Just like many US generals are trying to inflating China threat to balloon Pentagon budget, this Chinese ex-military person is just trying to warn the Chinese public not to be complacent about India threat. It's eye-catching for the TV channel.
The fact is, large percentage of the Chinese population don't see India as a major threat, only occasionally a trouble maker on border issues. India is simply not on their radar because India is so far behind China economically based on GDP per capita figures. (In 2021, world bank figure: China 12,556.33 USD vs India 2,256.59 USD, China's figure is more than 5.5 times the figure of India)
The guy is just trying to make a little wake up call, basically saying: hey, look out the poor bloke down under, he's got some fancy new moves... LOL
It's hysterical that Indian netizens are so obsessed with China and when they finally find something on the internet channel which gives them some tiny satisfaction of perceived "advantage", they cheer and rejoice like there is no tomorrow. Surely the time is much more worthwhile spent on fixing their roadside public toilets and help their countrymen reduce illiteracy. No?