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PLAN 89 "companion:D:D" to CV-17

Just found this in CDF interesting so could not wait to share with PDF .:-)

The first chinese nuclear sub become the butt of the joke because they are so noisy.But few people know the story behind this sub. Now the story of this sub is out of the bag .Even though the sub itself is retired,the man behind the sub surprisingly still alive and healthy at ripe age of 93.
Yup he is still working but due to advance age his work is limited
This submarine is real achievement for China without it there is no Chinese nuclear sub!

I am at awe at his life story like so many of his generation Huang Xuhua saw first hand see the destruction of China and how helpless china was, He resolved to help built China a strong navy and devoted his life to it sacrificing his personal life for the cause,Here is his story as told to Chutian metropolitan daily. unbelievable!

At young age of 34 he was tasked with building nuclear sub. Though he doesn't have a clue how to built nuclear sub. He did work on imitating and RE soviet diesel sub but nuclear sub is a whole different kettle. The worst part nobody ever see a real nuclear submarine. They scrutinize the open publication but they can find nothing of valuable.

The breakthrough come when someone from US brought them a toy submarine which they studied to death and from it get inspiration how to put together a nuclear sub. And for the calculation since they don't have computer they use ABACUS!

I told this story before but nobody believe me. Now from the horses mouth himself. Xiinhui @CDF first posted this story I do google translation and clean up the grammar a bit

China's nuclear submarine father the year with the calculation of submarine data Chutian Metropolis Daily 2017/07/10 09:40:10 original title:
Unknown for 30 years of research and development of the country, the father of China's nuclear submarine submarine life motto "If anyone asked us How to evaluate this life, we will say that this life is not wasted. Our life is dedicated to the country, to the nuclear submarine business. We have no regrets! "-

China's first generation of nuclear submarine chief architect, Chinese Academy of Engineering Huang Xuhua City News reporter Chen Ling ink internship party Min Song Yuqi Wu Yangyang photography: Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter Xiao Hao in Qingdao Navy Museum pier, parked China's first nuclear submarine.

Last year on October 15, after cruising over 40 years,she enter retirement. But its chief designer, still in the "service" among. July 4 morning, in China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, a research institute,

Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter saw Huang Xuhua. He is the first generation of China's nuclear submarine chief architect, Chinese Academy of Engineering, known as "the father of China's nuclear submarines." The physical condition only allowed him to work for half a day, Huang Xuhua feel that time is not enough. Every day at 8:30 am will appear in the office on time, finishing over the past few decades accumulated information. This "Zhiguo Dragon Palace" life "crazy", to their own research results left to the next generation.

93-year-old Huang Xuhua, wearing a sports bracelet, his thinking is still clear with amazing memory. Listen to his story, just like watching a biography movie. For the development of the country's heavy equipment, he was unknown for 30 years. His life, like the deep sea of nuclear submarines, seemingly obscure, but these are shocking forces. ◆
Huang Xuhua academician told this reporter that he has never seen a nuclear submarine. He was 34 years old when he became the chief designer in 1954,

At that itme the world's first nuclear submarine - the United States "Nautilus" undergo its first trial. In 1957, the Soviet Union's first nuclear submarine was launched in thewater.
In 1958, China launched the development of missile nuclear submarines. Graduated from the Shanghai Jiaotong University Shipbuilding Department of Huang Xuhua, has been involved in imitation of conventional Soviet submarine.He was selected to participate in the study. Shortly afterwards, the Soviet Union announced the withdrawal of aid experts. Chairman Mao said to Huang Xuhua and other older scientific research workers in an upsurge of emotion: "nuclear submarines, Even if take ten thousand years it has to be made "

Ten thousand years too long, seize the day and night.
Less than a month, Huang Xuhua and technical staff from all over the country,were brought together to pool their their barren hills of idea.
"China's nuclear submarine is completely started from scratch." Huang Xuhua recalled: "The biggest difficulty is not talent.If our researchers have seen what a nuclear submarine looks like, it may greatly shorten the development process."

