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Chinese Markets Reopen — And They Still Sell Bats, Dogs And Cats: DAILY CALLER

Eating bats is not a Chinese thing. Can someone come up with a video where they are actually eating bats IN CHINA? Eating bats is something you'd find in Indonesia, not in China. I also found videos of people eating bats in India despite the Indians who rush in here to label Chinese as bat eaters. It's a fucking lie created by the US media to further racialize this disease. Chinese do not eat bats, period. I have never shied away with criticizing parts of China that need to be criticized but I have never heard or seen of Chinese eating bats in my life. I've even found articles of places in the US South where restaurants are serving up bats along with other roadkill.
The ONLY video they have is that dumb girl introduce Bat Soup in PALAU.
China Haters also keep harping UNSANITARY conditions in wet market with a video taken in Indonesia.

Singapore have controlled the slaughter of live stock since the last Nipah Virus outbreak in 1999.
So very clean and sanitary here.
The ONLY video they have is that dumb girl introduce bat soup in PALAU.
China Haters also keep harping UNSANITARY conditions in wet market with a video taken in Indonesia.

Singapore have controlled the slaughter of live stock since the last Nipah Virus outbreak in 1999.
So very clean and sanitary here.

If I was a multi-millionaire, I would move to Singapore right away. The US is quickly collapsing and the president is making sure that Asian Americans, who have long contributed to this country disproportionately to our population, will be targeted with violence by the hordes of angry Americans who have been trained for years to hate China.
If I was a multi-millionaire, I would move to Singapore right away. The US is quickly collapsing and the president is making sure that Asian Americans, who have long contributed to this country disproportionately to our population, will be targeted with violence by the hordes of angry Americans who have been trained for years to hate China.
Singapore is too small.
My children prefer relaxed living and spacious WHITE STOLEN LAND in Australia.

Yes the Chinese contributed much to America without proper ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
Or acknowledgement a century later.

The Forgotten History of the Chinese Who Helped Build America’s Railroads
May 10, 2019
As many as several hundred Railroad Chinese may have perished on the job between 1864 and 1869, leaving bereft survivors and family members to repatriate the remains.

The Chinese Birdman Who Got US Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying
Sep 24, 2015
It isn't well known outside aviation circles that the first engineer at U.S. aircraft maker Boeing almost a century ago was a man from China, Wong Tsu.
Mr. Wong’s(Wang Tsu) hiring by Boeing produced almost immediate results.

Chien-Shiung Wu Biography
Scientist, Physicist (1912–1997)
Jul 29, 2019
In 1944, she joined the Manhattan Project at Columbia University where
she helped answer a problem that physicist Enrico Fermi(Nobel Prize) couldn't ascertain.
Singapore is too small.
My children prefer relaxed living and spacious WHITE STOLEN LAND in Australia.

Yes the Chinese contributed much to America without proper ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
Or acknowledgement a century later.

The Forgotten History of the Chinese Who Helped Build America’s Railroads
May 10, 2019
As many as several hundred Railroad Chinese may have perished on the job between 1864 and 1869, leaving bereft survivors and family members to repatriate the remains.

The Chinese Birdman Who Got US Aircraft Giant Boeing Flying
Sep 24, 2015
It isn't well known outside aviation circles that the first engineer at U.S. aircraft maker Boeing almost a century ago was a man from China, Wong Tsu.
Mr. Wong’s(Wang Tsu) hiring by Boeing produced almost immediate results.

Chien-Shiung Wu Biography
Scientist, Physicist (1912–1997)
Jul 29, 2019
In 1944, she joined the Manhattan Project at Columbia University where
she helped answer a problem that physicist Enrico Fermi(Nobel Prize) couldn't ascertain.

Not to mention that without East Asians, there is no way the US would still be at the forefront of technological advancement as a massive amount of the US scientific workforce.
The ONLY video they have is that dumb girl introduce Bat Soup in PALAU.
China Haters also keep harping UNSANITARY conditions in wet market with a video taken in Indonesia.

Singapore have controlled the slaughter of live stock since the last Nipah Virus outbreak in 1999.
So very clean and sanitary here.
FACTS: some Americans eat rattlesnakes, they have even of somekind of rattlesnakes festival
Snack on fried rattlesnake before taking a turn in the snake pit if you dare. Don't miss the festival's open-air flea market, or take the kids over to the carnival area where they can enjoy a wide variety of rides.

