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Chinese media threatens Vietnam

Indonesia should supporting Vietnam in this issue, this will become an example for Indonesia if China doesn't recognize EEZ and UNCLOS we got Natuna problems with them.
Yes, you are welcome to support our stance that will help yours.

by the way, you can monitor and learn from Vietnam how we deal with China.
Indonesia should supporting Vietnam in this issue, this will become an example for Indonesia if China doesn't recognize EEZ and UNCLOS we got Natuna problems with them.
The area we drill is closer to a territory we currently controlled called Paracel. Look it up. The Vietnamese claimed that it violated their EEZ which is bullshit because at best, their argument is overlapping. In that case, from a moral standpoint, sharing seem fair unless they are willing to invade and take Paracel from us and can impose their exclusive EEZ. Otherwise from an international perspective, nobody cares because we drill close to the area we control.
Vietnam nationalists have invaded and conquered China&Far East sub section now. I can see their garbage posts all day long, what's wrong this these *** hats? Get something to do.
Tmrr is the day we celebrate the Great victory of Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Base on this news : All troops r ready for War if China oil rig doesnt withdraw after few days.:coffee:
VÂNG TẤT CẢ ĐÃ SẴN SÀNG (update tới 16h ngày 6-5)
- Hơn 30 tàu Hải Quân của vùng 1 và vùng 3 được lệnh điều động.
- Các sân bay đặt vào tình trạng sẵn sàng 24/24, tinh thần "lệnh là lên"
- Trực thăng Mi-171 và Ka săn ngầm của VN đang ở trên không, còn đi đâu làm gì thì "không biết" :))
-Báo TQ đưa tin Việt Nam liên tục quấy rối giàn khoan HD-981 và đội tàu bảo vệ.
- Các tàu của hải quân như Lý Thái Tổ, Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Kilo,.... vẫn chưa xuất trận, nhường cho CSB và Kiểm ngư đi chơi trước
- Hôm nay, CSB 8001 - tàu CSB lớn nhất sẽ nhổ neo
-Một nguồn tin khác cho biết, 15h chiều hôm qua, tàu ngầm đã đuợc lệnh xuất phát từ cảng Cam Ranh. Lính tàu ngầm đang họp ở khu quân sự Bình Định, thẳng tiến đi Lý Sơn. Các tàu chiến Mỹ đang tham cuộc diễn tập quân sự thường niên mang tên Balikatan tại nhiều khu vực ở Philippines, cũng đã có mặt để...quan sát. Dự đoán, sau ngày mai 7.5, nếu nỗ lực ngoại giao, đẩy đuổi không hiệu quả tình hình còn căng hơn. Sẽ có một Điện Biên Phủ khác!? (Tớ ko xác thực gì về tin này nhá)
-Các đơn vị Không Quân của chúng ta đã vào trạng thái SSCĐ duy trì độ cao tại vị trí tập kết.
- Tuần tiễn theo kế hoach phòng thủ và tấn công.
- Ra đa hoạt động dò quét liên tục.
- Mọi mục tiêu đã được khóa.
- Các đơn vị đã nhận mục tiêu tấn công.
- Phát hiện các mục tiêu ngầm thì tìm mọi cách tiêu diệt.
- Va chạm đã làm 2con tàu csb bị hỏng đang tự đi về bờ
- Hiện tại ngoài lực lượng Hải Quân, Cảnh Sát Biển , Biên Phòng và Kiểm Ngư ra thì chúng ta đã triển khai các máy bay săn ngầm vào khu vực phòng thủ. Các đơn vị đặc công được đưa đến, để hiệp đồng tác chiến
- Ngoài lực lượng Hải Quân ra thì các đơn vị Không Quân và Tên Lửa bờ biển sãn sàng cơ động hiệp đồng chiến đấu với các đồng chí đơn vị Hải quân.
Tất cả đã sẵn sàng - Không bao giờ để bị bất ngờ!!!!! | Diễn đàn chứng khoán F319.com
All troops r Ready ( updated until 16:00 (VN time) , 6th May )
- More than 30 Navy ships in the region 1 and region 3 r order to mobilize .
- All Airports put on ready status 24/24 hours
- Mi - 171 helicopter and the Ka hunting ground of VN is in the air , and go to " unknow zone"
- China Newspapers reported that - Vietnam continuous harassment HD - 981 drilling rigs and protect vessels .
- The Navy ships as Ly Thai To , Dinh Tien Hoang , Kilo , .... havent entered the conflict zone yet, Marine Police and fishery vessel intercept the conflict first
- Today , CSB 8001 vessel- the largest Marine Police ship will sail

- Another source said , at 15:00 yesterday afternoon , the submarine was ordered derives from Cam Ranh Bay . Soldiers submarines in the military are meeting Binh Dinh , Ly Son go straight . U.S. warships are taking the annual military exercises called Balikatan in many areas in the Philippines , also come to ... observe . Seem like, after tomorrow (7th May) , if diplomatic efforts doesnt workr . There will be a different battle of Dien Bien Phu in SCS(east sea) ! ? ( I not sure abt it )

- The Air Force unit maintain the status "ReADY TO FIGHT" state .

