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Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval

I guess its time Moody ji launch those surgical strikes that were supposed to happen after the Mumbai incident !
Do you think india doesn't want to do something after what happened in Mumbai? If you watch news carfully in that time, you will notice China conduct many large scale military exercises then along the india border.

India has to surpress their urge to launch any stupid move and swallow the reality with bitter tears.
A large scale war will crash it. More spending on foreign intelligence activities will not, neither will there be any political pressure on opponents of huge defence purchases . This is a cry for more funding for India to formally ramp up its proxy war divisions.
That has already been done during the previous regime! The immediate focus of NSA is on west bengal terrorists after startling sarada scam reveletions. So, until that is settled, no major focus will be on pakistan.
That has already been done during the previous regime! The immediate focus of NSA is on west bengal terrorists after startling sarada scam reveletions. So, until that is settled, no major focus will be on pakistan.

And yet this topic seems to belie all that. Where cooked up ideas of Chinese with Pakistani troopers being trained(which has almost rarely ever happened). The only possible truth may be the Rangers being beefed up with PA troops after the recent tensions.. now if some half hearted report is sent to Doval that identifies a Hazara unit as Chinese.. and he decides to spice up the rather bland Uttarakhand serving then it his own personal twisting of the facts and not what is happening that is being sent to PM Modi for what will end up being an incorrect decision.
NEW DELHI: Chinese troops have been spotted imparting arms training to Pakistan Army on Pakistani forward locations on the border opposite the Rajouri sector in Jammu & Kashmir, the Border Security Force (BSF) has told the National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval in a secret report. BSF has also warned that Pakistan Army is taking charge of key Pakistani border posts from the Pakistani Rangers, beefing up manpower and posting snipers to target Indian troops.

This comes as a major concern for India after the heightened tension on the border that led to repeated firing from both sides in October. The BSF has informed the NSA that in one such firing incident on October 6, five Pakistani soldiers were killed after strong retaliatory firing from the Indian side. The input of Chinese presence on Pakistani Forward locations, albeit only for Weapon handling Training, is bound to raise tensions between India and China as well, a Intelligence official said.

The BSF report, sent to the NSA, Intelligence Bureau Chief and the Home Secretary, says it has been learnt that Chinese troops have been seen in some of the Pakistani Forward locations of the 3rd and 4th Pakistan-Occupied-Kashmir Brigades opposite India's Rajouri sector and they are imparting weapon handling training to Pakistani troops.

BSF has said that the situation on the International Border in Jammu remains tense but Pakistani civilians who had shifted from the border areas due to cross-border firing have returned to their villages. In the second week of October, units of Pakistani Army have also moved to Pakistani forward locations opposite the Rajouri Sector to beef up manpower strength of troops on the border, the BSF has said.

The BSF has also warned that intercepted conversations across the border reveal that Pakistani Rangers and Pakistani Army will be deploying commandoes and snipers on some of their border posts on both the International Border and the Line of Control to carry out targeted attacks on forces on the Indian side.

The Centre has been warned that there is a large presence of terrorists on forward locations in the Sialkot area waiting to infiltrate into India ahead of the assembly elections in the state. BSF has warned that terrorists of Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Hizbul Mujahedeen have stepped up their activities in South Kashmir in districts of Anantnag, Shopian and Pulawama and there could be attacks on security forces convoys and political party workers in the upcoming J&K elections in in these areas. It has been mentioned that the situation in J&K hence remains sensitive but under control of security forces.

The BSF report has also cited a input sent out by the Headquarter Pakistani Rangers to all its Wings saying that the Tahreek--E-Taliban (TTP) commander Mohammad Abdul Wali has put together 22 terrorist teams of 6 men each to target security forces and locals in Pakistan. The TTP has claimed responsibility for the recent attack on the Wagah border in which over 60 Pakistanis were killed and on Thursday had also released a photograph of the suicide bomber.

Chinese troops training Pak Army near India-Pakistan border, BSF tells NSA Ajit Doval - The Economic Times
Not a single Pakistani soldier lost the life a lie being told by Indians as from getting training with Chinese I assure we don't need training from Chinese as for as Pakistan beefing up number of troops it would have been the natural outcome of that
And yet this topic seems to belie all that. Where cooked up ideas of Chinese with Pakistani troopers being trained(which has almost rarely ever happened). The only possible truth may be the Rangers being beefed up with PA troops after the recent tensions.. now if some half hearted report is sent to Doval that identifies a Hazara unit as Chinese.. and he decides to spice up the rather bland Uttarakhand serving then it his own personal twisting of the facts and not what is happening that is being sent to PM Modi for what will end up being an incorrect decision.
That may be a possibility. Even then I'm sure the NSA would take other's input(like RAW and MI) as well into consideration before granting any operation. Even then, replacing rangers with pak army might be seen as a provocation/aggression by India.
That may be a possibility. Even then I'm sure the NSA would take other's input(like RAW and MI) as well into consideration before granting any operation. Even then, replacing rangers with pak army might be seen as a provocation/aggression by India.

Or maybe they wont. After all, the United States government in 2003 under a similar hardline approach went to war with a nation under the pretext of non-existent WMDs based on similar sketchy reports. The difference was that where previous/later governments may have had various other sources to try and confirm it.. here the same single dubious source was used to classify provocation and lead to a war that is an example of failure.

Ajit Doval's history is littered with incidents and approaches that may or may not imply that he might cross into sketchy moral ground in order to push his hardline agenda.
So @Xeric @Icarus the Chinese are giving us weapon's training at the LOC now ! o_O
May be, not in my notice. But then why it seems to concern India, despite the fact that a camcorder that i bought from England was made in China, the Q mobile my kid use is made in China, half of our roads are being constructed by China, and hell lot of construction even in India is being done by Chinese.

And what the heck is the 3rd and 4th Pakistan Occupied Kashmir Brigade ? Azad Kashmir Regiment tou sunaaa thaaa....I never knew that there were Brigades named after Kashmir in the Army ? :unsure:

Chutiyapa aka Gutter journalism.
Do you think india doesn't want to do something after what happened in Mumbai? If you watch news carfully in that time, you will notice China conduct many large scale military exercises then along the india border.

India has to surpress their urge to launch any stupid move and swallow the reality with bitter tears.

Nobody cares. India doesnt give a damn thats why we are building on the border. Swallow that reality with bitter tears.
Nobody cares. India doesnt give a damn thats why we are building on the border. Swallow that reality with bitter tears.
your government care. How humiliated for india to sit idle without doing nothing after mumbai event? this is reality
Good thing we are looking to our defence at last. Instead we were cowering from the Indians in past. We should make a bold statement with our troop positioning that explains we will not tolerate a repeat of Siachen. In fact it was Siachen war which resulted in the Kargil episode. Indian aggression should be stopped on the border.

We never in existence cowered from them we always fired back. It was always purely defensive.

I do agree though that patience is weakness if violations continue. Not responding would set bad precedent
We never in existence cowered from them we always fired back. It was always purely defensive.
Yeah... purely defensive LeT, purely defensive JeM,purely defensive HUJI, purely defensive BAT etc etc.
I do agree though that patience is weakness if violations continue. Not responding would set bad precedent
That's why we have been retaliating lately.

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