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Chinese military expands high-altitude arsenal to address threat on China-India border

Feng Leng

Aug 3, 2017
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2020/5/31 18:28:41

Since the Doklam standoff with India in 2017, the Chinese military has expanded its arsenal with weapons like the Type 15 tank, Z-20 helicopter and GJ-2 drone that should give China the advantage in high-altitude conflicts should they arise, Chinese analysts said on Sunday.

China's Type 15 tank made its public debut at the National Day military parade on October 1 last year.

With a powerful engine, the Type 15 lightweight main battle tank can effectively operate in plateau regions difficult for heavier tanks, and with its advanced fire control systems and 105 millimeter caliber armor-piercing main gun, it can outgun any other light armored vehicles at high elevations, the experts told the Global Times on Sunday.

China's most advanced vehicle-mounted howitzer, the PCL-181, also debuted at the parade.

At 25 tons, the PCL-181 is lighter, faster and can endure longer than the previous 40-ton self-propelled howitzer on crawler tracks.

It can digitally deploy its gun at the press of a button, with automatic calibration and semi-automatic reloading.

Both the Type 15 tank and the PCL-181 howitzer were displayed in the high-elevation plateau region of Southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region in a China Central Television report on military exercises in January.

Another new weapon which debuted at the parade was a multiple-rocket launcher system, which uses an 8x8 wheeled high-mobility chassis and carries two sets of four 370-millimeter rockets, making it viable for high-altitude deployment, according to publicly available reports.

In the air, China unveiled the Z-20 utility helicopter at the parade. This medium-lift helicopter can adapt to all kinds of terrain and weather and can be used on missions including personnel and cargo transport, search and rescue and reconnaissance.

The Z-20 can operate in oxygen-depleted plateaus thanks to its powerful homemade engine, Chen Guang, vice general manager of Avicopter, the helicopter branch of Aviation Industry Corporation of China that developed the helicopter, told the Global Times previously.

Joining the Z-20 is the modified Z-8G large transport helicopter displayed at the Fifth China Helicopter Exposition held in Tianjin in October.

Focusing on plateau operations, the Z-8G is the first of its kind in China and can take off from 4,500 meters above sea level with a ceiling higher than 6,000 meters.

At Airshow China 2018, the Chinese Air Force unveiled the GJ-2 armed reconnaissance drone, which has a higher ceiling and can carry more payload than the previous GJ-1. Reports said it can be used to patrol the long border in high-altitude areas like Tibet.

These specially designed weapons have boosted the Chinese military's combat capabilities in high-altitude regions, enabling it to better safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, Chinese analysts said.

Border incidents have recently occurred between troops of China and India.

Chinese border defense troops have bolstered border control measures and made necessary moves in response to India's recent, illegal construction of defense facilities across the border into Chinese territory in the Galwan Valley region in May.

Indian media reports said China recently deployed 5,000 more troops to the border area with India, and diplomats of the two countries have started talks on a peaceful resolution.

Chinese Defense Ministry spokesperson Ren Guoqiang said Friday at a regular press conference that the Chinese border defense troops are devoted to safeguarding peace and stability in the border regions and that the overall situation along China-India border was stable and under control.

The two countries are capable of resolving border issues through dialogue and negotiations, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Wednesday.
We need to urgently move heavy weapons in right now if this trouble is real and serious. Most of our military is based in center China and northern and eastern sides. If a war really happens we need to immediately use cruise and ballistic missiles against Indian base. Lucky Indian missiles do not reach our bases and they are still developing Nirbhay.
We need to urgently move heavy weapons in right now if this trouble is real and serious. Most of our military is based in center China and northern and eastern sides. If a war really happens we need to immediately use cruise and ballistic missiles against Indian base. Lucky Indian missiles do not reach our bases and they are still developing Nirbhay.
Beijing needs to purge everybody who is pro-India. Look at how government officials who are pro-HK prevented effective action against rioters. As soon as the pro-HK government officials were purged or marginalized, effective action was taken and peace was restored. The same thing needs to happen with India. Anybody with a tracking record of encouraging China to trust India must be purged.

The actual war would not be difficult to win. It would be over in just a few days with colossal Indian casualties.
Beijing needs to purge everybody who is pro-India. Look at how government officials who are pro-HK prevented effective action against rioters. As soon as the pro-HK government officials were purged or marginalized, effective action was taken and peace was restored. The same thing needs to happen with India. Anybody with a tracking record of encouraging China to trust India must be purged.

The actual war would not be difficult to win. It would be over in just a few days with colossal Indian casualties.