At that time, the world's most advanced nuclear submarine Type is a drop type, because the friction resistance is small, underwater mobility and stability is good. The United States in the development of carefully selected three steps. We are also in three steps, or compress three steps in one step?

Development team had a heated debate. 34-year-old chief architect Huang Xuhua decided to choose the latter, "time is pressing, we can only detour." Without hesitation, Huang Xuhua led us through a large number of calculations and repeated demonstration, only three months to put forward five Type of boat program, and then rush headlong into the Shanghai Jiaotong University laboratory.

This is just the beginning. Nuclear submarine technology complex, involving numerous supporting systems and thousands of equipment, of which the most critical is the nuclear power plant, underwater communications, launchers and other seven major technologies.

"We have no choice but to groan forward and step forward, we just have unshakable determination!" He said. Abacus is the main computing tool made of indigenous law "Long March 1" Huang Xuhua still treasure a "forward" brand abacus. In the absence of modern means of calculation of the era, this abacus had accompanied him spending countless days and nights.

"The development of nuclear submarine many of the key data, coming out from the abacus ." Huang Xuhua said, in order to ensure the accuracy of the data, he and his colleagues often grouped the same set of data over and over, and regroup the different results and then re-count until the results are consistent. To crunch the data, "crackling" of the abacus sound is often hear all night.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation chief technical expert Zhang Jinlan, who in 1988 followed Huang Xuhua to participate in nuclear submarine deep diving test. He is still incredulous that he use the abacus to calculate the nuclear submarine design: "This is not a simple addition and subtraction multiplication and division, but to use the trigonometric function, logarithm and other complex and difficult formula and model." But in the poor condition at the time, Huang Xuhua And colleagues are using this simple approach, to solve a number of cutting-edge technical problems.
They are like a needle in haystack, trying to collect the nuclear submarine technical article in the foreign news reports
None of us has seen a real nuclear submarine, not sure how to design a reliable submarine. By chance, someone from abroad get back two US "Washington" nuclear submarine toy model. Huang Xuhua said it is like finding a treasure: "We dismantled and re assembled again and again, and the design of submarine is basically come into being . We are happy!

August 1, 1974, the nuclear submarine was named "Long March 1", officially inducted into the naval battle ssquadron. At this point, China has become the fifth country with nuclear submarines. Three unforgettable tears sum up his life loyalty to his country's back in the past 93 years,

Huang Xuhua said that he had shed tears 3 times that he can't forget. The first time in April 1988, China's first nuclear submarine deep diving test. All the participants understand that this test is very important and very dangerous. The late 70s of last century, the United States, "long tail shark" is submerged in the deep dive test, the boat more than 160 people were buried in the sea.

Before the start of the trial, the atmosphere of the staff quarters was dignified. They have to write a will to their family, and sing song "blood style": "Maybe this is my farewell and I will not come back ... ..." In order to encourage everyone, 64-year-old Huang Xuhua decided to join in with crew in the water. Submarine more submarine dive deeper, he command , "In fact, in our heart there is high degree of tension." When the experiment is successful, the world's first personally involved in nuclear submarine deep diving test, the chief designer, was excited with face running in tears.

From 1957 to 1986, Huang Xuhua anonymously developed nuclear submarines, for 30 years he failed to meet with their parents, The only contact is . A mailbox number. In 1987, a Shanghai magazine published a report on Huang Xuhua work, he sent a copy of the mother.his

Mother read the story over and over again, ansn the whole family cried,he said: "Later, when the sister told him this matter, Huang Xuhua once again in tears." In 1988, Huang Xuhua back to hos home in Guangdong , his mother was 93 years old. "I left home for 30 years, my family only know my mailbox in Beijing. Father seriously ill, I can not go back; he died, I can not go back ... ..." In the father's grave, Huang Xuhua shed tears for the third time. For the sake of National mission Huang Xuhua lost a lot of family happiness.

