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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

Does anyone have a clearer and larger image of the PLAN's emblem (shoulder patch) ??
I still can't understand why China still build the 054A Frigate, as they have already have better ships with better technology. So can somebody explain to me what is the role of this 054A today? After they have 052D and 055? Because as far as I know, 054A was an Anti Air warship, and not an ASW (anti Sub) one. And that AAW has already has replaced by 052D and 055.
I still can't understand why China still build the 054A Frigate, as they have already have better ships with better technology. So can somebody explain to me what is the role of this 054A today? After they have 052D and 055? Because as far as I know, 054A was an Anti Air warship, and not an ASW (anti Sub) one. And that AAW has already has replaced by 052D and 055.

It is a mature model. It is potent, as demonstrated by 056 in Russia. As to why, China has a very different mission than America. America has no need to patrol its near seas. China does.

One day in the future, China needs to move its major capital ships to a foreign base, while maintaining a potent presence in our near seas. So that role can either be taken on by limited 052D (only inducted like 2 years ago) or not taken at all.

China cannot hope to have enough ships or seamen for that matter to be a big enough force to matter, hence 054. 055 is the ship I consider to be the shop that puts China on equal footing with the US, fortunately not everyone is the US, so, not every ship needs to be 055.
I still can't understand why China still build the 054A Frigate, as they have already have better ships with better technology. So can somebody explain to me what is the role of this 054A today? After they have 052D and 055? Because as far as I know, 054A was an Anti Air warship, and not an ASW (anti Sub) one. And that AAW has already has replaced by 052D and 055.

China is determined NOT to become the world police in waiting.

That role should be America's prerogative for decades if not centuries(if that coutry can somehow muster by hook or by crook the necessary resources to hang on to the role) :D:lol::D
I still can't understand why China still build the 054A Frigate, as they have already have better ships with better technology. So can somebody explain to me what is the role of this 054A today? After they have 052D and 055? Because as far as I know, 054A was an Anti Air warship, and not an ASW (anti Sub) one. And that AAW has already has replaced by 052D and 055.
26x type054A FFGs r PLAN's main anti-sub platform, rest 30+ type056 corvettes support for anti-sub mission.

The type054A anti-sub weapons including:
1. Yu-8 VLS-launched anti-sub rockets


2. 2x thriple-tube torpedo launcher
timg (2).jpg

3. 1x anti-sub helo
timg (1).jpg

4. anti-sub towed sonar

26x type054A FFGs r PLAN's main anti-sub platform, rest 30+ type056 corvettes support for anti-sub mission.

The type054A anti-sub weapons including:
1. Yu-8 VLS-launched anti-sub rockets
View attachment 420640
View attachment 420641

2. 2x thriple-tube torpedo launcher
View attachment 420642

3. 1x anti-sub helo
View attachment 420643

4. anti-sub towed sonar
View attachment 420644
View attachment 420645

So they have change the whole Type 054A ships into Anti Ship system? Because originally, 054A was for Anti Air System to escort Liaoning with 052C. Or these package just for the newer 054A?

But what about the radar / sonar system? They change them too, or still the same as the original 054A? Exclude the towed sonar of course.
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