For more than 10 years now these fuckers have been kicking us in media and lying. We need to be very careful in handling these snakes. All instructions coming from Washington and London. If we cannot protect ourselves from these demons, at least we should destroy them and send to hell if they can hurt us more. Now India feel like they can play some games with us and this whole week they are putting things into media with no explanation and their intention is clear. If we move, we should decisively and finish it otherwise we have now given their Modi bastard something to think about because their troops were tied up this time. Next time we cut them into pieces if he continues his game. I know there's only today when Chinese social media began noticing this issue. Now we want blood or Modi to come begging with his pants down. Then we will give them peace and let them go. Hopefully Indian people will realize who has really fucked them, Modi, not us. Modi wants to gamble against us and take the prize if he wins but if he loses, he uses media to lie to Indians this way they won't vote him out or murder him.
We need to urgently move heavy weapons in right now if this trouble is real and serious. Most of our military is based in center China and northern and eastern sides. If a war really happens we need to immediately use cruise and ballistic missiles against Indian base. Lucky Indian missiles do not reach our bases and they are still developing Nirbhay.
China has a massive transport network with heavy equipment can reach in just few hours. You shouldnt worry too much. We are not India with poor transport network.
We need to urgently move heavy weapons in right now if this trouble is real and serious. Most of our military is based in center China and northern and eastern sides. If a war really happens we need to immediately use cruise and ballistic missiles against Indian base. Lucky Indian missiles do not reach our bases and they are still developing Nirbhay.
If war really happens :enjoy:

Nuclear weapons - Am I a joke to you ?
China has a massive transport network with heavy equipment can reach in just few hours. You shouldnt worry too much. We are not India with poor transport network.

We need to remember the ones in Indian crying for blood and violence will continue making trouble even if it is their aggression and attack into Chinese side. We should remember they don't care and remember the video of how a single Chinese defenseless will be treated. Therefore the best response is really to do what PLA did and beat the aggressor and should really kill so the problem is gone. If it is China attacking Indian territory than I am afraid the fault is with us and Indian side is with good reason to be angry with us.
China has a massive transport network with heavy equipment can reach in just few hours. You shouldnt worry too much. We are not India with poor transport network.
India must not fight a border war with china. If they can be stupid enough to instigate a war, lets be stupid enough to take it to next level. Throw all those stuff at Beijing

We need to remember the ones in Indian crying for blood and violence will continue making trouble even if it is their aggression and attack into Chinese side. We should remember they don't care and remember the video of how a single Chinese defenseless will be treated. Therefore the best response is really to do what PLA did and beat the aggressor and should really kill so the problem is gone. If it is China attacking Indian territory than I am afraid the fault is with us and Indian side is with good reason to be angry with us.
Of course PLA is an aggressor here. Have you got any doubt ? The satellite images depict it clearly that you guys are violating the status quo.
If war really happens :enjoy:

Nuclear weapons - Am I a joke to you ?

No it is not a joke but do you will not want to do that and I will bet my house your politicians and military know why and 100% will never launch against China nuclear weapons unless China uses first. China will not use first even small tactical nuclear weapons. We both have no first use policy for now and even if not for this policy, China will not use first so if India uses, your military and president knows why it should not. Of course here you will say bullshit India nuclear weapons better than Chinese ones. I can only bet everything that India will not use.

India must not fight a border war with china. If they can be stupid enough to instigate a war, lets be stupid enough to take it to next level. Throw all those stuff at Beijing

Of course PLA is an aggressor here. Have you got any doubt ? The satellite images depict it clearly that you guys are violating the status quo.

I don't know. Indians everywhere saying different things. Some of your guys here saying India invaded China and China waved white flag. Now what happened to that? If it is Chinese invading Indian side then I can say for myself I would be against CCP here. But is it really? Who invaded who or maybe no invasion and this whole drama is India side playing games since two weeks ago coming with different messages and reports. China side is quiet mostly until today just showing one photo after your video and now your video is said to be unendorsed by government of India and its military.

So first Indian side is saying they won and China are cowards. A few days later with continuous mentioning of China being backing down and some Indians saying Indian took Chinese territory or disputed land, then video leaked two days ago and now a photo later and some CCP saying this is getting out of control so calm down to Indian politicians, now Indian story change from mighty Indian taking something from coward Chinese with no ability to help itself into Chinese are attacking! Can you see all this is from India's side. So the confusion is again not fault of us. But if we are invaders, prove and have your government say this officially and formally say this! Today not a single fucking fart from Indian politicians since photo released.
No it is not a joke but do you will not want to do that and I will bet my house your politicians and military know why and 100% will never launch against China nuclear weapons unless China uses first. China will not use first even small tactical nuclear weapons. We both have no first use policy for now and even if not for this policy, China will not use first so if India uses, your military and president knows why it should not. Of course here you will say bullshit India nuclear weapons better than Chinese ones. I can only bet everything that India will not use.

I don't know. Indians everywhere saying different things. Some of your guys here saying India invaded China and China waved white flag. Now what happened to that? If it is Chinese invading Indian side then I can say for myself I would be against CCP here. But is it really? Who invaded who or maybe no invasion and this whole drama is India side playing games since two weeks ago coming with different messages and reports. China side is quiet mostly until today just showing one photo after your video and now your video is said to be unendorsed by government of India and its military.

1. It is stupid to say that my nuclear weapons are better than yours. So no , I am not gonna say anything like that.

2. Even if we both have no first use policy , what do you expect us to do in a conventional war in which we are heavily short on resources compared to you ?

3. What do you get by aggression? I mean you receive nearly $50B as trade surplus from us. That may not be a huge amount for China given your total trade but in absolute terms , it is a huge amount .

