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Chinese liquor company gets licence in Pakistan

The issue arent non-Muslims obviously but both of us know that most of the alcohol sold in Pakistan will not end up in non-Muslims stomach---who are much poorer and are exploited by Muslims (mostly elites) to gain access to alcohol and if caught---are thrown to police to bear the consequences (since selling to Muslim is a crime).

That is correct. So?

There is a reason non-Muslims (esp Christian community) have lobbied to make alcohol illegal for them as well (so the poor peasants/low class workers arent exploited for the taste of Muslim overlords of theirs).

They have done no such thing. A handful of political gimmicks do not constitute "lobbying". No meaningful voice has ever come from the minorities with regards to this issue. If they want it then let them speak for it. You are not their voice.

Just one example from 2017-18 (Christian community and their religious leadership has been asking for it since 2002-03 Mushi era)

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You mean the two dozen people standing in that picture.....?

So if you really cared about 'non-Muslims', you'd be suspicious of increased alcohol production in Pakistan but something tells me yours are crocodile tears :) (I dont know you much but in general, folks are happy at increased alcohol production/availability in Pakistan and just use "non-Muslim" rights as a cover to not outright say it)

Well, my personal life and preferences have no baring on my arguments. I'd prefer if my arguments are answered instead of thinly veiled childish attempts at ad hominem. If you don't, it only shows the person you are.

Still, I'll tell you about myself to prove a point. Alcohol has never been unavailable around me. There is a fridge with a few bottles of beer and wine a few steps from my desk right now. Yet I've never tasted it. The government never had to stop my hand, the people around me never had to stop drinking for me, I never needed others to stop me from it. Because you see I am not an infant. And because I was brought up right, my parents did their job. I am not insecure about myself or my faith. I don't need to enforce restrictions on others' God given freedom to protect my flimsy faith.

The right to consume alcohol for a non-Muslim is a right protected under Islam. You don't get to take it away from them just because of your own misplaced insecurities and emotions.

Lol, idiotic is your inability to understand simple facts of life (you know too, but just refuse to acknowledge). Pakistan isn't Iran or Turkey or Egypt etc. Pakistan is a state specifically founded on Islamic identity/Muslim nationalism (whatever you wanna call it). Take that out...and slowly the centrifugal forces disintegrate this rather 'unnatural' union.

Nonsense. Pakistan was a state founded for the Muslims of The Subcontinent. It was not formed for the Muslims of South America. It's existence is as dependent on geography as the religion. It was formed so that they could live their lives according to their belief system not that they could force everyone to live in accordance with their belief system.

Now that it does exist, it needs no excuse to exist.

Islam (identity) and military (institutional establishment) are two centers of gravity of Pakistan. Take these out, and there's hardly a 'Pakistan' remaining.

Stop kidding yourself. There is no Islam in Pakistan. Our Musalmaniyat only raises its head to serve our emotional agendas. Very clear from the debate we're having.

(Or if that's too "idiotic" for you, use Israel's example. Take IDF and Zionism/Jewish identity/Jewish homeland out of Israel...and it collapses on its own weight). US' center of gravity is neither its military nor its cultural/religious identity....cant say the same for Pakistan or Israel.

Nonsense again. The Israeli claim on their land is based on their religion. A Pakistani does not need religion to claim his land. Pakistan's center of gravity is whatever its people choose it to be.

A) Those countries are dominated by tourists and non-Muslim presence (UAE, Qatar etc). Pakistan is different and more like KSA (demographically).

Pakistan is nothing like KSA....

B) Pakistan already has some hotels and regulated places where foreigners can drink. Non-Muslims in general can drink regardless but they are poorer and can hardly afford a branded product (and are mostly exploited by Muslims to gain access to alcohol. Read above)

So because Muslims botch it up for the Non-Muslims we should enforce more regulation on the Non-Muslims? Makes sense.....

