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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

What? you want to see a full scale Chinese blue naval force holding massive excercise in the Indian Ocean to proof our Navy can literally wipe out your Navy? Is that even necessary? FACTS don't lie when i say our Navy rank number 2, go google yourself just how strong PLAN is versus the Indian Navy.
Judging from Indian reaction, they are frustrated Chinese Navy is expanding into IOR and they can't stop it. With the completion of Gwadar and Djibouti, we can basically choke Indian oil supplies and also Indian trade through the Suez.
Judging from Indian reaction, they are frustrated Chinese Navy is expanding into IOR and they can't stop it. With the completion of Gwadar and Djibouti, we can basically choke Indian oil supplies and also Indian trade through the Suez.
But IMO, the PLAN should not expand its operations too far into the Indian ocean. China should concentrate its naval might in the South China Sea and Western Pacific instead of enticing India to join the US-Japan-South Korea alliance which the former definitely does not want. India is still on generally amicable relations despite the Doklam crisis, so China best not establish too large of a presence in the Indian ocean. Besides, more Chinese ships in operating there would encourage an Indian naval buildup; China should desire the Indian navy to remain weak ...
But IMO, the PLAN should not expand its operations too far into the Indian ocean. China should concentrate its naval might in the South China Sea and Western Pacific instead of enticing India to join the US-Japan-South Korea alliance which the former definitely does not want. India is still on generally amicable relations despite the Doklam crisis, so China best not establish too large of a presence in the Indian ocean. Besides, more Chinese ships in operating there would encourage an Indian naval buildup; China should desire the Indian navy to remain weak ...
After the Doklam incident, China know India is not seeking peace anymore, with or without Chinese presence, they are trying to sleep with US. So point restraining ourselves now, Chinese naval assets is enough to cover both SCS and IOR, I am talking about future numbers. Strategically speaking our interests lie from the IOR to SCS, we need presence in both to safeguard our trade. India had been bragging all along of stopping our oil, with a presence there, we can keep them in check. No more bargaining power.
After the Doklam incident, China know India is not seeking peace anymore, with or without Chinese presence, they are trying to sleep with US. So point restraining ourselves now, Chinese naval assets is enough to cover both SCS and IOR, I am talking about future numbers. Strategically speaking our interests lie from the IOR to SCS, we need presence in both to safeguard our trade. India had been bragging all along of stopping our oil, with a presence there, we can keep them in check. No more bargaining power.
It is in China's best interest to keep the Indian navy weak. It already has to deal with 70% of the USN and the JMSDF. Surely, it would not want to complicate matters by adding India to that group ... besides, stretching the PLAN around the Indian ocean would be a poor use of assets. Instead, China should prioritize the Western Pacific and the South China Sea. Leave the Indian Ocean for latter ... no need to tackle the Indian problem just yet. Even after the Doklam incident, India still has not joined ranks with the US-Japan military alliance ... and it is not in China's interest for India to do so
It is in China's best interest to keep the Indian navy weak. It already has to deal with 70% of the USN and the JMSDF. Surely, it would not want to complicate matters by adding India to that group ... besides, stretching the PLAN around the Indian ocean would be a poor use of assets. Instead, China should prioritize the Western Pacific and the South China Sea. Leave the Indian Ocean for latter ... no need to tackle the Indian problem just yet. Even after the Doklam incident, India still has not joined ranks with the US-Japan military alliance ... and it is not in China's interest for India to do so
Well, I don't think we need to match the IN in IOR, just a deterrence force will do. In Gwadar and Djibouti, it will take them 1 or 2 days to reach those areas, by then we can sink their ships if they try to act funny. China is defensive in nature, we will not blockade unless they blockade, hence a deterrence force is enough.
Well, I don't think we need to match the IN in IOR, just a deterrence force will do. In Gwadar and Djibouti, it will take them 1 or 2 days to reach those areas, by then we can sink their ships if they try to act funny. China is defensive in nature, we will not blockade unless they blockade, hence a deterrence force is enough.

You should start to read Sun Tzu Art of War, and understand his opening wrting :

Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.

It means that War is a matter of life and death. A road either to safely or to ruin. It's not a sport, it's not a subject of pride, and it is not a subject of chest punching. It is not a fight between McGregor vs Mayweather. It's not a subject that you should do just because you feel annoyed by Indian Trolls.

