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Chinese premier Li Keqiang to visit Pakistan next week

Treat our Man with some of these great Pakistani cuisine our Friend:





欢迎李克强总理, 欢迎您来巴基斯坦,您的第二家。 我们给您热情的欢迎。
We have access to 250 JF-17s which are stationed in China in case of war and their commitment to full military and political support.

A true ally and friend.
A long time ago, soon after partition, Pakistan approached India for an alliance against Chinese aggression but it seems that the two brothers prefer to be at each others throats and China has taken advantage of this division. Kind of reminds me of how the Arabs are manipulated by the west.
欢迎李克强总理, 欢迎您来巴基斯坦,您的第二家。 我们给您热情的欢迎。
Can you plz translate it.. ??
Thanx in advance....!!!!
A long time ago, soon after partition, Pakistan approached India for an alliance against Chinese aggression but it seems that the two brothers prefer to be at each others throats and China has taken advantage of this division. Kind of reminds me of how the Arabs are manipulated by the west.

Sincerity is what counts.

This is how Pakistanis work, if the other person is true to their word then it will be reciprocated. Straight down the line, black and white. That's how Pak-China relations work.

Indian foreign affair moves with Pakistan are always one sided and completely biased towards their own agenda, there's no middle ground. And India would try to butter up this biased proposition by telling a bunch of silly lies.

Pakistanis noted that so here we are stockpiling an enormous amount of nuclear missiles for your deliverance.
We have access to 250 JF-17s which are stationed in China in case of war and their commitment to full military and political support.

A true ally and friend.

Chinese air force doesn't have any JF-17. Unless you are suggesting that they have 250 JF-17's just siting there in hangars in case Pakistan needs it. :rolleyes:
May be so called Pakistan army will close down some terrorist training camps in Pakistan where East Turkistan terrorist train to kill Chinese? This would be a gesture of friendship, but then so called Pakistan army would not have anything to blackmail the people of China with - but some say so called Pakistan army is fighting terrorists that it created.
why does the chinese premier want to meet with a 'lame-duck' president
why does the chinese premier want to meet with a 'lame-duck' president

My understanding is that Chinese diplamatic protocol calls for top level (premier or president) visit to India to be followed by visit to Pakistan on the same trip. In other words Chinese president or premier always visit India and Pakistan on the same trip.
why does the chinese premier want to meet with a 'lame-duck' president

Is the real purpose to meet Zardari or something else? Why would he want to meet Zardari?? The Chinese President's first overseas trip will be to India, maybe this is an offering to sooth the "sentiments" of the tingling Pakistani masses?
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