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Chinese media threatens Vietnam

You are wrong in one thing in your previous post. The reason for the invasion of China was to enslave chinese not kill your people. They killed those when Japanese thought they were enemies or refused accepting Japan as the new Master. Because having chinese as slaves was for japanese facists like taking drugs.

No you are wrong in other part. Japan has changed a lot. To a good country.

They will never change, and the level of their paranoia is simply beyond your imagination.

The best solution is to beat them into submission, just look what the US has done in Hiroshima and Yagasaki, and now most Japanese love the US and worship it as the God.

Maybe China shall seize the perfect opportunity when Japan is starting to plan for a new provocation.

The US has perfectly seized the opportunity from the Pearl Harbor attack, and China should also look for one.
They will never change, and the level of their paranoia is simply beyond your imagination.

The best solution is to beat them into submission, just look what the US has done in Hiroshima and Yagasaki, and now most Japanese love the US and worship it as the God.

Maybe China shall seize the perfect opportunity when Japan is starting to plan for a new provocation.

The US has perfectly seized the opportunity from the Pearl Harbor attack, and China should also look for one.
listen to Nihonjin. You are too exited now.
If you don't want to listen to him then listen to me. First, the balance of power has changed between China and Japan. You have the upper hand. Second, time has changed. paranoid Japanese exist but they are in the minority. Their number isn't higher than Chinese who believe to the fairytale they were the first who discovered the South China Sea.

What I want to say is. So even there are paranoid Khmer who dream can beat Vietnam in war, we just laugh. Because every time they tried we hit them to the ground taking their money, land and properties as compensation.
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Come on tiger, we both know you chinese people have deep love for Japan. In ancient time, japanese pirates came looting chinese coastal cities destroying your people' livelyhood. What did you do when you captured the pirates? You told them "please don't do it again!" and released them. Same happened after Japan surrender in the WW 2. You re-educated the japanese war criminals and freed them. Only few were executed.

To believe you are ready to destroy Japan takes me a lot of imagination. That must be things, worse than what happened to you during Japan invasion of China.

I wish you chinese people have similar or at least a little bit good feeling toward Vietnam and our people. Because in contrast to Japan, you show little mercy, even at little thing we do. Your hatred toward Vietnam is bottomless.

Thank you so much for the first thing, you are also awared that we are kind to them before.
There has more factors caused us to do like that, we do not say Ming, QIng dynasty, we just the WW2, so many CHinese people was killed, why we do not kill them like them did to Chinese, as that is a justice war, Japanese was devil, but we can not be same like that, that means we are kind, then end of the war, against the criminals, all chinese people wish they need to be executed, you never understand our difficult condition against these criminals, do you know that moment all controled by USA, Russia etc countries?? that moment China was weak and poor, we have no power to be strong on the law in the word, nobody really think about you! You did not found that moment how hard and suffering of Chinese people.

To vietnamese, I think just because that war, we hate each other, Frankly to that war, we all say they are correct, but the hatred keep going on, what's going on please? we are neighbour.. how many years we are being the neighbours, Ho Chi Minh fight with us together against Japanese. how much we support you when Franch and USA war in your country?? How much we also support in WW2??

just because that war you hate us and said Japanese is kind to you?? do not give you one candy, then you are happy to forgot everything.

You have many people died in the war with us, do you know how many people died chinese too? In China we never talk about the war with you and India, why?? because we do not think that war is worth to mention, as also it is correct by our goverment, but it is hurt the heart between you and me. but it is already happened, we stop talking about it.

The Japanese is different, we never forgot it, just because they do not say the history is true, so many people keilled by them, they said they didnot do it, why we hate them this is basic factors, if they are same as Germany ex-president, we will say ok, we forgive you.

Right wing ? No one thinks like that in Japan. Come on Tiger, be realistic here.
of course, just like you never recogonize the history too. so who will think you what you said is respected??

Well i think we have to also identify the Confucian nature of Chinese people. I admit they are , in general, very kind and open minded people. They never were war like, in fact it is not in the inherent Chinese instinct and trait to be aggressive. They are reactive, not proactive.

As for Chinese re-education of Japanese war criminals, we are thankful for that. And for Chinese parents who adopted and fostered Japanese children left in China , we are also thankful for that.


Chen Qinghe, a 73-year-old Japanese man abandoned by his parents during the hasty retreat at the end of World War II, kneels and weeps at the grave of his adoptive Chinese parents in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang province, on Aug 11. Wang Kai / Xinhua


Sumie Ikeda sheds tears as she leads a group of Japanese citizens on a visit to the graves of their adoptive Chinese parents in Fangzheng, Heilongjiang province, in July. Wang Kai / Xinhua

That is very insulting and degrading, dude. "Japanese can smile in front of you and he will backstab you in the back" That is not only false, but an attack on our character ; all 130 million of us.

