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Chinese members, don't waste your time with Indian trolls

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Sep 24, 2010
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please don't respond to their stupid posts/comments on Liu xiaobo.

Please just ask yourself a very very very simple question: do you want your kids to grow up in China or in democratic India? if the answer is not india, then why bother to respond their trolls?

they are democratic losers, the recent ongoing CWG is the best example, they have 1 billion people yet they even couldn't host a few swimming games. do you want your life and your family's life to be like that? I don't.

dear Chinese members: our nation is still not perfect, our economy still has a long long way to go to catch up with the developed world. however, everyone on earth agrees we are 10 folds better than indians. we don't discriminate half billion women in our country, like what indians are doing to their mothers and sisters, we don't keep lying about democracy, we don't have shitty 60 years life expectancy.

then why waste your time on indian trolls?
I second that -- some of these Indians, not all, but a large number of them, have just one purpose on this forum --- and it's too bad our mods are too busy with other things when they should be cleaning these "weeds" from our garden.
My view of this thread:


A thread facepalm:

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The future of this thread:


Let there be India bashing--------courtesy Abir
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Everyone has their opinion. If you have problem with their opinion you can reply or ignore it. You don't have to start a thread to bash India. This is shameful. I don't want to get down to your level to refute your allegation about Indians. But how many women leaders do you have in your country. Think before you type something stupid.
Okie Dokie :pop:
we don't discriminate half billion women in our country, like what indians are doing to their mothers and sisters, we don't keep lying about democracy, we don't have shitty 60 years life expectancy.
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