Shortly after his marriage, he and his wife were 6 years, he and the three daughters is also more away from the more. His eldest daughter Huang Yan Ni, follow the father's family feelings and life trajectory, but also to join the cause of China's nuclear submarine development.
Witnessing the destruction of the country he abandon the the original plan to become a doctor and embarked on the country shipbuilding road as Huang Xuhua grew up ,

He seems destined to the sea life. In 1924, Huang Xuhua was born in Guangdong Shanwei. "My original ambition is the same as my parents to learn medicine, the results of the Japanese bombing let me change the original intention." After the outbreak of the war, Huang Xuhua had to turn Shaoguan, Guilin, Chongqing and other places for school. Seeing all displaced people, the country destruction, juvenile Huang Xuhua began to think: the motherland so big, why there is not even a quiet place to read? "In 1945.

Huang Xuhua was given the award then China's highest institutions - the central government of the country, , The University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is eligible for the first commeration of the National Jiaotong University (Shanghai Jiaotong University), known as the "Oriental MIT (MIT)".

On April 8, 2016, 120th anniversary of the founding, the Shanghai Jiaotong University official microblogging forwarded a photo: celebrating the life achievement of , 92-year-old veteran Huang Xuhua, raised from his chair, stand up to make the speech. "If anyone asked us how to evaluate this life, we will say that this life is not wasted."

Our life is dedicated to the country, to the nuclear submarine business. We have no life of our own in this life. regret!"
Check photo posted by cirr on post #1642, at the left hand side near bottom of the photo. It is module blocks for type 055.

well spotted.....but the question still remains....assuming it is a module of an 055, what part of the ship could it be.....its very wide, maybe lower part of the superstructure perhaps?
DDG 154 “Xiamen“ commissioned in secrecy :enjoy:

View attachment 412405[/QUOT

Chinese Wiki page on the 052D now has an entry that the "Xiamen" "154", was commissioned on June 8th, and there is a link of this to the cjdby site. Mind you, I didn't see any photos of a commissioning ceremony. Anyway it does look like 154 is active in the Chinese Navy, but why was the event so low key, with no news of the commissioning ceremony????????????????????????????????????
Just found this in CDF interesting so could not wait to share with PDF .:-)

The first chinese nuclear sub become the butt of the joke because they are so noisy.But few people know the story behind this sub. Now the story of this sub is out of the bag .Even though the sub itself is retired,the man behind the sub surprisingly still alive and healthy at ripe age of 93.
Yup he is still working but due to advance age his work is limited
This submarine is real achievement for China without it there is no Chinese nuclear sub!

I am at awe at his life story like so many of his generation Huang Xuhua saw first hand see the destruction of China and how helpless china was, He resolved to help built China a strong navy and devoted his life to it sacrificing his personal life for the cause,Here is his story as told to Chutian metropolitan daily. unbelievable!

At young age of 34 he was tasked with building nuclear sub. Though he doesn't have a clue how to built nuclear sub. He did work on imitating and RE soviet diesel sub but nuclear sub is a whole different kettle. The worst part nobody ever see a real nuclear submarine. They scrutinize the open publication but they can find nothing of valuable.

The breakthrough come when someone from US brought them a toy submarine which they studied to death and from it get inspiration how to put together a nuclear sub. And for the calculation since they don't have computer they use ABACUS!

I told this story before but nobody believe me. Now from the horses mouth himself. Xiinhui @CDF first posted this story I do google translation and clean up the grammar a bit

China's nuclear submarine father the year with the calculation of submarine data Chutian Metropolis Daily 2017/07/10 09:40:10 original title:
Unknown for 30 years of research and development of the country, the father of China's nuclear submarine submarine life motto "If anyone asked us How to evaluate this life, we will say that this life is not wasted. Our life is dedicated to the country, to the nuclear submarine business. We have no regrets! "-

China's first generation of nuclear submarine chief architect, Chinese Academy of Engineering Huang Xuhua City News reporter Chen Ling ink internship party Min Song Yuqi Wu Yangyang photography: Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter Xiao Hao in Qingdao Navy Museum pier, parked China's first nuclear submarine.

