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Chinese liquor company gets licence in Pakistan

I have been to Malaysia twice. Beautiful country and they have the right balance between culture and tourism. Everyone has the space to have fun and its makes people respect their customs even more. I remember being in Penang in a korean bar playing electronic darts with a cocktail and there were people outside going to the mosque. It was so nice to see, lots of tourists everywhere, just a big win win for all.
Its haram for the muslims.... not for non muslims living in the islamic republic.
Doesn’t mean that we have to support that. But who am I to criticize? Mods are in the secular camp and soon @Irfan Baloch will arrive and say that alcohol is not a problem because rape or murder or something like that.

Minorities could respect the general sentiment in the population, right? Lemmie guess only Muslims in the West are obliged to do so!

Riasat e madina mey ye bhi hota hay? By the way many will be happy to get some variety, murree se tang agaye honge.
Mureee distillery make some of the best whiskey in the world .
Before you say Scottish, Irish, American etc I said some of the best. It was all set up to the tunes of the Scottish when the UK ruled over the subcontinent
Now make a resort on the coast and I'll see you all there. So tired of giving my money away on holiday, I would rather give it to my own.

Will never happen.
Even though Pakistan has an amazing, crazy potential in the sector of beach resorts and coastal tourism (which can go on for all of the year too unlike in parts of west), it will never happen because people won't accept such a thing because its an 'Islamic Republic'.
Lol, Pakistan consolidates as Islamic Republic or it doesn't survive. The only reason for Pashtuns and Punjabis to live cut-off from their co-ethnics in Afghanistan and India is Islam. Without Islam as the basis of Pakistani nationhood, why thy f*ck would anybody want Pakistan?

You obviously dont understand local Pakistani dynamics (btw that Chinese company will still not be allowed to sell alcohol in wider Pakistani market. Just "allowed" niches)

The first step towards Republic of Pakistan would be undoing Zia era and rewinding back from 1957.

Doesn’t mean that we have to support that. But who am I to criticize? Mods are in the secular camp and soon @Irfan Baloch will arrive and say that alcohol is not a problem because rape or murder or something like that.

Minorities could respect the general sentiment in the population, right? Lemmie guess only Muslims in the West are obliged to do so!

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If we were to enforce a complete alcoholic ban, would that justify a niqab ban in the west?

General sentiments after all.
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Chinese liquor company gets license in Pakistan

March 29, 2021


ISLAMABAD: A Chinese company has got a licence in Pakistan to manufacture liquor here, according to sources. The company, Hui Coastal Brewery and Distillery Limited, was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on April 30, 2020, with the Hub (Balochistan) address.

The licence was issued by Excise, Taxation and Anti-Narcotics Department Balochistan. The company has been launched as a joint venture with Balochistan at the Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority.

With vast experience of manufacturing liquor in China, this will be the first Chinese company to establish its plant in Pakistan. The company is famous for producing world’s famous brands and it would introduce its two famous brands in Pakistan. The entire process, from manufacturing to packaging, would be carried out at its plant in Lasbela.

Lmao........Banana Republic. :D

Next up......Chinese Brothels...

Riasat e madina mey ye bhi hota hay? By the way many will be happy to get some variety, murree se tang agaye honge.

More like Subai-e-Cheen

Chinese liquid , same as western liquid are not always use for leisure drink. It is use in cooking too. It is to increase the favour of the dish. Small amount is encourage to use and is not enough to make you drunk.

No one drinks or uses alcohol in dishes in Pakistan, unless you're non-Muslim, a murtad or a harami.

This ain't China. :rolleyes:

رندوں کو چائنا سمجھا جائے :D

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achi hoti hai main ne pi hoi hai :partay: VAT1 se to achi hi hogi yaar

Mubarak Ho.

Next step.....Pakistani aur Chinese larkian in brothels...
On a side note, considering the fact that the company is going to setup in Balochistan, it's target population is going to be the Chinese engineers and workers who are in Gwadar to work on the CPEC projects.

I don't know how much of a population is that but it's something. Considering the fact how much Murree Brewery is already restricted in Pakistan, I don't think it was the right decision to give the Chinese company a license.

Murree Brewery is trying a lot to go International, like a lot, and they have serious potential too, easily an International brand capable of skyrocketing. So to give them immediate domestic competition over a new customer base, which potentially could be an important one considering Chinese do drink a fair bit, is kind of stupid at this point in time. It's not like Murree Brewery can expand anywhere else domestically with the laws that are in place.

