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Featured Chinese Soldiers With Spears Approached Indian Positions


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Chinese Soldiers With Spears Approached Indian Positions, Told To Back Off
This is the first direct evidence of the mass use of medieval-style weapons of war by the Chinese army. Every single soldier is seen with spears and rifles in the images.
All IndiaReported by Vishnu Som, Edited by Deepshikha GhoshUpdated: September 08, 2020 11:21 pm IST
by Taboola

Chinese Soldiers With Spears Approached Indian Positions, Told To Back Off

Chinese soldiers armed with spears and rifles.

New Delhi:
A day after Chinese troops tried to close in on Indian positions on the South Bank of Ladakh's Pangong Lake, photos have emerged of the soldiers armed with spears and automatic rifles. The images are an indication that the Chinese may have intended to force a physical clash similar to June 15 at Galwan Valley, when 20 Indian soldiers died for the country.
This is the first direct evidence of the mass use of medieval-style weapons of war by the Chinese army. Every single soldier is seen with spears and rifles in the images.
On Monday, Chinese and Indian soldiers were within shooting distance in key hills occupied by India on the south bank of Pangong Lake, between Rechin La-Rezangla-Mukhpari and Magar Hill in South Pangong.

Every single soldier is seen with spears and rifles in the images.
When Chinese soldiers came up to a position near Mukhpari, Indians troops shouted at them and showed their weapons, say sources. Indian soldiers on loud hailer warned of retaliation with gunfire if the Chinese crossed the Line of Actual Control (LAC). As the Chinese retreated, they fired a burst of warning shots.
Photos accessed by NDTV show Chinese soldiers standing near Indian positions of Rezang La and Mukhpari yesterday.
These soldiers tried to come onto Indian positions and some of them fired in the air.

Chinese troops have made several attempts to come up to Indian positions after India gained an advantage last month on key heights at Pangong Tso, a glacial lake at 14,000 feet. Despite the provocations, Indians have been able to hold onto their positions.

Sources say it was clear their intention was to potentially get into a skirmish with Indian soldiers like on June 20, when 20 soldiers were killed in action in a clash with the Chinese at Galwan Valley in eastern Ladakh. China also suffered casualties but never confirmed any figure.
Earlier, there were two major incidents of Chinese provocation at Pangong Tso on August 29 and 31. India said the Chinese have been attempting to change status quo from a new area, the South Bank of Pangong. India was prepared and was able to ward off these attempts, said the government.

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That's some dynasty warrior stuff right their ---
Serious note, hope the Chinese inflict pain on the Indians.

Far more damage can be achieved if The chinese simply force the indians to deploy in mass numbers at LAC. The upkeep and deployment costs will drain Indian defense budget and ultimately add to india's economic problems causing the Indian union to collapse due to bankruptcy.
it will be bloody hell for indian army, and airforce.. 6 to 12 hours of intense artillery and Command and logistic hits .. before over running indian positions.. max time for war 48 to 72 hours ..
the only way india can win is by preempting
I am no sadistic person but to hell with it. Start the fight already or go back to your original position. Either fight or stay quite. This is for both countries.
I am no sadistic person but to hell with it. Start the fight already or go back to your original position. Either fight or stay quite. This is for both countries.
Patience is a virtue here... delaying the inevitable only helps China... they're in their comfort zone, while Indians are pulling all the pain... even fresh reinforcements will soon be demoralized... India is already in precarious situation, to make a cause out of this folly, they use their dead, and to follow it up use further deaths as a ruse for vengeance.
My guess would be this conflict will escalate in a blink of an eye... at time of Chinese determination...
It is already very dramatic to say the least the amount of hue and cry Indians are making, while Chinese officially make bland statements and do military exercises, the contrast couldn't be starker.
Worst still is Indians are trying to match Chinese or even out do in brinksmanship while not understanding the resultant outcome... they never will! Perhaps they could learn a lesson or two from Afghans, fight in their strong suit instead of matching their enemy in a pissing contest. Perhaps, they already are... considering talking, bluffing their stronger suits...
Anyways, if a conflict does materialize, India, the word will again designate a region rather than a state... that is how I see it.

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