FACTS: some Americans eat squirrels
Urban Squirrel-Eating Is Big in the Windy City
For a subset of Chicago foodies—"with au courant appetites for sustainable, healthy, and locally sourced meats"—squirrel eating is making a comeback. Just call your dinner the "Chicken of the Trees."

FACTS: some Americans eat all kind of wild animals, the above are some examples only, google it please

FACTS: some Indians eat dogs and rats and even dead bodies and drink cow piss

SO please STOP throwing stone while you're within a glass house, its getting really annoying and pathetic at best period
FACTS: some Americans eat rattlesnakes, they have even of somekind of rattlesnakes festival
Snack on fried rattlesnake before taking a turn in the snake pit if you dare. Don't miss the festival's open-air flea market, or take the kids over to the carnival area where they can enjoy a wide variety of rides.

FACTS: some Americans eat squirrels
Urban Squirrel-Eating Is Big in the Windy City
For a subset of Chicago foodies—"with au courant appetites for sustainable, healthy, and locally sourced meats"—squirrel eating is making a comeback. Just call your dinner the "Chicken of the Trees."

FACTS: some Americans eat all kind of wild animals, the above are some examples only, google it please

FACTS: some Indians eat dogs and rats and even dead bodies and drink cow piss
View attachment 620203
SO please STOP throwing stone while you're within a glass house, its getting really annoying and pathetic at best period

Here is a restaurant in Florida that serves BBQ Bat.


Not to mention that rednecks eat all kinds of animals from opossums to beavers to coyotes to raccoons, etc.

I've found videos of Indians eating bats and rats. They need to shut up.
You are dense. Dogs, cats, aren’t to be eaten. They are close to humans.

Proves my point, you objection is from your personal sentiment. And you are imposing your sentiment upon everyone else.
What about Bird Flu?

Another good example.

The H5N1 strain of influenza – often referred to as bird flu – is first known to have jumped from chickens to humans in 1997.

But oftentimes, viruses travel through an intermediate host (aka a mixing vessel), such as a pig, precisely because pigs are genetically similar to humans.

Either way, no exotic animals needed. Just chickens and pigs.
Here is a restaurant in Florida that serves BBQ Bat.

Not to mention that rednecks eat all kinds of animals from opossums to beavers to coyotes to raccoons, etc.
I've found videos of Indians eating bats and rats. They need to shut up.
The US and their minions are all out to MALIGN and BLAME China.
We must not fall prey to their propaganda and evil schemes.
Every small fault the Chinese show will be used to DEMONIZE China.

Like how the feotus eating publicity stunt and bat soup in PALAU were continually used to denigrate and smear the Chinese.
Knowing how powerful the US media propaganda machinery is,
Chinese should do well to pay more attention with their words and deeds.

FAKE NEWS about Killing Whistleblower is a good example
The US and their minions are all out to MALIGN and BLAME China.
We must not fall prey to their propaganda and evil schemes.
Every small fault the Chinese show will be used to DEMONIZE China.

Like how the feotus eating publicity stunt and bat soup in PALAU were continually used to denigrate and smear the Chinese.
Knowing how powerful the US media propaganda machinery is,
Chinese should do well to pay more attention with their words and deeds.

FAKE NEWS about Killing Whistleblower is a good example

I wish I was living in Singapore right now.
Oh, i almost forgot to mention our so-called Vietnamese friends that are so nice to lecture us regarding our uncivilize "FOOD" issue
FACTS: some Vietnamese eat "dogs, cats, snakes, worms, bats, monkeys etc etc, the list is LONG"
check it out some of this in the link below

Aside from images of the Yulin festival, which is a region with heavy cultural ties to Vietnam, most of the images floating around of "Chinese" eating rats, mice, bats, dogs, cats, etc. are of Vietnamese or Indonesians.
Proves my point, you objection is from your personal sentiment. And you are imposing your sentiment upon everyone else.
Dog is very loyal to human. It can feel when you are sad it can feel when you happy. It protects your house, your children, your garden. The same can’t be said to pig. Pig feels nothing. Eating a dog is like eating our flesh. I had a dog. My best friend. Sadly I had to leave it behind when leaving Vietnam.
Dog is very loyal to human. It can feel when you are sad it can feel when you happy. It protects your house, your children, your garden. The same can’t be said to pig. Pig feels nothing. Eating a dog is like eating our flesh. I had a dog. My best friend. Sadly I had to leave it behind when leaving Vietnam.
Okay, after doing some research, chinese market still selling wild animals is FAKE NEWS. Most of the pictures were outdated, or taken somewhere else like in Indonesia, normally without background/individuals that will give away its location.

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