashmir in districts of Anantnag, Shopian and Pulawama and there could be attacks on security forces convoys and political party workers in the upcoming J&K elections in in these areas. It has been mentioned that the situation in J&K hence remains sensitive but under control of security forces.

The BSF report has also cited a input sent out by the Headquarter Pakistani Rangers to all its Wings saying that the Tahreek--E-Taliban (TTP) commander Mohammad Abdul Wali has put together 22 terrorist teams of 6 men each to target security forces and locals in Pakistan. The TTP has claimed responsibility for the recent attack on the Wagah border in which over 60 Pakistanis were killed and on Thursday had also released a photograph of the suicide bomber.

Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval - The Economic Times
Oh yeah we just inducted type 56 and need chinese to show us how to fire them,is that it?
This is the kind of news which falls into the category of utter and useless BS..
it was an official statement by the govt. dismissing the baseless report.....i think even the Pentagon top brass clearly dont care b/c on the same day as the report, Congress and DoD cleared the way for 4 armed surface vessels to be acquired by Pak Navy

they have no choice but to be tight lipped most of the time since they still need Torkham and Chaman border routes and are very well aware that TTP enjoys safe havens in Afghanistan, with indian backing. They know this already. Biggest hindrance though will be Ghani's trip to Pakistan and what will hopefully be a newfound cooperation between Islamabad, Kabul

by the way, Admiral (retd) Mullen made similar noise about the so-called Haqqani "network"....what changed then? :laugh:
Ofcourse they will sell those vessels...who dosent wasnt business these days? But thinking they donot care about LeT and other organizations is being naive! Coz the americans realize that LeT is as much threat to them as AQ is. Not they will go after them one day or the other.

And till date no proof has been submitted to India or UN regarding Indian support to TTP. All we get to hear is that proof will be submitted at the right time.

frankly - i have no problem with that at all. No objections.
Yeah..why would you be having any problems...afterall it's a part of a grand plan to bleed India by 1000 cuts.
Sounds like Doval is already making up false stories to stir up conflict.
Am not sure if it's gonna start a war or not . But one thing is for sure . The panic among people are increasing which include J&K. As they started to enjoy the peaceful and prosperous lifestyle . So what will be the implications of this report ? It's gonna help Modi govt to strengthen the defence force on wartime basis . See this China training pak rangers is really a surprise as no one knew about it till now . But it was Indian intelligence agency hard work brought this out to the open .

Pak started to get insecure not because of India but because of China . Chinese are using Pakistan to the extend there is no coming back . Now China to be frank looks at Pakistan as a hit man for inflict damage on Indian troops .

This is very serious news to all Indians .China has nothing to do with Pak occupied Kashmir . Pakistan is dead locked on all the side . Internally by terrorism and pakistan version of isis and externally by West , Afgan iran and india. Future is very unstable. If Pakistan have to be relevant on global stage it needs India to the catalyst. So peace is not possible what ever u do . It's not gonna happen . Indian govt must follow the new tactics on dealing with Pakistan . GIVING BEFITTING REPLY . The only solution to keep them at bay. And what if China indirect involvement in adding terrorism is proved ? Without Chinese knowledge infiltration won't happen. As it's seem they are at the launching pad area. This angle will be the new turning point in Pak US relationship . The Americans are the god father of intelligence gathering . They even controlled the political situation in many countries including Asia. Only this time the plan dint work . Modi got elected . It's all for good as far as US is concerned.

Plan A plan b plan c bl must be ready by now . I can feel something big is gonna happen sooner or later.
Haqqanis aside, What did the commander say about the trouble you foment in India??
He didn't, and given the fact that he already contradicted a significant part of the Pentagon report, the rest of that report needs additional substantiation to be considered credible.
  1. the action of provoking unlawful behaviour or urging someone to behave unlawfully.
Which is still moral support for the separatists - there is no mention of material support.
Ofcourse they will sell those vessels...who dosent wasnt business these days? But thinking they donot care about LeT and other organizations is being naive! Coz the americans realize that LeT is as much threat to them as AQ is. Not they will go after them one day or the other.

