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Chinese plans in Seychelles revive Indian fears of encirclement


Mar 15, 2010
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When China recently confirmed that Seychelles would be used as a refuelling port for its navy, it revived popular fears in India of becoming encircled in the Indian Ocean by its larger Asian neighbour.

"Chinese military base in Indian Ocean?" ran the headline of a report in the Times of India, which concluded that "the base could be of vital importance for China as it is about to launch its first aircraft carrier".

But others pointed out that Chinese naval ships engaged in anti-piracy operations off the African coast needed a resupply and recuperating port in the region, especially since they had stopped using Karachi due to the dangerous security situation in Pakistan.

"India is a dominant force in the Indian Ocean, and does not feel threatened at all by China," said Mohan Guruswamy, a strategic affairs expert at Delhi's Centre for Policy Alternatives.

"China is not stupid to attempt to encircle India by setting up naval bases thousands of miles away from home, and within easy striking distance of India's powerful air force," he said.

The debate over China's plans in the Indian Ocean became intense after Beijing got involved in the development of deep-sea commercial ports in a string of littoral states in India's neighbourhood – Burma, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan.

The controversy gets periodically revived with every new development or official pronouncement – before the news from Seychelles, there was excitement over the Pakistan defence minister's claim (denied by Beijing) that Islamabad had asked China to create a naval base at Gwadar and a major new commercial port in Baluchistan built with Chinese money.

The idea that China is seeking to dominate the Indian Ocean by planning a series of strategic naval ports – a "string of pearls" enclosing India – was first suggested by the US defence consultancy firm Booze-Allen Hamilton and reported in the Washington Post in January 2005.

Ever since, there has been deep division among Indian strategic experts over China's ambitions. The debate also retains currency due to Beijing's territorial claims along the 2,500-mile India-China border, a dispute that triggered a brief border war in 1962 and does not appear anywhere near resolution.

"China has so far not put up a strategic doctrine for the Indian Ocean, but my reading is that the 'string of pearls' could become a reality by 2020," said Srikanth Kondapalli, professor of Chinese studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University.

"China will start showing its teeth only when it becomes an even bigger economic power."

But for now, unlike with the face-off along its land border, Delhi appears unperturbed by the increased Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean. In fact, earlier this month it agreed to engage in a maritime dialogue with Beijing – to be conducted by officials not from the defence but from the foreign ministry.

Chinese plans in Seychelles revive Indian fears of encirclement | World news | The Guardian
India is a dominant force in Indian Ocean region. Except for US no other navy is as dominant as India is in Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean is India's backyard.

China doesn't have the economy or the capability to have a large presence in Indian Ocean
India is a dominant force in Indian Ocean region. Except for US no other navy is as dominant as India is in Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean is India's backyard.

China doesn't have the economy or the capability to have a large presence in Indian Ocean

One of those statements is wrong, take your time in correcting it. Anyways, as far as China's capabilities are concerned it will take a some time for it to improve it's conventional abilities. China is constantly improving it's armed forces, they are seeming to focus more on Air Force, Navy then Army. (Although I may be wrong, as most news is in that order).

The Indian Ocean is going to be really congested in the future with dwindling and sought-after natural resources (Oil from M.E.). And the increased trade with Africa. The rise of S.E. Asia small events can quickly and through mis-communications be exaggerated.

If any type of Sino-Indo conflict breaks out the navies would probably not be facing each other, right away, as a ceasefire would probably be arranged pretty quickly. As it's "String of Pearls" doesnt really have any sort of permanent naval station(s).
Thəorətic Muslim;2728968 said:
One of those statements is wrong, take your time in correcting it. Anyways, as far as China's capabilities are concerned it will take a some time for it to improve it's conventional abilities. China is constantly improving it's armed forces, they are seeming to focus more on Air Force, Navy then Army. (Although I may be wrong, as most news is in that order).

The Indian Ocean is going to be really congested in the future with dwindling and sought-after natural resources (Oil from M.E.). And the increased trade with Africa. The rise of S.E. Asia small events can quickly and through mis-communications be exaggerated.

If any type of Sino-Indo conflict breaks out the navies would probably not be facing each other, right away, as a ceasefire would probably be arranged pretty quickly. As it's "String of Pearls" doesnt really have any sort of permanent naval station(s).

if there is a naval conflict, we will not fight in the ocean. we will just march on Delhi. This is why I strongly believe that India would not attempt to choke China off, if we maintain the status quo.
if there is a naval conflict, we will not fight in the ocean. we will just march on Delhi. This is why I strongly believe that India would not attempt to choke China off, if we maintain the status quo.

in a naval conflict, you will march??? lmao

there won't be a need to choke off china if she behaves and maintains the status quo.
China's naval present in Indian Ocean is for safeguarding her energy and mineral needs from the Middle East and Africa. Her navy is still in early infancy stage and barely can cover her littoral waters let alone Indian Ocean. So competing with India on the latter's backs is the last thing on China's mind.

Just because a defense consulting firm from US corned the term "String of Pearls' doesn't make it legitimately factual.

Even China can coerce the Seychelles government to allow her to set up a naval base there, it'll be only for the safeties of her ever enlarging fleet of merchant ships that are passing through these trouble waters.
Let China do what it wants. We will do what we want. We will see china when there is a fight. it will be nice to get a buffer state between India nd China.
Indian Navy has surveillance planes based in Seychelles, we can keep an eye on them.
India is a dominant force in Indian Ocean region. Except for US no other navy is as dominant as India is in Indian Ocean. Indian Ocean is India's backyard.

China doesn't have the economy or the capability to have a large presence in Indian Ocean


In a few years Chinese GDP is set to overtake US GDP.

if there is a naval conflict, we will not fight in the ocean. we will just march on Delhi. This is why I strongly believe that India would not attempt to choke China off, if we maintain the status quo.

By that time all the Chinese cities and economic power houses must have been nuked and destroyed. You forgot that.
By that time all the Chinese cities and economic power houses must have been nuked and destroyed. You forgot that.

Lol, China has twice as many nukes and each nuke carries over 4 times more payload. Short Range ballistics launched from Tibet can reach India in under 20 minutes while Deli to Beijing would take longer than 2 hours.

Indian nuke detected --> India destroyed 8 times

You forgot that
Lol, China has twice as many nukes and each nuke carries over 4 times more payload. Short Range ballistics launched from Tibet can reach India in under 20 minutes while Deli to Beijing would take longer than 2 hours.

Indian nuke detected --> India destroyed 8 times

You forgot that

why will u destroy 8 times ? I know why coz ur incompetent missiles will fail for first 7 times. (and fall in china itself. so we wont need to do anythng)

okey so ur missiles destroy us in 20 min

our missilies destroy u in 2 hours

after 2 hours, both destroyed. happy. U can live 1 hour-40 minutes more. :lol:
why will u destroy 8 times ? I know why coz ur incompetent missiles will fail for first 7 times. (and fall in china itself. so we wont need to do anythng)

okey so ur missiles destroy us in 20 min

our missilies destroy u in 2 hours

after 2 hours, both destroyed. happy. U can live 1 hour-40 minutes more. :lol:
If your LCA and Arjunk is anything to go by, I'd be surprised if your missile could actually lift off.
If your LCA and Arjunk is anything to go by, I'd be surprised if your missile could actually lift off.
if the NORMAL chinese quality is anythng to go by, I am sure chinese missiles will take off and explode over China only.
if the NORMAL chinese quality is anythng to go by, I am sure chinese missiles will take off and explode over China only.
Well you certainly showed us high quality Indian military hardware in 1962, so we feel pretty good.
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