Please, dude, we are not living some a thousand years ago where conquering lands was necessary. We live in modern times now. Think in present day context.

We never doubt Japan has the kind people, but 1% also means it has, but 1% against 99%?? so it means nothing, basicly chinese just want you recognize the history, recognize what you did in China, but to you?? your education in shcool?? what your goverment told you?? what the teacher teach you???

If I go to you home, killed all you family, then I told you neighbour that is impossible, his family only have 1 people, not 3 people!!
then what do you think???

Other crazy things, I do not want to say again, we never mind to be Japan's enermy! we will be a good ernermy!!
Thank you so much for the first thing, you are also awared that we are kind to them before.
There has more factors caused us to do like that, we do not say Ming, QIng dynasty, we just the WW2, so many CHinese people was killed, why we do not kill them like them did to Chinese, as that is a justice war, Japanese was devil, but we can not be same like that, that means we are kind, then end of the war, against the criminals, all chinese people wish they need to be executed, you never understand our difficult condition against these criminals, do you know that moment all controled by USA, Russia etc countries?? that moment China was weak and poor, we have no power to be strong on the law in the word, nobody really think about you! You did not found that moment how hard and suffering of Chinese people.

To vietnamese, I think just because that war, we hate each other, Frankly to that war, we all say they are correct, but the hatred keep going on, what's going on please? we are neighbour.. how many years we are being the neighbours, Ho Chi Minh fight with us together against Japanese. how much we support you when Franch and USA war in your country?? How much we also support in WW2??

just because that war you hate us and said Japanese is kind to you?? do not give you one candy, then you are happy to forgot everything.

You have many people died in the war with us, do you know how many people died chinese too? In China we never talk about the war with you and India, why?? because we do not think that war is worth to mention, as also it is correct by our goverment, but it is hurt the heart between you and me. but it is already happened, we stop talking about it.

The Japanese is different, we never forgot it, just because they do not say the history is true, so many people keilled by them, they said they didnot do it, why we hate them this is basic factors, if they are same as Germany ex-president, we will say ok, we forgive you.

of course, just like you never recogonize the history too. so who will think you what you said is respected??

We never doubt Japan has the kind people, but 1% also means it has, but 1% against 99%?? so it means nothing, basicly chinese just want you recognize the history, recognize what you did in China, but to you?? your education in shcool?? what your goverment told you?? what the teacher teach you???

If I go to you home, killed all you family, then I told you neighbour that is impossible, his family only have 1 people, not 3 people!!
then what do you think???

Other crazy things, I do not want to say again, we never mind to be Japan's enermy! we will be a good ernermy!!
Come on Man!

Why do you dig the grave of such a old thread ??

Thank you so much for the first thing, you are also awared that we are kind to them before.
There has more factors caused us to do like that, we do not say Ming, QIng dynasty, we just the WW2, so many CHinese people was killed, why we do not kill them like them did to Chinese, as that is a justice war, Japanese was devil, but we can not be same like that, that means we are kind, then end of the war, against the criminals, all chinese people wish they need to be executed, you never understand our difficult condition against these criminals, do you know that moment all controled by USA, Russia etc countries?? that moment China was weak and poor, we have no power to be strong on the law in the word, nobody really think about you! You did not found that moment how hard and suffering of Chinese people.

To vietnamese, I think just because that war, we hate each other, Frankly to that war, we all say they are correct, but the hatred keep going on, what's going on please? we are neighbour.. how many years we are being the neighbours, Ho Chi Minh fight with us together against Japanese. how much we support you when Franch and USA war in your country?? How much we also support in WW2??

just because that war you hate us and said Japanese is kind to you?? do not give you one candy, then you are happy to forgot everything.

You have many people died in the war with us, do you know how many people died chinese too? In China we never talk about the war with you and India, why?? because we do not think that war is worth to mention, as also it is correct by our goverment, but it is hurt the heart between you and me. but it is already happened, we stop talking about it.

The Japanese is different, we never forgot it, just because they do not say the history is true, so many people keilled by them, they said they didnot do it, why we hate them this is basic factors, if they are same as Germany ex-president, we will say ok, we forgive you.

of course, just like you never recogonize the history too. so who will think you what you said is respected??

We never doubt Japan has the kind people, but 1% also means it has, but 1% against 99%?? so it means nothing, basicly chinese just want you recognize the history, recognize what you did in China, but to you?? your education in shcool?? what your goverment told you?? what the teacher teach you???

If I go to you home, killed all you family, then I told you neighbour that is impossible, his family only have 1 people, not 3 people!!
then what do you think???

Other crazy things, I do not want to say again, we never mind to be Japan's enermy! we will be a good ernermy!!

Yep, they are animals, while we are humans, so we cannot act like them.
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