And till date no proof has been submitted to India or UN regarding Indian support to TTP. All we get to hear is that proof will be submitted at the right time.

ill tell you straight up - that while they want india in their camp (as a regional "Bulwark" of sorts against China) -- the yanks could care damn less about so-called "LeT"

if they were serious, they'd allow indian investigators un-hindered access to David Headley Coleman. Guess what!! They havent! And they wont! And contratry to popular indian belief, there is no "Bounty" on the head of Hafiz Saeed. No evidence exists against him.

LeT itself is a banned, non-existent organization. You're just wastin' your time bud.

as for AQ - LeT, JuD and the other groups -- existing or fairy tales - have no linkages with AQ. They dont need to.

Yeah..why would you be having any problems...afterall it's a part of a grand plan to bleed India by 1000 cuts.

We have no issues over the Kashmiri freedom movement. Likewise you had no problems over the civil war of 1971 and supporting rebels fighting for BD "freedom"
Which is still moral support for the separatists - there is no mention of material support.
So from where are all the aks, granade launchers,financing, training and in some cases even commandos[Zarrar company - Border Action Team] come from?
I hope Chinese don't teach Pakistanis their camping skills or else Pakistani diplomats would be adding some serious frequent flyer miles.
Oh yeah we just inducted type 56 and need chinese to show us how to fire them,is that it?
This is the kind of news which falls into the category of utter and useless BS..
Really dude, how can you not know that Chinese assault rifles do not function according to the normal laws of physics.

To operate Chinese small arms one must master a shadowy form of the Chinese practice of Qigong. It involves pointing the rifle away from the target and leaving your finger off the trigger, and using your mind and spirit to transport the kinetic projectiles from the muzzles of Chinese weapons to their intended target.

Very serious and complicated stuff this - can't do it without a Chinese trainer present ...
so what training is not allowed ? india ka dimagh to kharab nhi ho gya ?
Am not sure if it's gonna start a war or not . But one thing is for sure . The panic among people are increasing which include J&K. As they started to enjoy the peaceful and prosperous lifestyle . So what will be the implications of this report ? It's gonna help Modi govt to strengthen the defence force on wartime basis . See this China training pak rangers is really a surprise as no one knew about it till now . But it was Indian intelligence agency hard work brought this out to the open .

Pak started to get insecure not because of India but because of China . Chinese are using Pakistan to the extend there is no coming back . Now China to be frank looks at Pakistan as a hit man for inflict damage on Indian troops .

This is very serious news to all Indians .China has nothing to do with Pak occupied Kashmir . Pakistan is dead locked on all the side . Internally by terrorism and pakistan version of isis and externally by West , Afgan iran and india. Future is very unstable. If Pakistan have to be relevant on global stage it needs India to the catalyst. So peace is not possible what ever u do . It's not gonna happen . Indian govt must follow the new tactics on dealing with Pakistan . GIVING BEFITTING REPLY . The only solution to keep them at bay. And what if China indirect involvement in adding terrorism is proved ? Without Chinese knowledge infiltration won't happen. As it's seem they are at the launching pad area. This angle will be the new turning point in Pak US relationship . The Americans are the god father of intelligence gathering . They even controlled the political situation in many countries including Asia. Only this time the plan dint work . Modi got elected . It's all for good as far as US is concerned.

Plan A plan b plan c bl must be ready by now . I can feel something big is gonna happen sooner or later.

Your conclusions make no sense. Modi coming to power in India is somehow detrimental to the Americans? A right wing Capitalist, heavy weapons purchasing party that is leaning to the US was against their plan/does not suit their plans?

There is no Plan A, or Plan B or Plan C..
What you have stated has little proof and hence stands as theory F with theory L and theory Q must have theory C following it.
Shhh... Its secret. You should be reported to the authorities for talking about the public news report read by millions regarding the contents of a secret report that was supposed to have been read by a few

Times group in India is a joke.....They wont miss a chance to sensationalise any news comes their way.............
So from where are all the aks, granade launchers,financing, training and in some cases even commandos[Zarrar company - Border Action Team] come from?
The imagination of journalists, the propaganda department of the Indian military, intelligence (or lack of given the absurdity of the claims), government ... take your pick.

What I would like to know is why seemingly sensible Indians like yourself buy into this nonsense so comprehensively. Your posts at times are thought provoking and raise legitimate questions, and then you turn around and try and justify unsubstantiated rubbish like this.
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