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Chinese Occupation Plot Foiled

Ha please spare me your rants one you told me your going to give ideas and recommendations on how the Philippines can defend its self but since then you were just ranting nonsense face it your just a troll everyone can see it here why should i answer you? And beside the guys guarding our interest there are Philippine Marines they one of the best and most modern so they hold no problem. Face it Admiral General your just a troll nothing more

I am surprised you expect logic from people who ashamed of displaying their flags.

Best choice for Philippines to counter PLAN is asymmetric means to achieve Sea Denial.

Considering a potential naval clash between Philippines and China won't be long as USN will intervene.

Philippines should go for missile boats and AIP submarines to keep PLAN at bay for a short period of time.
I am surprised you expect logic from people who ashamed of displaying their flags.

Best choice for Philippines to counter PLAN is asymmetric means to achieve Sea Denial.

Considering a potential naval clash between Philippines and China won't be long as USN will intervene.

Philippines should go for missile boats and AIP submarines to keep PLAN at bay for a short period of time.

Ya we are in the process of buying more hardware

Blah Blah Blah. The issue is still there and here you are popping off with your nonsense.

There are only 10 Pinoy Marines who have a combat history of being whooped by a few rag tag Abu Sayaf bandits. Your marines were so poorly trained and led that we had to send our SF and marines to train them. Yet lately I read nothing but defeat in the hands of the Abus. And since you are ignorant, have you even looked at the pics of your so called "base" at the shoal? It is a dangerous and unsanitary rusting hulk. And yet you clowns sent your marines to live like rats so you can arrogantly claim ownership of some half sunken sand bar.

Again tell us what you gonna do as you see your islands slip away from your grasp.

Here is a pic of your island base where your marines live like rats. Shame on you and your government for treating your marines like that.



Oh please just stop your trolling around again :rofl:
I am surprised you expect logic from people who ashamed of displaying their flags.

Best choice for Philippines to counter PLAN is asymmetric means to achieve Sea Denial.

Considering a potential naval clash between Philippines and China won't be long as USN will intervene.

Philippines should go for missile boats and AIP submarines to keep PLAN at bay for a short period of time.

There are no guarantees that the USN will intervene in a clash between PLAN and Philippine Navy. There are still strong voices in the pentagon that thinks Philippines deserved losing those islands for kicking us out of their country.

Assymetric means from the Philippines? You have to read their history and realize that they have not progressed to that level. The Philippines kicked out the US over 20 years ago in a chest thumping move declaring they don't need the U.S. Yet within those 20 years they lost islands like the Mischief Reef and yet they did not do anything to modernize or improve they capabilities. In actuality their capabilities were seriously degraded. Those lazy Pinoys were waiting for handouts. Never investing in upgrading their ability for territorial defence.

Sea denial? Do you know prior to obtaining a couple of 45 year old coast guard cutter their main frigate was a former WW2 destroyer escort. Even these hand me down cutters were stripped of CIWS and are devoid of any offensive missile capabilities. BTW the Pinoy defence/foreign secretary literally begged Paneta to retain the CIWS in one of the cutters which Paneta politely declined. You see how can these clowns achieve sea denial when they are unwilling to shell out money for something as insignificant as a CIWS. Moreover, these clowns couldn't even maintain (Ships spent more time dry docked than underway) a couple of peacock class corvettes purchased used form the Brits.

Missile boats, submarines ain't gonna happen to these guys.
There are no guarantees that the USN will intervene in a clash between PLAN and Philippine Navy. There are still strong voices in the pentagon that thinks Philippines deserved losing those islands for kicking us out of their country.

Assymetric means from the Philippines? You have to read their history and realize that they have not progressed to that level. The Philippines kicked out the US over 20 years ago in a chest thumping move declaring they don't need the U.S. Yet within those 20 years they lost islands like the Mischief Reef and yet they did not do anything to modernize or improve they capabilities. In actuality their capabilities were seriously degraded. Those lazy Pinoys were waiting for handouts. Never investing in upgrading their ability for territorial defence.

Sea denial? Do you know prior to obtaining a couple of 45 year old coast guard cutter their main frigate was a former WW2 destroyer escort. Even these hand me down cutters were stripped of CIWS and are devoid of any offensive missile capabilities. BTW the Pinoy defence/foreign secretary literally begged Paneta to retain the CIWS in one of the cutters which Paneta politely declined. You see how can these clowns achieve sea denial when they are unwilling to shell out money for something as insignificant as a CIWS. Moreover, these clowns couldn't even maintain (Ships spent more time dry docked than underway) a couple of peacock class corvettes purchased used form the Brits.

Missile boats, submarines ain't gonna happen to these guys.

Guys ignore this troll his one of those COD fans who think people repose when they die in real combat :rofl: And correction the people who kick the US out were leftest sympathizers of the New peoples army (Maoist communist) majority are pro American here going back i think this troll forgot the Upgrade program we undertaken for the past years i mean we have big cost line (3rd largest in the plant) and this moron think its easy to rearmed and re-equip wow thinking the great pyramids was built in a day to a whole new leave according to the guys at the DND we are still on Phase one replacement of old Equipments and weapons and repairs of all facilities and reeducation of our forces to use modern equipment now we are jumping to phase 2 the start of buying big ticket items example is the 12 F50's we are buying to replace our S211 warriors and our F5s and the C27s for Cargo Fleet and new MACPAC's our version of the combat boat 90 new Radar system (Majority of the Radar system in the Philippines are from 60's and earlier 90s laugh if you want now being replace with the coastal watch system with the help of the US and the governments efforts) but still we need more more monitoring systems for the whole country and of course missiles and and real fighters and fighting ships but this takes time decades even with the budget we are working on i mean to cover the modernization and the current forces we have to work with just few billions of pesos that's just a hundred million dollars.

