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Chinese made A-5 training aircraft crashes in Bangladesh

This is what happens if one goes for cheap and low quality made in china stuff :rolleyes:


The A-5 is as old as Mig-21

Chinese are better than Russians. You can compare crash records of all their fighter jets.
The thing instead of taking cheap shots on China, you guys should be happy that the pilot is safe. This isn't right moment to troll.
I think no one trolling on Pilot's Safety except you @Areesh Sure all are happy that pilot is Safe. A Solider is a Solider . Respect Every Army's Men :cheers:

The A-5 is as old as Mig-21

Chinese are better than Russians. You can compare crash records of all their fighter jets.
Sir I agree A5 is old as Mig. But please dont compare Chinese with Russian. China wont publish the real DATA :) Do you know real Crash Record of Chinese ? If so sure its wrong ;)
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Nice one @Areesh
You attack us. We will attack you. USA
You attack us. We will destroy you. Israel
You attack us. We will not play Cricket with you. India
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Q-5 attack is a old aircraft made by Chinese, China had closed Q-5's production lines. PLAAF flying JH-7 to replace old Q-5 attack.

at least 16 planes and 3 helicopters of the Bangladesh Air Force and the Army Aviation Corps have so far crashed in the last 20 years.

20years, that crash numbers in Bangladesh is O.K ... i think it's far far lower than Mig-21, Mig-23, Mig-27, Mig-29, Su-30, Mirage-2000 crashed in India.
Q-5 of Bangladesh are 27 years old from 1986-now, good luch the polit safe
wrong..Bangladesh got A-5 around 1989-90..so,those aircrafts aren't so old..by the way,good news is that there is no loss of lives..why Bangladesh use a Ground attack jets as a advanced trainer???

Perhaps they were training for ground attack!
LMAO if A-5 aircraft is called as advanced which is about 30-35 years old i really under what they call F-7BG1, all crashed aircrafts are very old.

Don't worry, "advance training aircraft" doesn't mean the aircraft is advance, it means the training is in advance stage. Pilots first train in prop planes, then in advance stage of training they train in jet trainers, and finally fly the front line fighters. :)

20years, that crash numbers in Bangladesh is O.K ... i think it's far far lower than Mig-21, Mig-23, Mig-27, Mig-29, Su-30, Mirage-2000 crashed in India.

Only counting the number of crashes between two air forces won't give you any idea. You have to consider number of aircrafts each forces operate and total number of flight hours. (Total flight hours / number of crashes) = each crash for x number of flying hours. This calculation will give you correct result. However, it was a good attempt of trolling. :)
Don't worry, "advance training aircraft" doesn't mean the aircraft is advance, it means the training is in advance stage. Pilots first train in prop planes, then in advance stage of training they train in jet trainers, and finally fly the front line fighters. :)

and most wrong info is that it is ground attack aircraft not trainer, BD uses L-39 for advance training.
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