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Chinese ships will continue Diaoyu patrols: FM spokesman

now if they can only merge the 5 agencies into one already..... :mad:
As of today Chinese CMSs still patrolling the Diaoyu islands at will.


TOKYO - Three Chinese government ships entered territorial waters off disputed Tokyo-controlled islands early Thursday, the Japanese coastguard said.

The maritime surveillance ships entered Japan's 12-nautical-mile territorial waters around the islands in the East China Sea shortly after 6:30 am (2130 GMT Wednesday), the Japan Coast Guard said in a statement.

The Chinese ships were off Minamikojima, one of the islands in a chain known as the Senkakus in Japan and the Diaoyus in China.

Another marine surveillance ship was in 24-nautical-mile contiguous waters, coastguards said.

Tensions have risen in recent months over the islands, which lie in rich fishing grounds. The seabed in the area is also believed to harbour mineral reserves.

Chinese ships in disputed waters: Japan coastguard
But Japan still have presense on island. I do not see japan occupy any disputed islands with Russia.
But Japan still have presense on island. I do not see japan occupy any disputed islands with Russia.

there is no military or civilian presence on the islands, japanese or chinese. they are uninhabited, there are no bases there. activists/nationalists land once in a while then leave. though japan has threaten to man the islands(after china flew some drones in international space), however china has said they would consider that a major escalation, i dont think japan has the balls to do it at this moment.
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