The ONLY video they have is that dumb girl introduce Bat Soup in PALAU.Eating bats is not a Chinese thing. Can someone come up with a video where they are actually eating bats IN CHINA? Eating bats is something you'd find in Indonesia, not in China. I also found videos of people eating bats in India despite the Indians who rush in here to label Chinese as bat eaters. It's a fucking lie created by the US media to further racialize this disease. Chinese do not eat bats, period. I have never shied away with criticizing parts of China that need to be criticized but I have never heard or seen of Chinese eating bats in my life. I've even found articles of places in the US South where restaurants are serving up bats along with other roadkill.
China Haters also keep harping UNSANITARY conditions in wet market with a video taken in Indonesia.
Singapore have controlled the slaughter of live stock since the last Nipah Virus outbreak in 1999.
So very clean and sanitary here.