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Chinese troops dare India again, intrude 20 kms inside Arunachal Pradesh

You do understand that Pentagon thinks that it can win a nuclear war with china ?You might end up being attacked by USA.USA is in worse economic shape and would want a major war to divert public attention and implement marital law/military rule.

USA wants to take out before it goes to fight with Russia, as it does anticipate that in a war with Russia it and the most of west will lose their population and russians will still survive due to their massive civil defence and underground city networks and does not want to take on Russia and china together at once.

US economy is not that bad,and its not a dictatorship while the government can do anything without the consent of the people,
US wont spill blood for India,you can stop dreaming about that.
That is correct. If China fights a war against India, all countries of the world will condemn China but they would not lift a finger. In a conflict India is alone.
US economy is not that bad,and its not a dictatorship while the government can do anything without the consent of the people,
US wont spill blood for India,you can stop dreaming about that.
US economy is not that bad,and its not a dictatorship while the government can do anything without the consent of the people,
US wont spill blood for India,you can stop dreaming about that.

USA isn't interested.It is however interested in getting China and india at war so that it can destroy both ,by covert or overt means.So while both are fighting be not surprised if Neo-cons get a trident sub to launch its payload of 192 warheads. You will lose Beijing in less than 7 minutes after launch.

USA has laws like NDAA which allows torture and detention without warrant which have made it a dictatorship.Also there is evidence of rigging of elections in USA since 2000.

Second check shadowstats or listen to Marc Faber,Mike Shedlock,Peter Schiff,Gerald Celente about the true condition of USA.

USA is already a covert dictatorship since Obama, only it now it needs a coup and it will be overt in a matter of time.
The US Becomes Just Another Military Dictatorship –
Solidification of the Obama dictatorship--US government overthrown while police state explodes--Part II
That is correct. If China fights a war against India, all countries of the world will condemn China but they would not lift a finger. In a conflict India is alone.

Be not surprised if USA suddenly decides to attack as it wishes to bleed China and India both. That is something which is coming,neo-cons want china to attack so that they can wage a opium war of their own . If China attacks India,likely Russia will be neutral and the neo-cons will strongly consider using swift Tactical/strategic nuclear capability to decapitate the chinese politburo.Plus the Chinese do not have a Dead Hand /Vengeance center system the soviet/russian military has nor does china have monstrous underground cities like Yamantau to survive a sustained nuclear assault.

India will be destroyed by China and China will be destroyed the same way the Qing empire fell against the British in the opium wars.
Is my tiny and simplified analysis above at all indicative of the way Chinese strategic planners and politicians have been thinking?

According to the Japs who ran an interesting piece in the J. of Diplomacy,China is purposedly raising tensions along the Sino-Indian border so that a disproportionate portion of India's limited defence budget might be diverted away from the urgently needed Navy modernization programme。
US destroys China means it destroys its own economy,and China's nuclear capacity remains as a mystery to the West,US wont take such a big risk to do go nuclear with China.both China and Russia have enough nulear stockpile to destroy US.why would US do that?killing it own economy and putting the survival of their own nation at risk?
Exactly. Even I think so. When China will be busy raping India, the world will remain a mute spectator. They may beg for some 'gifts' in India - may be for slave labor or mining licenses. If the Chinese invade and are successful, Indians will cease to exist.
US destroys China means it destroys its own economy,and China's nuclear capacity remains as a mystery to the West,US wont take such a big risk to do go nuclear with China.both China and Russia have enough nulear stockpile to destroy US.why would US do that?killing it own economy and putting the survival of their own nation at risk?
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