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Chinese student killed in bombings had followed her passion to Boston

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At last Inner poison did come out!

24+ hours later and still no individual or (more likely) group claims credit for the deed. Which to me implies either (1) they are mortally afraid of being caught, or (2) are embarrassed to do so.

If #1 the guilty party must fear they are within reach of either U.S. law enforcement or the U.S. and its allies. However, since 9-11 terrorists have learned that no place on the planet is truly safe. In that case, then, why bother to attack the marathon? Was it some sort of personal grievance, then, not a political statement?

If #2 one has to think why they were embarrassed. The likely answer is that the wrong people got killed. The terrorist who placed that bomb was out to kill Americans and would have known that the marathon route would be full of people of all sexes and ages so he wouldn't be fazed that a child and a woman were killed. But a Chinese national? Would the terrorist really be proud to claim credit for killing a beautiful Chinese citizen? That was unexpected and may have compelled the terrorist to keep silent.

Not everyone would bother to keep silent at the killing of a Chinese national. The Pakistani Taliban have boasted about killing Chinese women in the past, for example. But a number of other terror groups - those whose sponsors depend on China for support - would consider such a move a complete goof, yes?
i was grieving...till i saw report saying she was "interested" in christianity. in death she got a taste of what western religions is like with their violent history of suppression, schisms, persecutions, colonization and massacres of non-westerners, etc., all of which may account for some of the non-western violence against western ideological and religious values.

as a chinese, i will kill any terrorist who is anywhere physically close to me. but i also know to stay the hell out of harm's way when there is a conflict between some non-chinese beliefs. now this silly chinese-turned-christian girl gets a taste of what it is like to get caught in a conflict of non-chinese values.
i was grieving...till i saw report saying she was "interested" in christianity. in death she got a taste of what western religions is like with their violent history of suppression, schisms, persecutions, colonization and massacres of non-westerners, etc., all of which may account for some of the non-western violence against western ideological and religious values.

as a chinese, i will kill any terrorist who is anywhere physically close to me. but i also know to stay the hell out of harm's way when there is a conflict between some non-chinese beliefs. now this silly chinese-turned-christian girl gets a taste of what it is like to get caught in a conflict of non-chinese values.

Aren't you the guy who is always ranting about Jews and Hindus and always negatively obsessed with religions (except Islam)?

Where did you learn that from, because it was certainly not in China.

And I don't care if she was "interested" in Christianity, Judaism, Football, Apple Pies or Youtiao recipes, she was an innocent civilian that was killed and that is the end of the story.

I am "interested" in Buddhism too but that doesn't mean I'm a Buddhist?
Aren't you the guy who is always ranting about Jews and Hindus and always negatively obsessed with religions (except Islam)?

I always thought this Iaj guy was a Chinese muslim, not that there is anything wrong with that. Kinda gave it away in that Rakhine riots thread.
I always thought this Iaj guy was a Chinese muslim, not that there is anything wrong with that. Kinda gave it away in that Rakhine riots thread.

I haven't seen any Chinese person so obsessed with Jews before, regardless of their religion.

Anti-semitism in Chinese history is non-existent.
Aren't you the guy who is always ranting about Jews and Hindus and always negatively obsessed with religions (except Islam)?

Actually, he talks against all religions.

It is only your own Islamophobic obsession which makes you (and the usual Indians) see things selectively.
It is only your own Islamophobic obsession which makes you see things selectively.

It isn't Jews who are committing terrorist attacks against our people in Xinjiang. It is Islamic extremists.

When the Jews start conducting terrorist attacks on Chinese sovereign soil then maybe you'll see us looking in a different direction.
It isn't Jews who are bombing our people in Xinjiang. It is Islamic extremists.

And Indian backed terrorists in Tibet. We don't hear a peep from you about that.

Are the Tibetans lesser Chinese that you are not as outraged about their death by Indian-backed terrorists? Or is it too politically inconvenient for you to admit it?
I haven't seen any Chinese person so obsessed with Jews before, regardless of their religion.

Anti-semitism in Chinese history is non-existent.

True, from my personal experience Chinese people don't care about religions at all(rightly so).
Aren't you the guy who is always ranting about Jews and Hindus and always negatively obsessed with religions (except Islam)?

Where did you learn that from, because it was certainly not in China.

And I don't care if she was "interested" in Christianity, Judaism, Football, Apple Pies or Youtiao recipes, she was an innocent civilian that was killed and that is the end of the story.

I am "interested" in Buddhism too but that doesn't mean I'm a Buddhist?

i don't know, nor care, what you are. hong kong to me is a place where dragons and snakes mix - hybrids, the racially and ideologically impure. as for this girl, attending some bible studies or stepping into a church doesn't make her a legitimate target for terrorism in anyway, but i just stopped giving a **** about her - just like i long stopped giving a **** about anything from and about the racially impure sinkhole that is hong kong - once i learned she was semi- or quasi-christian. her ex-chineseness could have better shielded her from the violence associated with western values and western religions, but she forsake her chineseness and the natural protection it affords - all for a badge of an unchinese, anti-chinese, alien identity.

she died an ex-chinese. end of the story for me. i don't give a **** about her desert of her fate.
And Indian backed terrorists in Tibet. We don't hear a peep from you about that.

Actually if you look through my posts I have had many, many flame wars on that very topic.

In fact I was banned several times by your moderators for hitting back against Indians in any topic to do with Tibet, use the search function. When Roybot was posting those free Tibet pictures, I responded to it and your moderators only banned me, not him. :lol:

Plus, Tibetan extremists prefer to kill themselves. Islamic extremists in Xinjiang prefer to kill others.

And the Chinese government so far has not blamed any country for it, but rather the Dalai Lama. It was ME blaming India for it, not my government, check the posts yourself.
i was grieving...till i saw report saying she was "interested" in christianity. in death she got a taste of what western religions is like with their violent history of suppression, schisms, persecutions, colonization and massacres of non-westerners, etc., all of which may account for some of the non-western violence against western ideological and religious values.

as a chinese, i will kill any terrorist who is anywhere physically close to me. but i also know to stay the hell out of harm's way when there is a conflict between some non-chinese beliefs. now this silly chinese-turned-christian girl gets a taste of what it is like to get caught in a conflict of non-chinese values.

Why would she be interested in Christianity, not that there is anything wrong with that. She was also looking for a boyfriend. Perhaps she was looking for a christian boyfriend.
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