War is the matter of your life. The existence of China, and a great matter that influence your future.

So please don't think a war like a Star Craft or Battlefield game. Because it is not.
But IMO, the PLAN should not expand its operations too far into the Indian ocean.
.... India is still on generally amicable relations despite the Doklam crisis, so China best not establish too large of a presence in the Indian ocean. Besides, more Chinese ships in operating there would encourage an Indian naval buildup;

China should desire the Indian navy to remain weak ...


IMHO, ... ...

1*) 99% of Indians who can read and write in their Social Medias very much hate Chinese and PRC all the way to their Indian bones for being embarrassed big time and losing that 1962 war, and being significantly behind PRC in so many state of the art technological fields.

There is no need to dance around and mince our words on this fact below

You @Figaro shall know this, 75% of white americese hate Chinese and PRC as well as Indians.
United Scums americese is the Slave and the Puppets master.

There will be no Eternal Peace for China until ... ...
we disintegrate and Obliterate India and united scums americese, and free up Okinawa from Japan.


2*) We shall encourage Indian to urgently buy all those foreign western, americese, and Russian weapons as much as possible. These weapons purchases will make India weaker. Why ?

Because now, Combined Arms and All Dimensions Combat Management are the way of war.
On the hardware side, Drones and Satellite warfare at the frontline, follow by Missile Warfare, and then combined arms of Air Force, Navy, and Army.

a*) Because, all these weapon supplying nations will overcharge Indian as much as they can.
b*) This mean Indian will deplete their financial resources even more, and divert those much needed funds away from Indian Domestic Weapon Industrial base and Infrastructure Build up.

c*) All these foreign weapon will create even bigger chaos and countless headaches for Indians to flawlessly integrate in order to create a Combined Arms army.

d*) We will use Indian money to help our backbone ally RUSSIA economically.


3*) We shall support those factions who want to break up India from inside.


PRC shall send as many Warships and Submarines, and Drones as possible ( minimum 6 warships + 6 submarines + 10 Drones) to exercise in IOR and around Diego Garcia. PLAN shall familiarize themselves with IOR, as well as ECS and SCS.

The same as well for PLAAF. They shall ask Myanmar overflight permission and conduct regular PLAAF exercises ( minimum 6x per year ) around Bay of Bengals and Andaman Island.
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IMHO, ... ...

1*) 99% of Indians who can read and write in their Social Medias very much hate Chinese and PRC all the way to their Indian bones for being embarrassed big time and losing that 1962 war, and being significantly behind PRC in so many state of the art technological fields.

There is no need to dance around and mince our words on this fact below

You @Figaro shall know this, 75% of white americese hate Chinese and PRC as well as Indians.
United Scums americese is the Slave and the Puppets master.

There will be no Eternal Peace for China until ... ...
we disintegrate and Obliterate India and united scums americese, and free up Okinawa from Japan.


2*) We shall encourage Indian to urgently buy all those foreign western, americese, and Russian weapons as much as possible. These weapons purchases will make India weaker. Why ?

Because now, Combined Arms and All Dimensions Combat Management are the way of war.
On the hardware side, Drones and Satellite warfare at the frontline, follow by Missile Warfare, and then combined arms of Air Force, Navy, and Army.

a*) Because, all these weapon supplying nations will overcharge Indian as much as they can.
b*) This mean Indian will deplete their financial resources even more, and divert those much needed funds away from Indian Domestic Weapon Industrial base and Infrastructure Build up.

c*) All these foreign weapon will create even bigger chaos and countless headaches for Indians to flawlessly integrate in order to create a Combined Arms army.

d*) We will use Indian money to help our backbone ally RUSSIA economically.


3*) We shall support those factions who want to break up India from inside.


PRC shall send as many Warships and Submarines, and Drones as possible ( minimum 6 warships + 6 submarines + 10 Drones) to exercise in IOR and around Diego Garcia. PLAN shall familiarize themselves with IOR, as well as ECS and SCS.
The same as well for PLAAF. They shall ask Myanmar overflight permission and conduct regular PLAAF exercises ( minimum 6x per year ) around Bay of Bengals and Andaman Island.