Last year on October 15, after cruising over 40 years,she enter retirement. But its chief designer, still in the "service" among. July 4 morning, in China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, a research institute,

Chutian Metropolis Daily reporter saw Huang Xuhua. He is the first generation of China's nuclear submarine chief architect, Chinese Academy of Engineering, known as "the father of China's nuclear submarines." The physical condition only allowed him to work for half a day, Huang Xuhua feel that time is not enough. Every day at 8:30 am will appear in the office on time, finishing over the past few decades accumulated information. This "Zhiguo Dragon Palace" life "crazy", to their own research results left to the next generation.

93-year-old Huang Xuhua, wearing a sports bracelet, his thinking is still clear with amazing memory. Listen to his story, just like watching a biography movie. For the development of the country's heavy equipment, he was unknown for 30 years. His life, like the deep sea of nuclear submarines, seemingly obscure, but these are shocking forces. ◆
Huang Xuhua academician told this reporter that he has never seen a nuclear submarine. He was 34 years old when he became the chief designer in 1954,

At that itme the world's first nuclear submarine - the United States "Nautilus" undergo its first trial. In 1957, the Soviet Union's first nuclear submarine was launched in thewater.
In 1958, China launched the development of missile nuclear submarines. Graduated from the Shanghai Jiaotong University Shipbuilding Department of Huang Xuhua, has been involved in imitation of conventional Soviet submarine.He was selected to participate in the study. Shortly afterwards, the Soviet Union announced the withdrawal of aid experts. Chairman Mao said to Huang Xuhua and other older scientific research workers in an upsurge of emotion: "nuclear submarines, Even if take ten thousand years it has to be made "

Ten thousand years too long, seize the day and night.
Less than a month, Huang Xuhua and technical staff from all over the country,were brought together to pool their their barren hills of idea.
"China's nuclear submarine is completely started from scratch." Huang Xuhua recalled: "The biggest difficulty is not talent.If our researchers have seen what a nuclear submarine looks like, it may greatly shorten the development process."

At that time, the world's most advanced nuclear submarine Type is a drop type, because the friction resistance is small, underwater mobility and stability is good. The United States in the development of carefully selected three steps. We are also in three steps, or compress three steps in one step?

Development team had a heated debate. 34-year-old chief architect Huang Xuhua decided to choose the latter, "time is pressing, we can only detour." Without hesitation, Huang Xuhua led us through a large number of calculations and repeated demonstration, only three months to put forward five Type of boat program, and then rush headlong into the Shanghai Jiaotong University laboratory.

This is just the beginning. Nuclear submarine technology complex, involving numerous supporting systems and thousands of equipment, of which the most critical is the nuclear power plant, underwater communications, launchers and other seven major technologies.

"We have no choice but to groan forward and step forward, we just have unshakable determination!" He said. Abacus is the main computing tool made of indigenous law "Long March 1" Huang Xuhua still treasure a "forward" brand abacus. In the absence of modern means of calculation of the era, this abacus had accompanied him spending countless days and nights.

"The development of nuclear submarine many of the key data, coming out from the abacus ." Huang Xuhua said, in order to ensure the accuracy of the data, he and his colleagues often grouped the same set of data over and over, and regroup the different results and then re-count until the results are consistent. To crunch the data, "crackling" of the abacus sound is often hear all night.