Pay no attention to this moron here again his just one of those kids who play to much strategy games and first person shooters like money grows on trees and change can happen over night please wake up and smell the roses kid
Guys ignore this troll his one of those COD fans who think people repose when they die in real combat :rofl: And correction the people who kick the US out were leftest sympathizers of the New peoples army (Maoist communist) majority are pro American here going back i think this troll forgot the Upgrade program we undertaken for the past years i mean we have big cost line (3rd largest in the plant) and this moron think its easy to rearmed and re-equip wow thinking the great pyramids was built in a day to a whole new leave according to the guys at the DND we are still on Phase one replacement of old Equipments and weapons and repairs of all facilities and reeducation of our forces to use modern equipment now we are jumping to phase 2 the start of buying big ticket items example is the 12 F50's we are buying to replace our S211 warriors and our F5s and the C27s for Cargo Fleet and new MACPAC's our version of the combat boat 90 new Radar system (Majority of the Radar system in the Philippines are from 60's and earlier 90s laugh if you want now being replace with the coastal watch system with the help of the US and the governments efforts) but still we need more more monitoring systems for the whole country and of course missiles and and real fighters and fighting ships but this takes time decades even with the budget we are working on i mean to cover the modernization and the current forces we have to work with just few billions of pesos that's just a hundred million dollars.

Pay no attention to this moron here again his just one of those kids who play to much strategy games and first person shooters like money grows on trees and change can happen over night please wake up and smell the roses kid

Wrong kid, your Senate which your people voted in place were the ones who voted to kick us out. Joseph Estrada was one of those senators who subsequently became your president with the highest popular vote. If your people were trully against kicking us out then why was there a lack of popular support that would have prevented your elected senators from casting the vote to kick us out.

Kid, your government allowed your previous modernization law to die a silent death because you thought you could beg your modernization. Your new modernization law only allotted $1.8 billion dollars to be spread out in 5 years. Your neighbor Indonesia budgeted $1 billion dollars for their army alone next year ( 1 year only). So don't go off saying you have the big cost line. Sorry kid you cannot bull chit me as I know more about your nation's military than you do.

C27 ha ha ha. You got no contract signed don't make up things. Your air farce consist of 3 refurbished C130 ( 2 of which was refurbished locally at Clark airfield). Like I said your government has no POLITICAL WILL to spend but are more interested in lying and thieving and rationalizing elected mass murderers.

Prove me wrong with facts Zero_wing but as I suspect your response will be more on personal insults.

Do yourself a favor and try to research facts rather than fantasy and stop rapping and gang banging.
Wrong kid, your Senate which your people voted in place were the ones who voted to kick us out. Joseph Estrada was one of those senators who subsequently became your president with the highest popular vote. If your people were trully against kicking us out then why was there a lack of popular support that would have prevented your elected senators from casting the vote to kick us out.

Kid, your government allowed your previous modernization law to die a silent death because you thought you could beg your modernization. Your new modernization law only allotted $1.8 billion dollars to be spread out in 5 years. Your neighbor Indonesia budgeted $1 billion dollars for their army alone next year ( 1 year only). So don't go off saying you have the big cost line. Sorry kid you cannot bull chit me as I know more about your nation's military than you do.

C27 ha ha ha. You got no contract signed don't make up things. Your air farce consist of 3 refurbished C130 ( 2 of which was refurbished locally at Clark airfield). Like I said your government has no POLITICAL WILL to spend but are more interested in lying and thieving and rationalizing elected mass murderers.

Prove me wrong with facts Zero_wing but as I suspect your response will be more on personal insults.

Do yourself a favor and try to research facts rather than fantasy and stop rapping and gang banging.

Take your own advice and do it yourself as far as everyone here your one of those people who needs to learn something
Take your own advice and do it yourself as far as everyone here your one of those people who needs to learn something

Again I presented data and you responded with an insult. You are predictable kid.

The Chinese are starting to build permanent structures at Scarborough/Huangyan Island.

Here we are witnessing China grabbing Philippine claimed territory.

Pinoys seem to be frozen in shock.

What is your next move Zero_wing.

Again I presented data and you responded with an insult. You are predictable kid.

The Chinese are starting to build permanent structures at Scarborough/Huangyan Island.

Here we are witnessing China grabbing Philippine claimed territory.

Pinoys seem to be frozen in shock.

What is your next move Zero_wing.

Chinese 'start building structures' on Panatag Shoal - military sources - InterAksyon.com

Huh all you said was am troll and am a idiot and i need to have a life
Going back that ship is man by the Philippine Marines the best equip and train in the Military so they have a hell of fight if they ever try to take it

You speak broken English, you must be an Indian.

No, you are a Pinoy.

Go pick mangoes. And study hard. Your English is really really bad.
Going back that ship is man by the Philippine Marines the best equip and train in the Military so they have a hell of fight if they ever try to take it

Let us see if all that land grabbing training made the best of you Pinoys resistant to fire, metal shrapnel and shock waves from projectile impacts.
Let us see if all that land grabbing training made the best of you Pinoys resistant to fire, metal shrapnel and shock waves from projectile impacts.

Again with racist superiority comments just go and take it beside they have some Anti tank weapons and Anti aircraft weapons plus so great snipers just try and take it


You speak broken English, you must be an Indian.

No, you are a Pinoy.

Go pick mangoes. And study hard. Your English is really really bad.

Huh other stereotyping moron here one pesos buy someone to talk to
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