4. India and China don't have any toxic ( people to people ) hostility even after 1962 war. An aggressive China will only make India look for friends outside the region. It will further complicate the matters for both the parties.
they are still developing Nirbhay.
They have Brahmos both Land and Air Launched

India and China don't have any toxic ( people to people ) hostility even after 1962 war.
LOL Everyone knows how disgusting Majority Hindu Population think of China. Social Media is the proof. Go check your media and accounts of twitter and facebook. That Bitch Palki Sharma of WION regularly barks against China
1. It is stupid to say that my nuclear weapons are better than yours. So no , I am not gonna say anything like that.

2. Even if we both have no first use policy , what do you expect us to do in a conventional war in which we are heavily short on resources compared to you ?

3. What do you get by aggression? I mean you receive nearly $50B as trade surplus from us. That may not be a huge amount for China given your total trade but in absolute terms , it is a huge amount .

4. India and China don't have any toxic ( people to people ) hostility even after 1962 war. An aggressive China will only make India look for friends outside the region. It will further complicate the matters for both the parties.

1. Look neither of us will use nuclear weapons. Even if India loses a conventional war, they will not use. But rest peaceful because Chinese nukes are faulty made in china garbage junk. Indian nukes are more powerful and higher quality than German made if Germany makes nukes. So on this discussion why the Indian member mention nukes then? China is not afraid of Indian nukes. I will not explain because there is no point to explain this. All I can be confident in is neither us will use nukes for reasons Indian members will be very angry and oppose to.

2. If you don't want to war, don't beat soldiers and don't build in Chinese territory or disputed territory. According to Indians everywhere we have already backed off from building in disputed territory. So avoid war, also back off disputed territory too. If it is China attacking your land then how come to this day your politicians have not said this formally or report this to international community? I believe either China is the one which was attacked first and Modi pick this time due to global distraction and believing China will not respond to make this move. I don't expect conventional war but if your government has plans for some, we will not be shy or polite. So better Modi avoids and if China has invaded India, better Modi immediately report this to UN and with very good evidence so UN believes him. I think he doesn't have any because really either nothing happened or India was the one who attacked.

3. We value our trade of course since we do have trade surplus. Big reason why I do not believe CCP will be stupid and be the one attacking India for nothing. What do we have to gain? Some shit rocks and lose lives both sides? And then make our relationship worse? You guys already hate us and at every opportunity your online trolls attack us all over the fucking internet. China does not attack India all over the internet, even less than UK and Russia attack you guys. Please remember this, we don't care until you get our attention and Chinese people can be as angry and stupid as your worst too. So these animals unleashed will also be very unkind. Already these years we have started to notice these Indian trolls and more Chinese will be very anti-India to even things up. It will not be so nice for either of us to be honest but it is how it will be.

4. We do now. Please read what Indians say about Chinese. Even here they call us gooks and chinkis. Okay we are not blind to your hate and I hope more and more of us realize your hate and return your hate 100x. I pray we even the score with you and more Chinese become enemies of India. So far trust me when I say 90% of China has ignored India and carried no anger or even awareness of all this. Slowly we are starting to wake up. And hopefully you are the first enemy we destroy because you have already made us your enemy, why should we not find trouble. If a man talks behind my back everyday and I continue to not act against him, I have everything to lose and nothing to gain, but if I at least return his favor, then at least we are even.
Like most Chines weapons they would fail in operational environment.
They have Brahmos both Land and Air Launched

LOL Everyone knows how disgusting Majority Hindu Population think of China. Social Media is the proof. Go check your media and accounts of twitter and facebook. That Bitch Palki Sharma of WION regularly barks against China

Good I hope PLA gets some experience. They have Brahmos, we have some toys to hurt them too.

Absolutely. These guys have no face or shame. One side carry himself like angel and other side like this silent poison idiot. Most Indians online are silent poison trolls. Everywhere talking us down and smearing us and making lies and pointing to our faults like yes sure we are not perfect and do not have perfect country or government but it's our's and we don't say or do shit to your's. Leave us alone but keep poking, then we will poke back and when we do, don't pretend as angel. We will fight you even if you are superior force like we fought USA and entire UN alliance in Korea even though we truly were poor and had bad weapons then. Now these silent poison like Indian fuckers think they are mighty USA and China is Goa. Then when the bullets start flying, these silent poison type will be silent and very dead. Their loud and dirty mouths sealed shut for eternity. The surviving ones will live pathetic lives in shithole country crying gook this chinki that. You can see this anger in the video with unprofessional zoo animal army. Only one decent man asking his colleagues to stop and shielded the Chinese guy. Good on him. Since it is India attacking China, Chinese side had reason to use some force and professionally dealing with Indian soldiers without acting like animals to continue beating already defeated men.

Indian online trolls and community also made our problems worse. This is purely from one side since years. Today most Chinese online in english will be a little more sensible and talk without so much hate but soon hopefully we change this and address hate the same way. I just hope and pray CCP has some leaders with strong spirit and courage. If USA joins, we will fight. These Indians probably have the support of USA seeing Trump's tweet.
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