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Chinese Owned Firm to get IAF Contract


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom
At first it sounds like a joke, but in reality its a slap on the face of the BJP politicians, who propagate "Boycott Chinese Goods" day in and day out. In honesty the present regime in India has no real ideology to stand on apart from hate mongering and fooling its masses.
At first it sounds like a joke, but in reality its a slap on the face of the BJP politicians, who propagate "Boycott Chinese Goods" day in and day out. In honesty the present regime in India has no real ideology to stand on apart from hate mongering and fooling its masses.
View attachment 676956

We do not have any enmity with the Chinese.

We just have an outstanding border problem that need to be resolved.

Once it has been resolved, India and China could as well be allies.
Fake news. Motor Soch is an Ukrainian company.
The journalist does not know that US has successfully forced Ukraine to block the sale of Motor Sich to China.

Fake news.
The journalist does not know that US has successfully forced Ukraine to block the sale of Motor Sich to China.

The Chinese still owned majority of shares of motor Sich.
Indians does not see Chinese as enemies.
For the last few months 24/7 your media has been constantly talking against China, your Govt is boycotting its Apps and contracts, all surveys are against China. Unless you belong to CPI most Indians dont follow this line.
For the last few months 24/7 your media has been constantly talking against China, your Govt is boycotting its Apps and contracts, all surveys are against China. Unless you belong to CPI most Indians dont follow this line.

Again all those steps are to protect our interests in the negotiations.

What do you think will happen once the border issue has been resolved?

Will we continue to implement bans? Then answer is No.

The public opinion will also change to positive once the border agreement is done.
To be fair not even actual saboteurs could sabotage Indian aircraft worse than the folks at HAL. Moving maintenance to a Chinese firm can only be a step up.

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