You need to take your pick. 1) Do you want to ban alcohol on non-Muslims because it is Haram? Or 2) Do you want to ban alcohol because the non-Muslims want it banned?

1) You don't get to because Islam tells you that you cannot. If you still do then you are a hypocrite.

2) You don't get to because you don't get to speak on the non-Muslim's behalf. Step aside please, let them speak for themselves.

It has severe effects on your health and a ban would be in line with our cultural and religious values.

Please stop throwing nonsense around just because you feel like it.

1) In moderation, you'll be fine. The west does just fine with it.

2) Your cultural values cannot be enforced on non-Muslims according to whose cultural values it is perfectly fine to drink.

3) Your religion that you keep making an excuse of completely protects the non-Muslims' right to consume alcohol. Maybe first learn your religion yourself before enforcing it on others? If you don't then according to your religion you are a hypocrite.

Like Germany banned the Azan, France the veil and UK bigamy. Cause it doesn't fit there!

And you moaned and wailed for every single one of those instances.

But lemmie guess Pakistan should be "better than that", right?

Yes obviously. Your excuse is analogous to "Hey, that man has excrement smeared on his face so I can have it too".

Nobody cares about our random rules to appease our minorities.

Again, these "random rules" are what your religion and common sense tell you to do. They are there to protect the minorities' rights. Removing them would be to appease the extremely uneducated majority's religious sentiments which are actually against the very religion and on a matter which has nothing to do with them.

Pakistan needs economic and military power. Not these PR stunts.

Then get to it. Stop trying to meddle in what you have no right to.

I know there are Fatwas out there forbidding overeating, but this is not the concern of the state. Everything is toxic if you overdose it. But alcohol is haram regardless of the dose!

Alcohol is haram for you not the non-Muslims. And last time I checked it was banned for you.

Being against something that is haram should be enough explanation for the believers.

Yeah, for the believers. Leave the non-believers out of your beliefs. Pretty stupid to advise otherwise.

It's a societal statement and would reflect our values.

Values of bigotry, conceit, oppression, and using Islam to enforce un-Islamic laws? No thanks.

But we are too weak and too coward to actually have pride in our Muslim identity.

We have no Muslim identity. Had you had it, you would have known how strongly Islam protects these rights of the non-Muslims. Yours are personal self-serving emotions disguised as religious fervor.

What would the 3 Hindus of Pakistan think, will Justin Trudeau still sent Ramadan greetings when we totally ban alcohol? And whatabout the Queen of England?

I'd be more concerned with what the Prophet (S.A.W) has said on the matter of the non-Muslims' rights, given that you are such a mujahid in Islam's cause.

Typical whataboutism. So its like saying that murder also happens so we should bother about thefts and robberies. No one stopped you from raising your voice against any harmful things (if they actually are) you mentioned in your post. And relogious discussion is not allowed on pdf so plz refrain from it.

Please first educate yourself on what "whataboutsim" is before accusing others of it. Just because you heard it somewhere and it sounded cool to you does not mean that you start throwing it around willy nilly.

My argument was very clear. "Your excuse that you want to blanket ban alcohol for 'health reasons' is a lie because you have no intentions or demands to ban substances which are far worse". Also that, "your demand to ban alcohol comes from your religious sentiments not any supposed health concerns for the minorities".

ps: This is not a religious discussion. Please educate yourself on that as well.
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Not literally, but more cousins than the average Pakistani :D (70+ first cousins).

Still. Furtile. Mashallah.

Please. Don't give me that. I am not mentally disabled and know what this means


Saying that these hard-working brothers and sisters don't deserve a voice in Pakistani politics or internal discussions or are only allowed to speak when they have the same opinion like those alcohol or prostitution advocators, this is my problem.

No one denying you your rights. You deserve a say in matters related to Pakistan. But so do others. He was also using his freedom of speech.

I was harsh, but this was just a reaction.