- Weekly Practice base on 'defense and attack plan'
- Radar continuous scanning all operations .
- All objectives r locked .
- The unit has received a target and ready to fire.
- If Detect any underground target , then can fire to destroy freely.
- After some collisions 2 Marine police vessels were damaged and have to sail back to repare
- Current external forces Navy , Coast Guard , Border Patrol and the fishery control , we have implemented the hunting ground plane in defense areas . The sapper unit also ready to engage the combat
- Addition Naval forces of the Air Force units and coastal missile force also ready :coffee:.
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that is international name.

you call it "south sea", while we call it "east sea". don´t bullshit.
International name is more meaningful than local name. This means the international communities recognized the ocean is very important to us.
Tmrr is the day we celebrate the Great victory of Battle of Dien Bien Phu. Base on this news : All troops r ready for War if China oil rig doesnt withdraw after few days.:coffee:

All troops r Ready ( updated until 16:00 (VN time) , 6th May )
- More than 30 Navy ships in the region 1 and region 3 r order to mobilize .
- All Airports put on ready status 24/24 hours
- Mi - 171 helicopter and the Ka hunting ground of VN is in the air , and go to " unknow zone"
- China Newspapers reported that - Vietnam continuous harassment HD - 981 drilling rigs and protect vessels .
- The Navy ships as Ly Thai To , Dinh Tien Hoang , Kilo , .... havent entered the conflict zone yet, Marine Police and fishery vessel intercept the conflict first
- Today , CSB 8001 vessel- the largest Marine Police ship will sail

- Another source said , at 15:00 yesterday afternoon , the submarine was ordered derives from Cam Ranh Bay . Soldiers submarines in the military are meeting Binh Dinh , Ly Son go straight . U.S. warships are taking the annual military exercises called Balikatan in many areas in the Philippines , also come to ... observe . Seem like, after tomorrow (7th May) , if diplomatic efforts doesnt workr . There will be a different battle of Dien Bien Phu in SCS(east sea) ! ? ( I not sure abt it )

- The Air Force unit maintain the status "ReADY TO FIGHT" state .

- Weekly Practice base on 'defense and attack plan'
- Radar continuous scanning all operations .
- All objectives r locked .
- The unit has received a target and ready to fire.
- If Detect any underground target , then can fire to destroy freely.
- After some collisions 2 Marine police vessels were damage and have to sail back to repare
- Current external forces Navy , Coast Guard , Border Patrol and the fishery control , we have implemented the hunting ground plane in defense areas . The sapper unit also ready to combat
- Addition Naval forces of the Air Force units and coastal missile force also ready :coffee:.

I don't read Viet language, so ugly looking. I am not interested in Viet Nam affairs, you quote the wrong person. In my eyes, all these are bullshit, I don't even want to know you.
I don't read Viet language, so ugly looking. I am not interested in Viet Nam affairs, you quote the wrong person. In my eyes, all these are bullshit, I don't even want to know you.
Sorry to disturb you , I forgot that Chinese now is so worry abt terrorist attack in their country , they have No time to care abt the issue in SCS(east sea) :P
The area we drill is closer to a territory we currently controlled called Paracel. Look it up. The Vietnamese claimed that it violated their EEZ which is bullshit because at best, their argument is overlapping. In that case, from a moral standpoint, sharing seem fair unless they are willing to invade and take Paracel from us and can impose their exclusive EEZ. Otherwise from an international perspective, nobody cares because we drill close to the area we control.

There's no EEZ for Paracels ... and Paracels is not yours.
Lucky for us that, not accidentally, Korean, Japanese, and US joint with Vietnam in Coast Guards strenghthen ...

Coincidentally, during militaria parade for celebrating the victory in Dien Bien Phu, this year ... there're no AK47 to use, all US M-18, and carbine M-1






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Let not bring up the 9-dots line alright? Your ships and all international ships move freely within the 9-dash line. We simply craft the 9-dash line for maritime flexibility.

So you think you can push us out of Paracel and Spratly? Everyone in the region have a dispute in those island chain, especially Spratly. You are miles away but yet own the most rock there. LOL. You don't own the whole island chain. In fact, those with the biggest guns own the biggest island. It is so happen we got the biggest gun. I'm sorry but I have to tell the truth. You want to push us out, you going to need a bigger gun than we have.
But PRC Government and your people seem like have different thought about that "maritime flexibility".
And you keep bla bla ... about Big gun game, so with you, big gun is matter, other is sh*t.
The area we drill is closer to a territory we currently controlled called Paracel. Look it up. The Vietnamese claimed that it violated their EEZ which is bullshit because at best, their argument is overlapping. In that case, from a moral standpoint, sharing seem fair unless they are willing to invade and take Paracel from us and can impose their exclusive EEZ. Otherwise from an international perspective, nobody cares because we drill close to the area we control.
Your bullsg*t propaganda fail again!

You said nine-dash-line for "maritime flexibility". But in other hand, you said can do everything you want because you control Paracel, and any water areas surround seem like considered PRC territorial water or their EEZ.

You bla bla bla about big gun game is the matter, now you bla bla with Indonesian member about logic to claim territorial water and EEZ.

Look like Chinese show their true face, they take Paracel, they take Spratly, so they can said those Islands are belong them, the Islands have EEZ, so they have right with 200nm surround Islands, and final, they'll claim 80-90% SCS belong to them, under their control.
After this, I guess USA would transfer some coastguard ships big enough ...
Japanese same

Thanks Korean friends to give us 3 of big ships ... now ready for service ..

Renewal ships originated from Korea Coast Guard



I don't read Viet language, so ugly looking. I am not interested in Viet Nam affairs, you quote the wrong person. In my eyes, all these are bullshit, I don't even want to know you.
Vietnamese is like French because the French gave Vietnamese their language. Except French doens't sound like chicken noise.
Vietnamese is like French because the French gave Vietnamese their language. Except French doens't sound like chicken noise.

wow, the colonization is real. :D Language is the soul of a culture, now they lost it.
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