In short:

We're just making it tougher for a pure Pakistani company to go International by curbing their already restricted domestic market, which I think is pure stupidity.
Firstly, under Islamic law, non-Muslims in an Islamic state have every right to produce, consume, and sell alcohol. A non-Muslim wants to produce alcohol to sell it to non-Muslims. What exactly is the issue with that?

The issue arent non-Muslims obviously but both of us know that most of the alcohol sold in Pakistan will not end up in non-Muslims stomach---who are much poorer and are exploited by Muslims (mostly elites) to gain access to alcohol and if caught---are thrown to police to bear the consequences (since selling to Muslim is a crime). There is a reason non-Muslims (esp Christian community) have lobbied to make alcohol illegal for them as well (so the poor peasants/low class workers arent exploited for the taste of Muslim overlords of theirs).

Just one example from 2017-18 (Christian community and their religious leadership has been asking for it since 2002-03 Mushi era)


So if you really cared about 'non-Muslims', you'd be suspicious of increased alcohol production in Pakistan but something tells me yours are crocodile tears :) (I dont know you much but in general, folks are happy at increased alcohol production/availability in Pakistan and just use "non-Muslim" rights as a cover to not outright say it)

Secondly, because they are Pakistani? I mean, what sort of an idiotic argument is that?

Lol, idiotic is your inability to understand simple facts of life (you know too, but just refuse to acknowledge). Pakistan isn't Iran or Turkey or Egypt etc. Pakistan is a state specifically founded on Islamic identity/Muslim nationalism (whatever you wanna call it). Take that out...and slowly the centrifugal forces disintegrate this rather 'unnatural' union.

Islam (identity) and military (institutional establishment) are two centers of gravity of Pakistan. Take these out, and there's hardly a 'Pakistan' remaining.

(Or if that's too "idiotic" for you, use Israel's example. Take IDF and Zionism/Jewish identity/Jewish homeland out of Israel...and it collapses on its own weight). US' center of gravity is neither its military nor its cultural/religious identity....cant say the same for Pakistan or Israel.
Even some hardcore islamic middle eastern countries serve liquor in hotels & resorts. What exactly is wrong in serving liquor to minorities and tourists!!

A) Those countries are dominated by tourists and non-Muslim presence (UAE, Qatar etc). Pakistan is different and more like KSA (demographically).

B) Pakistan already has some hotels and regulated places where foreigners can drink. Non-Muslims in general can drink regardless but they are poorer and can hardly afford a branded product (and are mostly exploited by Muslims to gain access to alcohol. Read above)
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Because it already exists. Existence itself has it's own logic. If you find out your parents did not want a you would you cease to exist? Would you go and put a bullit in your head?

Lol, human beings and nation-states arent the same, grandpa. Take away the founding core...the center of gravity...of any modern state and it crumbles away rather easily (esp a weak state like Pakistan).

So what is the reason why Tajiks in Afghanistan are cut off from Tajikistan? Or Uzbeks in Afghanistan cut off from Uzbekistan? Or Turkish Kurds cut off from Iraqi Kurds? Or Indian Tamils cut off from Sri Lankan Tamils? Or Azerbaijani Iranians from Azerbaijan? The list goes on, on and on. But you get the point. Hope!

Lol, all your examples are small and powerless minorities in a sea of dominant group (eg Azerbaijaanis in Iran, or Uzbeks in Afghanistan). Secondly, none of the above state was made in the name of Islam itself. Pashtuns and Punjabis are both dominant groups in this land....no one group absolutely ethnically dominate the other. So the example is a very bad one (but expected from the likes of you lol). As I said above in my last post, take away Pak Army and Islam from Pakistan and its center of gravity crumbles. Pakistan isn't US or UK....its more like Israel (Take IDF+Jewish identity/homeland/Zionism out and Israel crumbles on its own).

Anyways, Pakistan isn't becoming a secular state any time soon (or ever, Inshallah), so its useless to debate over it. Forget secular state, I doubt even the general ban on alcohol will be repealed in our life times...So secularists of Pak can continue to squeal like little puppies, keep berating Zia, or whatever the mood of the day is....the life goes on :)
Lmao........Banana Republic. :D

Next up......Chinese Brothels...

More like Subai-e-Cheen

No one drinks or uses alcohol in dishes in Pakistan, unless you're non-Muslim, a murtad or a harami.

This ain't China. :rolleyes:

Mubarak Ho.

Next step.....Pakistani aur Chinese larkian in brothels...
more then that i want to be open dance bars in pakistan :partay:

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