Wow... are you drunk or something?
What? you want to see a full scale Chinese blue naval force holding massive excercise in the Indian Ocean to proof our Navy can literally wipe out your Navy? Is that even necessary? FACTS don't lie when i say our Navy rank number 2, go google yourself just how strong PLAN is versus the Indian Navy.
they dont have navy, all rusty kits were bought from other countries with ridiculous prices
It is in China's best interest to keep the Indian navy weak. It already has to deal with 70% of the USN and the JMSDF. Surely, it would not want to complicate matters by adding India to that group ... besides, stretching the PLAN around the Indian ocean would be a poor use of assets. Instead, China should prioritize the Western Pacific and the South China Sea. Leave the Indian Ocean for latter ... no need to tackle the Indian problem just yet. Even after the Doklam incident, India still has not joined ranks with the US-Japan military alliance ... and it is not in China's interest for India to do so
Amusingly enough, I agree with our American friend here. China's top five problems are America, America, America, America, and America. All the others, Japan, India, Australia, Vietnam, Mars, etc. are just irrelevant window dressing. The US alliance system is a hub-and-spokes model, not a complete network -- take America out and there is no alliance system.

That's why China needs to remain maniacally focused on defeating the US naval presence in its near abroad -- if not by actually sending the US Navy to the bottom of the ocean, then by raising the odds so highly in China's favour that there can be no doubt in anyone's mind -- not even the most deluded Indian's -- about the outcome.

Once America falls, all the others will fold. Given that, there's no need for a massive build-up in the Indian Ocean yet. Enough to garrison Gwadar and Djibouti, and perhaps a few other places -- but no more than that.
No, why ?
What is wrong with my postings ?
Please explain in details ... ??
Why did you swallow the opinions expressed by the Indian media? Why did you believe such media opinions do represent the views of the population? The views of the social media were also channeled by the media there.

Early this year I posted following:

In their survey published this month, the authors analysed China-related editorials carried by five leading Indian newspapersThe Times of India, The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economic Times and The Financial Express – between 2012 and 2014. The years chosen are significant because they mark the rise to power of the two current leaders of China and India – Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi.

I'd posted the full article here furnished with some touching pics :-)

I realize the political needs may dictate such media hostility will keep on going... but we all should not be fooled by the media!
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IMHO, ... ...

1*) 99% of Indians who can read and write in their Social Medias very much hate Chinese and PRC all the way to their Indian bones for being embarrassed big time and losing that 1962 war, and being significantly behind PRC in so many state of the art technological fields.

There is no need to dance around and mince our words on this fact below

You @Figaro shall know this, 75% of white americese hate Chinese and PRC as well as Indians.
United Scums americese is the Slave and the Puppets master.

There will be no Eternal Peace for China until ... ...
we disintegrate and Obliterate India and united scums americese, and free up Okinawa from Japan.


2*) We shall encourage Indian to urgently buy all those foreign western, americese, and Russian weapons as much as possible. These weapons purchases will make India weaker. Why ?

Because now, Combined Arms and All Dimensions Combat Management are the way of war.
On the hardware side, Drones and Satellite warfare at the frontline, follow by Missile Warfare, and then combined arms of Air Force, Navy, and Army.

a*) Because, all these weapon supplying nations will overcharge Indian as much as they can.
b*) This mean Indian will deplete their financial resources even more, and divert those much needed funds away from Indian Domestic Weapon Industrial base and Infrastructure Build up.

c*) All these foreign weapon will create even bigger chaos and countless headaches for Indians to flawlessly integrate in order to create a Combined Arms army.

d*) We will use Indian money to help our backbone ally RUSSIA economically.


3*) We shall support those factions who want to break up India from inside.


PRC shall send as many Warships and Submarines, and Drones as possible ( minimum 6 warships + 6 submarines + 10 Drones) to exercise in IOR and around Diego Garcia. PLAN shall familiarize themselves with IOR, as well as ECS and SCS.

The same as well for PLAAF. They shall ask Myanmar overflight permission and conduct regular PLAAF exercises ( minimum 6x per year ) around Bay of Bengals and Andaman Island.

Sort of out of topic, nevertheless India should bear long term disadvantage because of its poor social structure. But the current Chinese leadership does give obvious concession to Modi led India, which is pretty weird to outside observers and has incurred profound criticism from Chinese nationalists. So what you proposed might not be applicable in near future.
Djibouti base illustration
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