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Chinese professor calls Pakistan not a good country, especially anything with f*cking 'stan' in name

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On the Chinese territory there are more than 56 different ethnic groups and only the Uighurs have problems. I don't think the Turks will treat the humane Kurds and Armenians more than the Chinese treat the Uighurs.
If you want to know the truth, it's best to go to Xinjiang and see things for yourself. Do not listen to one-sided propaganda of the West
As I knows Chinese a little bit and had busines opportunity with them,they are extreme greedy and only understand how to make a money,once the job done they would ignore you like you never met them.
Moral Chinese can't be your friend they only look into personal interest and that's all matter to them.
Did he not know Pakistan is China's blood brother?

Chinese are as self centered as Americans but Han Chinese tend to be nationalistic of Europe before WW2 when states were imperialists and people were racists.
they are much better then Indians.
As I knows Chinese a little bit and had busines opportunity with them,they are extreme greedy and only understand how to make a money,once the job done they would ignore you like you never met them.
Moral Chinese can't be your friend they only look into personal interest and that's all matter to them.

The reality is that a lot of Pakistanis hate China, but they never say it. They are just waiting for a suitable moment to tell the truth in their thoughts.

I think this thread is very good, because it makes many Pakistanis express their true thoughts about China, which they always hide and avoid mentioning.
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For what? I already said it's wrong translation. If you believe in me, than you can ignore this crap from a respected moderator. @waz , I respect you for a long time, I hope as a moderator, you should be more wary than us when you refer something not credible.

If you don't trust me, and obsessed with those crap, fine.

this is an obvious anti China propaganda from ETIM which is a terrorist organization.
View attachment 634344

Right that's fine I did mention the source. But he mentions Pakistan by name quite clearly. If it is wrong then I will happily delete the thread.
The point is not to peddle anything but ask for clarity comrade.
Pakistani-Chinese brotherhood came from you both having the same enemy... India. enemy of my enemy is my friend.
There was no common religion, common language or even common lifestyle... so here is a simple question do you believe they really love you in their heart? And you should consider what they are doing to Uygur Muslims...
You are beneficial for them, they are beneficial for you thats it.
Actually gonna Say it with a bold way, if Pakistanis were living in the same state with Chinese people just like Uygurs you were already locked in the concentration camps.
Based and red pilled.
Probably I can find some Pakistani academic calling China genocide against Muslims in Xinjiang, and Chinese as lousy race.

That does not matter much,

They are just attention seekers

You might but he would get shut down quick, everyone knows that...
True he may be an attention seeker but the fact remains he is a man of influence, and the audience he is peddling this stuff to clapped enthusiastically.
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The difference is the people on PDF, Pakistani or Chinese don't really matter - they are civillians, common people.

This man is in a position of influence. As a professor at a university, is he a government employee?

Spot on, he's a man of importance. A video has been put up with him on state television.
Our Foreign Office is sleeping as usual. They should officially take it up with the Chinese Ambassador, as well as the Pakistani ambassador should take this up in China, at the highest level.

We should not let this Prof. bad mouth us in our backyard.

I have been making a mental note of countries, where we should be sending retired generals as ambassadors. Will present on the appropriate thread.

Well said, could you imagine this was at a Pakistani institution with a professor calling China "f*cking" and being clapped till the cows came home.
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