Thank you

I agree. Ahmads didn't intend to make Pakistan a better place by helping his cousin. But foreign exchange has a positive effect on Pakistan as a whole

A secondary benefit that is not intentional. The intention here is to help Ali, not Pakistan. But the fact that Ahmad still go with the transaction and the fact that Pakistan (being a facilitator) may also take some benefit out of this transaction and still he go with it is appreciated. But Ahmad should also try to not hurt sentiments of those that were not even concerned and may not be directly effected from this transaction.

Thank you for your times and my best regards.
If you guys are fretting over this, how are you going to feel when there are thousands of hotels and resorts and millions of tourists visiting everyday when Pakistan kicks into gear?

There has to be give and take and maturity about things, we are not Brunei or Saudi, this is a multi ethnic, multi religion, multi everything country. This is a civilization not a despots playground.

Look at Dubai, how many of our girls have been smuggled over there for their fun? So many all the time. Its happening all the damn time but no one does anything or say anything because your mind has been designed to look the other way. They keep us poor and take advantage of us.

In order to stop this we must get stinking filthy rich and for that to happen we have to become a global player. If you can't cope with then move to Afghanistan because its time gentlemen its time.
Quite strange ...I don't understand..are u simply saying majority is right ? Even if they are doing something clearly prohibit....or you are making fun of something here ?
Read my dear sir for I have written with clarity.
You are however free to deduce your own conclusions.
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If you guys are fretting over this, how are you going to feel when there are thousands of hotels and resorts and millions of tourists visiting everyday when Pakistan kicks into gear?

There has to be give and take and maturity about things, we are not Brunei or Saudi, this is a multi ethnic, multi religion, multi everything country. This is a civilization not a despots playground.

Look at Dubai, how many of our girls have been smuggled over there for their fun? So many all the time. Its happening all the damn time but no one does anything or say anything because your mind has been designed to look the other way. They keep us poor and take advantage of us.

In order to stop this we must get stinking filthy rich and for that to happen we have to become a global player. If you can't cope with then move to Afghanistan because its time gentlemen its time.
this nation is still 200 years behind


It would depend on the reason behind the ban. Let's not kid ourselves that your and everyone else's demand here to ban alcohol stems from "health concerns". If we leave the religious aspect aside, there are equally if not more unhealthy substances out there which are halal. You have no qualms with them. Are you also demanding that the government also ban processed food? Carbonated drinks? Fast food? Tobacco? Obviously not. Your entire issue with it comes from it being haram in Islam and your excuse is a lie.

So, no. You don't get to ban it for non-Muslims. All this after the fact that it is already banned for Muslims. Who are you to ban it for them? How is it any of your business?

Yes, actually.

Processed food, soft drinks etc are okay because you can consume them and drive. Can you drink and drive? I dont smoke tobacco, but even that is non intoxicating.

Problem I have is alcohol industry is promoting a myth of that drinking equals fun. There are many social problems in Pakistan, alcohol wont solve like domestic violence, sexual abuse etc, it will most likely make worse. Alcohol is just a substance, that brings out the worst in people.

Lastly if people drank one or two pints then I would be fine with that, hbut people dont. Hospitals in uk, before coronavirus, were full of injuries related to excess alcohol consumption on Friday and Saturday.
Processed food, soft drinks etc are okay because you can consume them and drive. Can you drink and drive? I dont smoke tobacco, but even that is non intoxicating.

Will you be allowed to drink and drive? Every single country where alcohol consumption is allowed prohibits driving under the influence. You stop the driving not the consumption. Also, the tobacco and processed foods examples were given in response to a member claiming that he wanted to ban alcohol due to its adverse effects on health alone. I don't mind debating the issues around intoxicants as well, if you'd like to.

A bit tangential but I've been frustrated against this Pakistani mindset for years. Someone uploaded a blasphemous video on Youtube? Ban the entire site! Someone posted something on Facebook? Ban the entire platform! People are using dangerous Kite String? Ban the entire festival! Who made them judges? I'm surprised we haven't banned all books after Rushdie's.