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation chief technical expert Zhang Jinlan, who in 1988 followed Huang Xuhua to participate in nuclear submarine deep diving test. He is still incredulous that he use the abacus to calculate the nuclear submarine design: "This is not a simple addition and subtraction multiplication and division, but to use the trigonometric function, logarithm and other complex and difficult formula and model." But in the poor condition at the time, Huang Xuhua And colleagues are using this simple approach, to solve a number of cutting-edge technical problems.
They are like a needle in haystack, trying to collect the nuclear submarine technical article in the foreign news reports
None of us has seen a real nuclear submarine, not sure how to design a reliable submarine. By chance, someone from abroad get back two US "Washington" nuclear submarine toy model. Huang Xuhua said it is like finding a treasure: "We dismantled and re assembled again and again, and the design of submarine is basically come into being . We are happy!

August 1, 1974, the nuclear submarine was named "Long March 1", officially inducted into the naval battle ssquadron. At this point, China has become the fifth country with nuclear submarines. Three unforgettable tears sum up his life loyalty to his country's back in the past 93 years,

Huang Xuhua said that he had shed tears 3 times that he can't forget. The first time in April 1988, China's first nuclear submarine deep diving test. All the participants understand that this test is very important and very dangerous. The late 70s of last century, the United States, "long tail shark" is submerged in the deep dive test, the boat more than 160 people were buried in the sea.

Before the start of the trial, the atmosphere of the staff quarters was dignified. They have to write a will to their family, and sing song "blood style": "Maybe this is my farewell and I will not come back ... ..." In order to encourage everyone, 64-year-old Huang Xuhua decided to join in with crew in the water. Submarine more submarine dive deeper, he command , "In fact, in our heart there is high degree of tension." When the experiment is successful, the world's first personally involved in nuclear submarine deep diving test, the chief designer, was excited with face running in tears.

From 1957 to 1986, Huang Xuhua anonymously developed nuclear submarines, for 30 years he failed to meet with their parents, The only contact is . A mailbox number. In 1987, a Shanghai magazine published a report on Huang Xuhua work, he sent a copy of the mother.his

Mother read the story over and over again, ansn the whole family cried,he said: "Later, when the sister told him this matter, Huang Xuhua once again in tears." In 1988, Huang Xuhua back to hos home in Guangdong , his mother was 93 years old. "I left home for 30 years, my family only know my mailbox in Beijing. Father seriously ill, I can not go back; he died, I can not go back ... ..." In the father's grave, Huang Xuhua shed tears for the third time. For the sake of National mission Huang Xuhua lost a lot of family happiness.

Shortly after his marriage, he and his wife were 6 years, he and the three daughters is also more away from the more. His eldest daughter Huang Yan Ni, follow the father's family feelings and life trajectory, but also to join the cause of China's nuclear submarine development.
Witnessing the destruction of the country he abandon the the original plan to become a doctor and embarked on the country shipbuilding road as Huang Xuhua grew up ,

He seems destined to the sea life. In 1924, Huang Xuhua was born in Guangdong Shanwei. "My original ambition is the same as my parents to learn medicine, the results of the Japanese bombing let me change the original intention." After the outbreak of the war, Huang Xuhua had to turn Shaoguan, Guilin, Chongqing and other places for school. Seeing all displaced people, the country destruction, juvenile Huang Xuhua began to think: the motherland so big, why there is not even a quiet place to read? "In 1945.

Huang Xuhua was given the award then China's highest institutions - the central government of the country, , The University of Aeronautics and Astronautics is eligible for the first commeration of the National Jiaotong University (Shanghai Jiaotong University), known as the "Oriental MIT (MIT)".

On April 8, 2016, 120th anniversary of the founding, the Shanghai Jiaotong University official microblogging forwarded a photo: celebrating the life achievement of , 92-year-old veteran Huang Xuhua, raised from his chair, stand up to make the speech. "If anyone asked us how to evaluate this life, we will say that this life is not wasted."

Our life is dedicated to the country, to the nuclear submarine business. We have no life of our own in this life. regret!"
A true Chinese hero, who dedicates his life to his country and country men, unlike the finger pointing whining moaning b1tching loudmouth cowards that we've seen on this forum.
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