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Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

They are outsource by OEM China model company more for showing to official and delegates. Not available for public.

That indeed is quite a reliable hint. Thanks for the info.
Interesting, that we see a model-kit even before the real bird. Any info on what company/brand this model sells and how reliable it is as a new naval bomber ?

Real bird, or rather the 1st prototype, was first spotted in 2015:


According to a reliable source, maiden flight actually took place in 2014.:D
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Why are those vertical launching system cells not rectangular in shape but rather circular?

They are circular, because they belong to the 052C Destroyers, and they were China's first generation VLS for its HHQ-9 surface to air missiles, but since then the Chinese have designed their own rectangular VLS, similar to, and as used by other navies.....:-)
The old soldier still there to protect and serve "092" (SSBN) (支撑中国海基核力量的老将:092核潜艇)

The old soldier still there to protect and serve "092" (SSBN) (支撑中国海基核力量的老将:092核潜艇)

Might have convert to cruise missile launcher sub.
Construction started several days ago on a new test platform for the PLAN - Ship 91041。

Testbed for railgun? Laser? Future new missiles? :D:D

I predicated 1-2 055 by 2020, and I was called too optimistic. That's what I thought at the the time too. Seems I was instead too conservative. Very interesting.

At least 4 in service by 2020.
I predicated 1-2 055 by 2020, and I was called too optimistic. That's what I thought at the the time too. Seems I was instead too conservative. Very interesting.
Frankly, WHEN exactly did you make such "too conservative" prediction? :D
In the 1st quarter of 2016 or even earlier?

Because by the 4th quarter of 2016 the circulated news was quite obvious that China would be able to produce at least two units of Type 055 DDG at one time (and the cost effective way is to produce them in PAIR simultaneously instead of one by one)... or even four units if both Dalian & Jiangnan shipyards are utilized.

The production capacity is there; it's other factors that affect how many and how fast the 055s are to be made :coffee:
By 2022, China’s Navy will outnumber the US and in the 2030s will achieve qualitative parity
brian wang | May 18, 2017 |

China’s Navy will have a larger number of ships and submarines than the US Navy in 2030.

China’s navy will be approaching 500 ships by 2030 and the US Navy will have between 300 and 350 depending upon which budgets get adopted.

China’s navy will be a Blue-Water Naval Power by 2030: China is rapidly transforming itself from a continental power with a focus on its near seas to a great maritime power with a two-ocean focus. The PLAN is looking beyond the san hai – the Yellow Sea, South China Sea, and East China Sea – and out toward the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

By 2020 China will have the second-largest modern amphibious capability in the world (after the United States), and potentially will be able to embark between 5,000–6,000 marines for operations anywhere in the world.

By 2020, the PLAN will surpass Britain, Russia, Japan, and India to become the second largest navy in the world. Some estimates suggest that it will homeport 265–273 major surface vessels and could surpass the U.S. Navy in number as early as 2022.

By 2030, many forecasts suggest that China will be quantitatively on par with the United States, while others suggest Beijing may even have a significantly larger naval order of battle than the United States.


lol, this is a funny article.

US Naval Power is not just about the US Navy (even so, it have suggested way LESS ship than it should be) US Naval Power is very clearly defined, unlike PLAN, which is one stop for all, Total US Naval Power should be counted all element from US Navy (USS ship) for major off shore combatant, US Naval Service (USNS Ship) for support such as mine sweeping and logistic and US Coast Guard (USCG) ships for coastal support. On the other hand, every ship commissioned to PLA Naval Power were assigned into PLAN.

If you look at the ship disparity listed, you will see that Chinese is behind is large surface ships and aircraft carrier (Also carrier for US should be 22 instead of 11, 11 super carrier but there will be 11 America Class,) there are, US Navy have less small surface combatant. Also Amphibious Warfare ship is missing (Provided by 12 San Antonio Class, 12 Spearhead Class EPF)

The problem is that US Navy themselves does not operate the type (Small Warfare ship) which is the job for 283 USCG cutters (which serves as both Frigate and Mine Destroyer role) US Navy only tasked with off shore engagement. Every US Navy warfare are therefore, Ocean Going.

On the other hand, Majority of US Navy ship is forward deployed, which mean they were based OUTSIDE continental US, 3rd Fleet is based in Hawaii, 7th Fleet is based in Japan, 5th Fleet is based in Rota Spain, 4th Fleet is based in Puerto Rico. While almost 100% of USCG ship is based in Continental US. China, by definition only have 4 deep base and 11 coastal base, cannot literally have supported more number of ship than the whole US Naval Force.

In all, if you put all US Naval Power together (USN + USNS + USCGS) you are looking at around 800 ships altogether with USN about 320 Combatant (Aircraft Carrier, Amphibious ship, Destroyer, Cruiser, Corvette and PB), USNS about 180 Amphibious, Mine Laying and Troop support and USCG about 280 Cutter.

The guy who wrote this piece of crap article either do not understand US Naval Structure or intentionally misleading the reader..
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