Problem I have is alcohol industry is promoting a myth of that drinking equals fun.

For many it is, that's why they do it. Their choice, their preference. I've never felt the appeal of it.

There are many social problems in Pakistan, alcohol wont solve like domestic violence, sexual abuse etc, it will most likely make worse. Alcohol is just a substance, that brings out the worst in people.

Alcohol won't solve any problems, ever. In my personal opinion, it is an idiotic substance to consume. My entire argument is that you and I cannot force our beliefs and sentiments on others whose right to consume alcohol is protected under Islam, common sense, and the constitution.

Lastly if people drank one or two pints then I would be fine with that, hbut people dont. Hospitals in uk, before coronavirus, were full of injuries related to excess alcohol consumption on Friday and Saturday.

I don't mind that either. If someone wants to wreck their own life then hey, I have no say in the matter. As long as their consumption does not directly effect any third person, I don't care. If it does, then they pay for it. That said, I don't see this being a major problem in Pakistan, given the limited number of non-Muslims we have.
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My argument was very clear. "Your excuse that you want to blanket ban alcohol for 'health reasons' is a lie because you have no intentions or demands to ban substances which are far worse". Also that, "your demand to ban alcohol comes from your religious sentiments not any supposed health concerns for the minorities".
Show me any of my post where I have said not to ban anything equal to or more harmful than alcohol before calling me a liar.
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Show me any of my post where I have said not to ban anything equal to or more harmful than alcohol before calling me a liar.

Lol. The proof that you don't demand the banning of these other substances is the lack of your demand. Not some post demanding that they not be banned. Do you randomly go around posting about things that should not be banned? You have not demanded their ban, anywhere. If you have, show me. Or say it right here that you demand that fried chicken, red meat, pizzas, pastries, cake, tobacco, processed sugar, and soft drinks be banned in the country. Your stance and statements are disingenuous, and transparently so.

For the rest, take it to HQ, instead of begging for attention here.
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this nation is still 200 years behind

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Is this a joke or did this really happen?

LOL. Do I need to know their political affiliation? I think I already know :agree:
Problem I have is alcohol industry is promoting a myth of that drinking equals fun. There are many social problems in Pakistan, alcohol wont solve like domestic violence, sexual abuse etc, it will most likely make worse. Alcohol is just a substance, that brings out the worst in people.
Lets ban smoking as well. Oh and those stupid prime time dramas.

We can all agree on banning Tiktok though. That shit needs to be killed with fire.
Chinese liquor company gets license in Pakistan

March 29, 2021


ISLAMABAD: A Chinese company has got a licence in Pakistan to manufacture liquor here, according to sources. The company, Hui Coastal Brewery and Distillery Limited, was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) on April 30, 2020, with the Hub (Balochistan) address.

The licence was issued by Excise, Taxation and Anti-Narcotics Department Balochistan. The company has been launched as a joint venture with Balochistan at the Lasbela Industrial Estate Development Authority.

With vast experience of manufacturing liquor in China, this will be the first Chinese company to establish its plant in Pakistan. The company is famous for producing world’s famous brands and it would introduce its two famous brands in Pakistan. The entire process, from manufacturing to packaging, would be carried out at its plant in Lasbela.

I'm fine with regular wine but liquor should be banned
Lol. The proof that you don't demand the banning of these other substances is the lack of your demand. Not some post demanding that they not be banned. Do you randomly go around posting about things that should not be banned? You have not demanded their ban, anywhere. If you have, show me. Or say it right here that you demand that fried chicken, red meat, pizzas, pastries, cake, tobacco, processed sugar, and soft drinks be banned in the country. Your stance and statements are disingenuous, and transparently so.

For the rest, take it to HQ, instead of begging for attention here.
Wow, What a retarded logic. I have not posted regarding so many crimes as well, does that mean that I do not have problem or have supported those crimes?
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