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Chinese police forces stormed a local mosque, forcefully dragging Hui Muslim worshippers out.

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doesn't look like a mosque, its more like a hostel because i can see clothes drying on the line

Hummm, that is right. China is a great liberal nation which can not do that.
First it dosen't look like a mosque, no any Islamic symbols anywhere to been seen, second, all Hui Muslims wear a white hat, how come those people don't?

Yet another shambolic act from China. Simply pathetic.
First it dosen't look like a mosque, no any Islamic symbols anywhere to been seen, second, all Hui Muslims wear a white hat, how come those people don't?


You do realise they are not always wearing them right? Refer to trevor james "Food ranger" video collection on Hui food. Let us wait and see what the story turns out to be in the end....it might indeed not be a mosque per se....but could be a community hall/hostel or annex to a mosque etc.
You do realise they are not always wearing them right? Refer to trevor james "Food ranger" video collection on Hui food. Let us wait and see what the story turns out to be in the end....it might indeed not be a mosque per se....but could be a community hall/hostel or annex to a mosque etc.
They always do especially when they are in a mosque, not long ago there is a similar video claiming that a Chinese family beat a Pakistani student to death on a busy street because the student was dating their daughter, it turned out to be a years old video showing a family trouble which no one was serious hurt, some people are delibrately spreading anti China propaganda on the internet.
They always do especially when they are in a mosque, not long ago there is a similar video claiming that a Chinese family beat a Pakistani student to death on a busy street because the student was dating their daughter, it turned out to be a years old video showing a family trouble which no one was serious hurt, some people are delibrately spreading anti China propaganda on the internet.

Is it regular for those many police to be in one spot extracting everyone from a building (whatever it is and whoever they are)? What do you think is going on?

Communist manifesto is one above all.

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Communist manifesto is one above all.
Actually China doesn't tolerate Marxists and Mao's followers, whoever tries to cause trouble will be dealt with no matter they are Christians or Marxists.

Is it regular for those many police to be in one spot extracting everyone from a building (whatever it is and whoever they are)? What do you think is going on?
Can be and it can be found in most contries, India is no one them.
Information warfare at its best, what is the proof they are Chinese, what is the proof it is a mosque. For strange reason as soon as US trade war with China Starts, So does Chinese atrocities on Muslims.
Business is business.

What China does inside its own borders is a matter for Chinese.
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