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Chinese Muslims linked to Games bombings


Oct 7, 2007
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Chinese Muslims linked to Games bombings

By Mure Dickie in Beijing

Published: July 27 2008 18:38 | Last updated: July 27 2008 18:38

A group opposed to Chinese rule in the mainly Muslim region of Xinjiang has claimed responsibility for bombings around the country, saying they were part of a campaign against next month’s Beijing Olympics.

Chinese officials have repeatedly raised the possibility of a terrorist attack and used it to justify a security crackdown. However, the claims – brought to media attention by the US terrorism monitoring company IntelCenter – are certain to heighten security concerns around the Games, which open on August 8.

Chinese police on Sunday dismissed the weekend claims, made in a video issued by members of the Uighur Muslim ethnic minority who called themselves the “Turkestan Islamic party”.

The official Xinhua news agency quoted local police as saying there was no evidence linking fatal bus bombings in the south-western city of Kunming and in Shanghai in May with terrorist activity or the Olympics. Xinhua said other attacks referred to in the video had not happened.

Senior Chinese security officials have said Xinjiang separatists are one of the most pressing threats to the Games. China has claimed its police had killed five knife-wielding members of a Uighur group waging “holy war”.

Exile Uighur groups have accused Beijing of exaggerating the danger from Xinjiang groups in order to justify a crackdown in the region, which they call East Turkestan.

China’s moves to silence dissidents and step up monitoring of social activists have drawn criticism from human rights groups.

In a reference to such complaints, Condoleezza Rice, US secretary of state, said: “Security threats have to be dealt with and that is fully understood by everybody, but security should not become in any way a cover to try to deal with dissent.”

Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008
if this was done in india or USA it would have been a furore by now. may be there should be a Chinese mujahid as well for this.

. However, the claims – brought to media attention by the US terrorism monitoring company IntelCenter – are certain to heighten security concerns around the Games, which open on August 8.

:rofl:this tells all

Chinese police on Sunday dismissed the weekend claims, made in a video issued by members of the Uighur Muslim ethnic minority who called themselves the “Turkestan Islamic party”.

The official Xinhua news agency quoted local police as saying there was no evidence linking fatal bus bombings in the south-western city of Kunming and in Shanghai in May with terrorist activity or the Olympics. Xinhua said other attacks referred to in the video had not happened.
Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2008

Stealth dosnt the above enough to discard such BS.
BTW i never expected that Stealth can stooooooooooooop to this :tsk:
I am not surprised that the Uighurs are angry with China.

They are a little subjugated and they are not allowed to practice Islam in the way they like.

Children below 18 are not allowed to go to the Mosque or be taught anything of Islam.

The Mullahs are selected by the Chinese govt and their sermons are first cleared by the Chinese authorities.

The Hans are changing the demographic equation in Xinjiang where they have become the majority.

And the Uigher Sheik or King has been reduced as a tourist attraction!

And what is most surprising is that while Islamic people are quick to find inequalities to Islam in all other countries, they are immense impotent in protest against the Chinese subjugation of Islam in China!!

Google to check each point!

I hope the Pakistani posters are aware that the Uighers tried to hijack an aircraft and were jailed!

Uighers are terrorists as far as China is concerned!

Though it is indeed laudable that Pakistani posters discard their religious zeal that they show elsewhere in support of a Godless China!

Does speaks volumes of their zeal towards suppression of Islam!

Apparently Islam can be abandoned to suit the flavour of the times!! ;)
I presume China is right in suppressing the Uighurs because they can lead to Islamic terrorism gripping China where even the Hui will rise and then the Tibetans, the Mongols, the few Manchus left and the Miaos and the Yis!

And what is most dangerous is that the Pan Islamic awakening. That can lead to uncertain times for a long period and even lead to the break up of China.

China is the only country that has realised the pan Islamic threat and have taken the situation in hand and repressively controlling such divisiveness.

They are fortunate that the Islamic countries and their population are supporting them in this repression with not a single cheep that Islam is under attack!

It is a nice commentary that people of Islamic faith are realising the threat pan Islam is causing the world as also them!

Thank you Jana that you discard the propaganda of the people of the Islamic faith. It does give hope!
I presume China is right in suppressing the Uighurs because they can lead to Islamic terrorism gripping China where even the Hui will rise and then the Tibetans, the Mongols, the few Manchus left and the Miaos and the Yis!

And what is most dangerous is that the Pan Islamic awakening. That can lead to uncertain times for a long period and even lead to the break up of China.

China is the only country that has realised the pan Islamic threat and have taken the situation in hand and repressively controlling such divisiveness.

They are fortunate that the Islamic countries and their population are supporting them in this repression with not a single cheep that Islam is under attack!

It is a nice commentary that people of Islamic faith are realising the threat pan Islam is causing the world as also them!

Thank you Jana that you discard the propaganda of the people of the Islamic faith. It does give hope!

Hui, Manchus, Miao are Han Chinese-speaking, they are pro-Han.
I am not surprised that the Uighurs are angry with China.

They are a little subjugated and they are not allowed to practice Islam in the way they like.

Children below 18 are not allowed to go to the Mosque or be taught anything of Islam.

The Mullahs are selected by the Chinese govt and their sermons are first cleared by the Chinese authorities.

The Hans are changing the demographic equation in Xinjiang where they have become the majority.

And the Uigher Sheik or King has been reduced as a tourist attraction!

And what is most surprising is that while Islamic people are quick to find inequalities to Islam in all other countries, they are immense impotent in protest against the Chinese subjugation of Islam in China!!

Google to check each point!

I hope the Pakistani posters are aware that the Uighers tried to hijack an aircraft and were jailed!

Uighers are terrorists as far as China is concerned!

Though it is indeed laudable that Pakistani posters discard their religious zeal that they show elsewhere in support of a Godless China!

Does speaks volumes of their zeal towards suppression of Islam!

Apparently Islam can be abandoned to suit the flavour of the times!! ;)

Why are you repeating over the same lines in every thread? Quit spamming.
And echoed in India. :lol: when indians are going to comeout of this China, Pakistan, Muslims, ISI phobias

Jana stop linking ISI with muslim. ISI is working on dengerous ideology with dengerous people across the world. Its not at all doing good for common man in Pakistan or Muslim. Its becoming too late for people to understand whole conspiracy, you are moving towards same era of taliban, and you know how womens will be treated, and believe me no women will treated as special......
Jana stop linking ISI with muslim. ISI is working on dengerous ideology with dengerous people across the world. Its not at all doing good for common man in Pakistan or Muslim. Its becoming too late for people to understand whole conspiracy, you are moving towards same era of taliban, and you know how womens will be treated, and believe me no women will treated as special......

haha... lol.. ISI rules.. we have over 5000 ISI agents in india! no wonder why you guys are s**T scared!
Why are you repeating over the same lines in every thread? Quit spamming.

Facts are facts and unless one is a fabricator he cannot change the facts.

I do hope you subscribe to this idea and not the one that one should fabricate to suit his convenience.

The facts mentioned are relevant to the title of the thread or is it not?

And if threads are similar in nature, one cannot state anything dissimilar. Do you? If you claim you don't, then please don't suggest I should fabricate to suit your mood of the moment!
It's not just facrication, our Indian friends are mimicks and they excel at that, now they mimick ideas discredited, it is important for Indian friendsand their new friends from the other side of the ocean, to ensure that chinese think of Muslim not just as Muslim but as terrorist - the Indian firends new friends from a distant neighborhood have offered them instruction and they are already inclined to thin in that way, as one can see from the violence triggered by communal hatred.
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