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Chinese Metro Transport News & Updates

Beautiful designs grace Chengdu metro stations
chinadaily.com | 2017-11-25 06:38

Metro stations are a window through which you get a glimpse of a city. A recently unveiled metro line in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, which features exquisite murals and designs themed on traditional culture, local tastes and even dinosaurs, provide a visual feast to people interested in the city's past and present.

A ceiling in the Simaqiao Station on Line 7 is decorated with paintings of ancient carriage and horse rider, with patterns of auspicious cloud surrounding them. [Photo/VCG]
On the ceiling of the Jinsha Museum Station is seen the mythical "sun bird" worshipping the sun. [Photo/IC]
Paintings about food are seen on a wall in Yipintianxia Station, which sits near a famous local food street. [Photo/VCG]
Pillars modeled on geological structures are seen in the station of Chengdu University of Technology. [Photo/VCG]
A mural in the Jinsha Museum Station portrays ancient people's daily work. [Photo/IC]
A mural of an ancient royal garden is seen on a wall in the Simaqiao Station. [Photo/IC]
Beautiful designs grace Chengdu metro stations
chinadaily.com | 2017-11-25 06:38

Metro stations are a window through which you get a glimpse of a city. A recently unveiled metro line in Chengdu, capital of Southwest China's Sichuan province, which features exquisite murals and designs themed on traditional culture, local tastes and even dinosaurs, provide a visual feast to people interested in the city's past and present.

A ceiling in the Simaqiao Station on Line 7 is decorated with paintings of ancient carriage and horse rider, with patterns of auspicious cloud surrounding them. [Photo/VCG]
On the ceiling of the Jinsha Museum Station is seen the mythical "sun bird" worshipping the sun. [Photo/IC]
Paintings about food are seen on a wall in Yipintianxia Station, which sits near a famous local food street. [Photo/VCG]
Pillars modeled on geological structures are seen in the station of Chengdu University of Technology. [Photo/VCG]
A mural in the Jinsha Museum Station portrays ancient people's daily work. [Photo/IC]
A mural of an ancient royal garden is seen on a wall in the Simaqiao Station. [Photo/IC]
Very charming....
Every Chinese metro system has its own unique artistic style.
Self-driving buses begin trial operation in Shenzhen
Source: Xinhua| 2017-12-02 13:37:32|Editor: Mengjie

SHENZHEN, Dec. 2 (Xinhua) -- Four self-driving buses began trial operations Saturday in south China's Shenzhen, a city known for its high concentration of hi-tech companies.

The smart buses, which are smaller than an ordinary bus, began running on a 1.2-kilometer route with three stops in the bonded zone of Futian.

The buses have a designed speed of 10 to 30 kph.X Equipped with lidar censors, cameras, and GPS antenna, the buses can avoid hitting pedestrians, vehicles and barriers, safely change lanes and stop at designated sites.

The buses will have a driver who can manually brake or change the vehicle from self-driving to manual mode in case of emergency.

The project was jointly developed by the National Intelligent Transport Systems Center of Engineering and Technology and Shenzhen Bus Group.

38km-long circular subway line 7 opens in Chengdu today
with the opening of new Xi'an-Chengdu High-speed Railway

This subway connects all three major railway stations including 2 HSR stations.
one of the stations passengers could transfer to airport subway line 10
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@TaiShang @Cybernetics @samsara @powastick @anant_s @Bussard Ramjet @terranMarine @Martian2 et al
First day Subway Line 7 in Chengdu

First day Subway Line 7 in Chengdu

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After the opening of line 7, daily ridership of Chengdu Metro surpasses 3 million.
This is the 7th city in China reaching 3 million threshold after Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Wuhan and Nanjing.

四川在线消息(记者 王眉灵)12月8日,地铁7号线开通后的第三日,成都地铁线网单日客运量首次突破300万大关,达307.65万乘次,成为继北京、上海、广州、深圳、武汉、南京以后,国内第7个实现单日客运量突破300万乘次的轨道交通城市,当日线网日均客运量居全国第六位。这是12月9日记者从成都轨道交通集团获悉的。

Nearly 20 subways open in December across China
WUHAN SUBWAY Line 8 to open in 2 weeks!

The 3rd subway to cross Yangtze River in Central China

@powastick @Godman @Kaptaan @GS Zhou @TaiShang @Martian2 @Bussard Ramjet @anant_s @Echo_419 @Jlaw @terranMarine @samsara @Dungeness et al


10+subways open in December across China
WUHAN SUBWAY Line 8 to open in 2 weeks!

The 3rd subway to cross Yangtze River in Central China

@powastick @Godman @Kaptaan @GS Zhou @TaiShang @Martian2 @Bussard Ramjet @anant_s @Echo_419 @Jlaw @terranMarine @samsara @Dungeness et al


Metro open in December 2017
Beijing: Yanfang Line, Xijiao Line, S1
Chongqing: Line 5, Line 10
Chengdu: Line 7
Hefei: Line 2
Qingdao: Line 2
Nanjing: Ninghe Line
Wuhan: Line 8, Line21
Guiyang: Line 1 (first subway)
Xiamen: Line 1 (first subway)
Guangzhou: Line 4, Line 9, Line 13, Zhishicheng Line
Nanning: Line 2

@cirr @JSCh Any other one?

By Oct 2017
Shanghai 617km
Beijing 609km
Guangzhou 308km
Shenzhen 285km
Hong Kong 264km
Nanjing 258km
Chongqing 213km
Wuhan 181km
Dalian 170km
Tianjin 166km
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Nearly 20 subways open in December across China
WUHAN SUBWAY Line 8 to open in 2 weeks!

The 3rd subway to cross Yangtze River in Central China
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@powastick @Godman @Kaptaan @GS Zhou @TaiShang @Martian2 @Bussard Ramjet @anant_s @Echo_419 @Jlaw @terranMarine @samsara @Dungeness et al


Metro open in December 2017
Beijing: Yanfang Line, Xijiao Line, S1
Chongqing: Line 5, Line 10
Chengdu: Line 7
Hefei: Line 2
Qingdao: Line 2
Nanjing: Ninghe Line
Wuhan: Line 8, Line21
Guiyang: Line 1 (first subway)
Xiamen: Line 1 (first subway)
Guangzhou: Line 4, Line 9, Line 13, Zhishicheng Line
Nanning: Line 2

@cirr @JSCh Any other one?

By Oct 2017
Shanghai 617km
Beijing 609km
Guangzhou 308km
Shenzhen 285km
Hong Kong 264km
Nanjing 258km
Chongqing 213km
Wuhan 181km
Dalian 170km
Tianjin 166km

I want Shanghai Metro Line 14 open TODAY!:hitwall::devil:o_O
I want Shanghai Metro Line 14 open TODAY!:hitwall::devil:o_O
Guizhou will be the last provincial capital city
in Southwest China to open a subway

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When will Line 14 open?

When I was in Qingdao this summer, they were also racing to complete the Jimo-Qingdao metro line. People then told me the line was going to open by next spring.

I think it will be great for local and many others, especially given that a new monster campus by Shandong University has been built (and expanding) in Jimo.
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